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Anonymous 11780

Thoughts on troons?

Anonymous 11781

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Why are troons hated so much here

Anonymous 11782

i hate them

Anonymous 11785

shii I lowkey avoided crystal.cake cause I thought it was infested with trannies

Anonymous 11786

It is. They just pretend to be biological women and hate troons to fit in

Anonymous 11787

Trannies are mentally ill attention whores fixated on their genitalia. I’m glad most of them kill themselves because how can you be so deluded that obtaining your fixation would somehow fix all of your self loathing?

Anonymous 11791

I like drag queens. They're not invasive, they understand boundaries. When they break them, other drag queens will call them out.

Troons don't understand boundaries, break them constantly, and justify it emotionally, call everyone genocidal for their own suicides, mob up and treat "beating women at swimming" like a human right while fighting to put porn in schools that are too inappropriate to read to the boards… Because their feelings matter over everyone else, while literally being the most delusional fucking psychos shitting butt babies and getting pussy maggots and asking women to donate their actual uterus so they can play pretend harder. It's worse than watching a scat fetish epidemic. That's how I feel.

Anonymous 11809

What even is trans? It used to mean transsexual as in homosexual men wanting to increase their sex appeal to attract men so they would dress and act as feminine as possible. Now, any pervert, pedophile, and predator can just claim to be a woman to go see naked women (or worse girls) in restrooms, locker rooms, spas, prisons, shelters (for rape and abuse survivors) AND cheat in sportsball. They're still attracted to women and never actually cut off their cock and balls. So what even is the whole point of being trans? Is it some sort of porn addiction?

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