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Plastic surgery Anonymous 19802[Reply]

Has anyone here underwent it? Im saving money for rhinoplasty
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Anonymous 19822

Nobody is trying to convince you nona we can believe different things. OP asked about people who had plastic surgery, not people who do face yoga kek

Anonymous 19823

I'm only expressing my amazement. It is very foreign to me, not good, not bad, just foreign.

Anonymous 19824

anastasiabeautyfascia has a youtube playlist on nose massage techniques

i don't know about the fracture, maybe ask her on social media or ask another professional about it before you do anything

Anonymous 19826


Muh nose sucks

Anonymous 19835

Don't jump down my throat, but I'm against cosmetic plastic surgery in general because I don't think women should have to go under the knife just to feel good about themselves. Look at all the ugly wretched men out there who don't feel an iota of shame about how they look, then look at the women next to them who look fine but hate themselves for some reason. For example, >>19826 , there's nothing wrong here. I don't know what mirrors you're looking into.

Ask yourselves:
>Who is making me feel bad about how I look?
>Would I be as harsh on one of my friends with similar features?
>Where do I stop? What features? What age?
>Why do plastic surgery results seem to end up looking just one way? As in, why don't you see rhinoplasties offering wider noses, or ones offering to emphasize a dorsal hump?

I'm not controlling or shaming anyone, I just think you all have worth far beyond what you look like. And you can spend that money on a fun vacation or an awesome hobby instead.


Self/fake tan Anonymous 19928[Reply]

For those of you that self tan; whats your favorite product and why?

Anonymous 19934

I no longer fake tan but when I did, the only brand that worked for me was MineTan because they were the only brand that sold cool toned self tanners for very pale skin that stayed quite light. I'm very pale and cool toned naturally and everything else, no matter how good the quality and non-orange, still looked unnatural on me. Maybe cool toned tanners are more common now idk.


Skincare General Anonymous 431[Reply]

Post your skincare questions, routines, recommendations, rants, raves, product recs, etc.

I'll start with my routine that's finally working for me:

Thayer's unscented witch hazel (as a toner)
COSRX Oil-Free Ultra Moisturizing Lotion
CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion

Pond's cold cream cleanser
Thayer's witch hazel toner
Cosrx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid (leave on for 15 minutes)
Oil cleanse with mineral oil
Remove with Pond's cold cream cleanser
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Anonymous 19754

why? It's perfectly safe at the right quantity

Anonymous 19777


This shit is super light, and the ingredients are quite simple. I highly recommend it if you have sensitive skin and have reacted to avebenzone poorly before.

Anonymous 19904

How many times a day do you wash your face? When I was a teen with super oily skin and acne I used to wash it 3 times: after wakin up, before lunch and before bed. Now My skin texture is different but I still feel the need to wash it and apply moisturizer 2-3 times because it looks like shit if it's not fresh clean.

Anonymous 19921

Three times a day seems excessive. I wash my face once a day (at night in the shower).

Anonymous 19922

My skin is still oily and I'm past the age of 25. I wash my face twice a day, in the morning and before I go to bed


Sustainable beauty products Anonymous 18986[Reply]

Does anyone here use zero/ low waste/ natural products? Eh shampoo, deodorant, makeup products. What has been your experience? What would you recommend/ avoid and why?

Anonymous 18987


op here, just bought the Wild deodorant that comes with a case and 3 different scents, will post a review once it arrives. Pretty expensive but i got a discount code that gives 50% off, let me know if you want me to post it.

Anonymous 18991

I use bar shampoo. It's okay? It takes some getting used to and it's a little less convenient than bottled shampoo because it doesn't spread at easily, even if it lathers up between the hands. I also tried a crystal deodorant stick, hated it. It only applies on wet skin so I brought it with me in the bathroom to apply after showering but I kept dropping it on the bathroom floor so it eventually broke. So I'm back to regular deo. I don't use low/zero waste make-up, I buy little make-up and use everything up so I feel like I don't have to go low/zero waste on top of that honestly.

Anonymous 19902


Yes! I've been using this brand of deodorant and I'm pretty happy about the format (cardboard tube) and the efficiency of the product. I want to try the coconut one. I've also been using solid shampoo for over 2 years and I'm also satisfyed with the results because my hair stays clean for 4-5 days, also I never forget to do the ACV rinse, which is a cheaper and more enviromentally friendly option than conventional synthetic hair masks. If my hair needs a bit more of softness I use olive oil, which my family buys in gallons, so it's another aspect where I reduce packaging waste. When it comes to face care I've been switching between conventional face cleaners in mousse/cream format and solid ones. I'm currently expecting to recieve a couple of organic solid soaps from the brand Clémence & Vivien, one from the baby line and one with active carbon, they look promising. As for makeup I barely have any but it's mostly lip pencils and eye pencils, another format that reduces the use of plastic. I have a lipbalm with the same format of the deodorant I posted and it's very practical as well. Instead of buying hand cream I put a bit of body lotion in a tiny metal box that actually contained handcream that I finished off and mixe it with rosehip oil to make it more nutritive. Solid non-perfume hand soap is something I buy constantly because I have pets at home and I wash my hands constantly, I recommend the Carrefour Bio one, it's cheap, decent and doesn't aggravate my seasonal dermatitis. I feel like such a granny talking about all of this but I actually enjoy looking at soaps and stuff.

kyua moonrightoh.j…

How do I make my chest grow? Anonymous 19456[Reply]

Yes, I know, we're only obssesed about our chest size because of men running society, and backpain, and all that, I get it, I do.
But you gals don't understand what's it like to be flatter than an A cup
Please don't suggest implants, nothing that requires surgery please
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Anonymous 19625

Gaining weight is the easiest but I’ve also heard doing weight training that targets the chest and pecs makes the breasts perkier which might help. You might also hit a second/final growth spurt randomly as you pass through young adulthood. I’m almost 30 and in the last year or so my breasts look larger (this might also be due to weight loss in my midsection which accentuates everything else, idk)

Also look into fenugreek supplements

Anonymous 19747

get pregnant. Thats what breasts were made for.

Anonymous 19749

>Mom why did you have me?
>I wanted bigger tits

Anonymous 19753

unironically: spironolactone. you can get it prescribed for hormonal acne or buy it online
it made my boobs grow 4 cups BUT i have pcos and the women in my family already have big boobs. my daily dose is 200mg

Anonymous 19813

there is no healthy way to do it that doesnt create a crisis in your life. You need to get an acute hormonal imbalance. Your options are:
get fatter
get on birth control
get pregnant
get pcos

honestly its just a better play to get a bigger ass, you can do that just by exercising and it does kinda the same thing


Pubic hair Anonymous 3508[Reply]

Do you shave everything, trim it? Have you gotten laser?

I want to keep my vagina as smooth as possible but that's not easy with a razor
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Anonymous 19312


I have a boyshort style bikini set that I got for that reason, but the legs roll up anyway. If I need to hide it, I shave and apply anti-inflammatory stuff like witch hazel or tea tree cream.

Anonymous 19361

How do yall get a smooth cooch with nair? I tried it once but it only removed some of my hair. I ended up going in with a razor after to get rid of some patches. But then it ended up burning like hell.

Anonymous 19621

can i get a laser removal of just the hair on my labia? it's really annoying and uncomfortable but i don't want to be fully bald, i'd rather keep some on top. will i get weird looks if i ask for that?

Anonymous 19799

I epilate it. All of it.

After the first 2 times it doesn’t feel as excruciating and it lasts a long time, is not messy like waxing, I get no ingrowns or keratosis pilaris, and save for some redness a few minutes after, my kitty looks baby smooth.

Also, after doing it for all these years, it damaged the follicles enough that it grows very sparse now. Even if I let it grow, it still looks bald unless you get really close to it.

If you can stand pain, that’s the best choice imo.

Anonymous 19809

putting an epilator on your cooch is insane.


Color analysis Anonymous 19661[Reply]

>Color analysis (American English; colour analysis in Commonwealth English), also known as personal color analysis (PCA), seasonal color analysis, or skin-tone matching, is a term often used within the cosmetics and fashion industry to describe a method of determining the colors of clothing, makeup, hair style that harmonizes with a person's skin complexion, eye color, and hair color for use in wardrobe planning and style consulting.[1] It is generally agreed that the wrong colors will draw attention to such flaws as wrinkles or uneven skin tone while harmonious colors will enhance the natural beauty of the individual making them appear healthy, brighter, and possible more attractive or put-together.

General thread for color analysis discussion, ask for/share advice, color palettes, etc.
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Anonymous 19707


Yeah I kept saying videos about it on my fyp and YouTube shorts and tbh I think it's placebo effects or just something that limits your creativity.. also are those places wayyyy too expensive for the services they offer, even consider they lay out a bunch of colored towels on your shoulders in front of a mirror and talk you into picking a side. I've seen the results of some of these and I was just left utterly shocked.
Yeah, maybe some people look better in certain tones and colors but it certainly doesn't apply to the majority of us. It feels like such a scam

Anonymous 19713

I remember this from the 90s/00s. It's just another rehashed trend

Anonymous 19715

light blue eyes, white with olive undertones, brown eyebrows with darker brown hair, streaks of blonde due to dye fading.. i have the blobfish phenotype

Anonymous 19791


Honestly, shit borders on astrology. But it has some merits: I had never really wondered what color suited me best, I just used to pick whatever I liked.

Anonymous 19792


tiktok lady.png

Face yoga Anonymous 19574[Reply]

Do you think face yoga is legit? does anyone here have experience doing face exercises?
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Anonymous 19577

probably. i think that just being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better

Anonymous 19581

This is photoshop, make-up, lighting and plastic surgery.
>being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better
Apparently, lifting (strength training) specifically does that.

Anonymous 19596

I am doing guasha and girl, I see the result! My jawline is more defined. I’ve been doing that since this summer!! It also help with your facial muscle! Do it!!

Anonymous 19619

>maybe if I look in the mirror and make funny faces for 15 minutes every morning, I'll change my facial bone structure
nona, no… that's not how genetics works. the closest you'll ever get to actually changing the shape of your bones without the use of plastic surgery is several years of weightlifting and adherence to a diet that is conducive to testosterone production. i'm not saying "take troonpills", but rather, "eat lots of red meat and dairy and work out 3x a week".

Anonymous 19779


You mean using a gua sha ?


How to train a gorilla grip pussy? Anonymous 19560[Reply]

Or how to strengthen kegels basically. I can do a ton in rapid succession, but I have problems holding them for a long time. Any of you ladies have experience in gorilla grippage? I want an iron will pussy. I want my pussy to be as jacked and muscular as picrel. I've been reading up on strapless strapons and seen that they only really stay on well if your grip is in the top %s, so I want to live up to that for my future girl. Thanks.
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Anonymous 19563

How do I get abs like that without leaving my bed?

Anonymous 19564


Fucking keeek.

Try heavier kegels maybe? Different positions?

Anonymous 19565

Get better at painting :)

Anonymous 19623


Anonymous 19624

doing too much kegels might make it painful to insert things inside btw, everything is good in moderation


Anonymous 19584[Reply]

How to look more feminine naturally? Other girls seem to look so effortlessly feminine and elegant. I feel like orge next to them so any tips? Any time I put dress I feel too masculine in it. Idk how to explain. Thank you for help.
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Anonymous 19616

Sad. I used to be like that, even skipped breakfast to have enough time to do my makeup. I'm so glad I got out of that phase and am fine with just mascara now. Hope you can find peace with yourself too.

Anonymous 19617

its not sad. i enjoy taking the time to do these things becuz in a way its self care for me. but im glad you stopped. whatever makes you happy, nona :]

Anonymous 19659

Seriously this. Like, sure, there’s the odd lucky snowflake who looks stunning with or without makeup. But for the rest of the world, it takes time and effort. Maybe not daily routines, but keeping groomed eyebrows, healthy hair, nice skin, etc etc takes some dedication and upkeep - unless you’re one of those rare always beautiful types OR so far gone that no amount of grooming can save you, but that’s doubtful.

That said, throwing on some mascara and necklace can go a long way.

Anonymous 19708

What seems effortless may as well be layers of foundation and so called "natural" make-up. I read an article recently about this phenomenon
Essentially, it's another evolution of patriarchal capitalism and that knowledge doesn't stop me from falling victim to it or feeling really bad about not fitting the quota.

Anonymous 19760

Funny that you mention patriarchy and capitalism, since they add extra layers to "feminity" that you have to worry about. Also, many are contradictory. The ideal woman for capitalism is one who is constantly "improving" herself, while the ideal woman for moids is a bro-like creature they can fuck

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