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scars Anonymous 19908[Reply]

nonas with cutting scars, how do you deal with them?
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Anonymous 20145

>attracts scum like self harm/ed fetishists
Ew, did you experience that irl? How do they even disclose that shit to someone?

Anonymous 20146

Lots of older women think mine are cat scratches. I just tend to cover them up with long sleeves in profesional settings as long as the building I work in isn't very hot to avoid any dodgy questions. Some of my coworkers at my old job knew I did it. The only problem is that now I have some pretty distinct scars that are words/numbers so if they don't heal well I'll feel obliged to tattoo them or hide them not wanting to explain them away. Very nervous because I'm going to a job seeker meet up soon and I definitely want to cover up my scars as if not to come across badly. I already look young for my age and present pretty "immature" for a woman in her 20s, the last thing I need is my scars further degrading me in front of a bunch of professionals, so under that circumstance I'm gonna hide them for at least a few weeks

Anonymous 20149

moisturize daily. massage. get some silicone strips. do it asap (once they’ve stopped scanning obviously). i have one in a shape and HATE IT.

Anonymous 20150

scabbing, not scanning.

Anonymous 20152

i carved them in December / early January it might be too late since they've been scabbed and healed over for some time

mine is just an angel number and a few letters (INVU) so it's not like it's anything that couldn't get tatted over. just embarrassing


Small Breasts Thread Anonymous 3427[Reply]

Let's discuss our thoughts on our small breasts and offer solutions and bra recommendations. Please, no derailing with people saying how we have it "easy" or anything like that.

>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>Do you believe breast augmentation is alright?
>Do you prefer going braless?
>What are your favorite types of bras, if you wear bras?
>Do you care about having cleavage or not?
>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
>What are your favorite aspects of having small breasts?
>What's your favorite breast type visually?
>Any other advice for other small-breasted ladies, stories related to your small breasts, etc.
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Anonymous 19362

what size were you before? what was healing like? did they remove the lymph nodes completely - and if so do you get sick more/have less immunity ?

Anonymous 19363


A little bit over a 4” difference for a D cup, so sorta a d-cup. 30D is the last pair i bought a couple years back, and i might have it sitting somewhere in a drawer.

For the healing process, this was a time where I was practically living in the hospital. I had lung surgery frequently, and so recovery was long and extended. Only until 2021 have I really been in full recovery since my lung transplant.
But recovery and healing from the mastectomy almost went unnoticed in comparison to much worse medical issues.
For the immunity part, with a total simple mastectomy they simply remove breast tissue and the surrounding outside skin, making sure to leave the lymph nodes intact. If i remember right, they didn’t remove either of the nodes.

In my very unprofessional opinion, they simply removed my breast out of frustration with dealing with them for my surgeries, but the medical anomaly could have been fully real. But to me, they simply chopped me however they liked under the knife.

Anonymous 19448

I love my small breasts and I hope they never get bigger. Sucks that so many buy into the moid propaganda and feel bad about it for no reason.

Anonymous 19482


nonas my breasts are a joke. i have A-AA cups despite being on the cusp of normal and overweight bmi. my breasts have a horribly ugly shape. they are flat on top and dont have my fat on the underside either, all the fat seems to be on the side of them, yet i have no cleavage. the worst part about them is the nipples. my areolas are puffy and stick out when my nipples arent hard, and theyre also fucking huge compared to the rest of the breast.

theyre ugly in crop tops if its a tight one and i have no bra, cuz theyll look like waffle cones from the side, and theyre ugly with no shirt on, because i have a horrible shape and theyre small for my body.

the ONLY time they look semi presentable is when im cold, and the all the skin on my breast tightens. they look rounder and the areola shrinks SIGNIFICANTLY like to a normal size, but then my tits go back to the same relaxed fugly shape. im doomed

Anonymous 20151


>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?
It has made everything better. No sexualizing from outsiders (well.. as little as possible as a woman), I can jump and run without having to think/prepare, and I love being flat. I got made fun of a little for being so flat in highschool, but I’m so grateful for it I don’t mind. Probably helps I had a mom who hyped me up throughout my childhood.
>Do you believe breast augmentation is alright?
Meh, I advise against it. It’s a waste of time and money you could spend on trying to learn to like yourself. Easier said than done, of course. My mom was Acup and got doubleDs after breast cancer took her breasts, which I mean… eh.. I just don’t understand the logic behind a breast augmentation.
>Do you prefer going braless?
yep. no bras fit me except training ones…
>Do you care about having cleavage or not?
no. i like to show off my chest/collarbone area more than cleavage.
>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
jump up and down without worry
>What's your favorite breast type visually?
B/small C. a little to grab and look at, but not too big.


Ideal Body Type thread? Anonymous 1672[Reply]

What's your ideal body type, anons?

Are you into being thin, or curvy, or maybe fit? Were you born a cone shape but long to be a pear? Or maybe you're a banana but would rather be an hourglass?

I'd like to hear your opinions and what you're doing to get there!
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Anonymous 18696

I relate to this heavily. I've started to really get into the nitty gritty of what I find desirous in the women whose bodies/faces I aspire to be like and I realize half the time it isn't really the body I want, but maybe the physical strength of the muscular women (which I can achieve in some sense with the right habits) or the fashion sense which fits the body/complexion/etc. of that particular woman in good lighting/the right angle/etc., or a generally attractive face which makes the body seem even more beautiful. I'm learning I just need to work with what I have, because that appears to be what works best for other women, especially the ones which trigger insecurity or yearning.

Anonymous 20127

Like, ideally ideally? Literal Jessica Rabbit.

More realistically, hourglass figures hohoHO I AM ORIGINAL

Anonymous 20131

The fashion model type, their height + (generally) small frame + thinness + fitness is ideal imo.

Anonymous 20140

She probably works out and eats a lot.
I have a friend that looks like this. She's very conscious about her diet and constantly works out. I don't think that flat stomachs are something people are born with.

am i retarded for wanting to look like that? I just wanna be a masc stud… but I don't wanna take steroids…

Anonymous 20147

Wishing my breasts were bigger. They were when I was younger and I resented them, but then I went through my ED years, lost them, never came back. I have one of those hybrid rectangular hourglass bodies that's a cross between looking shapely and yet still too shapeless. My waist isn't ill defined but I carry a lot of weight in my stomach despite having a small ish torso. I wish I could put some of the weight from my thighs, tummy and fat fucking ass into my breasts instead.


Psychiatric medication Anonymous 18794[Reply]

ITT we talk about psychiatric medication.
>Do you take any? Which ones?
>When did you start?
>Are you diagnosed with anything?
>Which ones have you tried? Did they work?

Anti psychiatry posts and negative experiences with psychiatric medication are welcome.
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Anonymous 20116

ayrt I haven't gained a ton of weight on latuda if any, the only thing is I'm still adjusting to the way it tired me out when I take it and some of the sleep interruptions, idk what support drug if any id want to add since buspirone no longer works for me and gave me immense stomach issues so I'll just have to see how I function on this for a few months. my body is sick and tired and worn of having been on four diff meds before this so I want it to work

Anonymous 20126


Last year, I've been forcibly hospitalized in the most infamous facility in my country. I called cops on my parents for verbal and physical assault and although I've had visible wounds and bruises, my parents spun the story by pulling out my past psychiatric records from when i'd been treated for anorexia and depression. In spite of evidence, the cops took me to that awful place. Spent one night in the intensive care unit, taking huge shots of haldol and valium every three hours. Next day they transfered me to one of the female units. Put me on combo of zyprexa and abilify, which i would always sipt out. After 2 weeks they drew my blood and there were no traces of meds there, so they switched my therapy and made me take meds under supervision. Now i was taking haldol and seroquel but i managed to combat side effects by drinking 7 l of water daily . However my doctor wasn't satisfied because my "mind was still working fast". That's why she finally switched me to clozapine, thorazine and 2,5 mg of Lorazepam. That combo of meds almost killed me, so she switched me back to haldol and seroquel. When she could legally hold me there no more, I was discharged with therapy of 300mg of seroquel in morning and evening, 50 mg of lamictal in morning and evening and 2,5 mg of lorazepam in the afternoon and evening.
I was there for 47 days starting on july 7th last year. None of women staying there were mentally ill, most of them were put there by their family over custody battles, interitance or their family was trying to put them in conservatorship, Britney Spears style. Women who actually had some issues there were only intelectually disabled, nothing else, but they were deemed too unstable for this insitiution so they were sent to prison hospitals. I even met a professor from my university there. She was in an abusive relationship and seeking help in another facility. During the check-up her father started victim-blaming her and she slapped him,so they immediately sent her here. What's worst, she was told her academic accomplishments were due to mania, which she clearly doesn't have. I made very good friends with her, we even made out in the toilet once.
Two days ago I decided to quit seroquel because it made me go from outstanding student to average, made me starve myself in order to maintain my weight and also caused incontence and heart disease. So far, the only withdrawal symptoms are headache, insomnia, nausea and vomiting everything i eat. Went to get mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 20137


>Do you take any? Which ones?
I'm on lexapro, with gabapentin to take as needed

>When did you start?

A little over a month ago. I unfortunately drove myself into a mental breakdown turned physical breakdown that was years in the making, but primarily agitated by housing insecurity on top of being a few months out from my first true heartbreak, from a relationship I now understand to have turned deeply abusive. When I went to the psychiatrist, I rolled up my arms which were covered in hives and explained the pains, problems with eating, issues with my heart and sudden panic and what I thought to be an episode of something like derealization brought on by my parents calling me in the midst of me chaining myself to studying. But I had exams and teachers kind enough to let me take them in their offices, so I had been holding myself together stumbling through life by drinking lots and lots of sleep aid tea, and occasionally day drinking when I didn't need to be functional.

>Are you diagnosed with anything?

I have no idea what's in my chart, probably some anxiety disorder. Maybe PTSD.

>Which ones have you tried? Did they work?

These are the only ones I've tried and I'm glad they work as well as they do, though I'm considering a higher dosage for lexapro. It silenced a number of constantly demeaning and demanding thoughts I can't even conceptualized now without feeling as though they are silly. I, for the first time in a long time, feel as though I deserve happiness instead of just knowing I do, and that intuitive path is carrying me forward. I feel like a whole person, not something less than a whole person who hates herself and the fact that she will inevitably make unhappy the real people, even if she will make them much happier than she ever could cause them worry. I am learning to do things without bullying myself into success, and I think I'm slowly but surely getting there.
My parents think gabapentin is the devil because of some bitch on the street who lost her teeth and trust her over me, the biotech student who has tried to explain to them multiple times that dry mouth can commonly happen with any pain medication, I don't take it regularly, and I don't trust the account of someone who likely abusesPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 20139

I called them after this post and we apologized to each other. Insecurity runs in the family, and putting our insecurities onto each other isn't healthy when it leads to creation of expectations even when we don't intend such to be, to defuse and prove wrong what is born by fear and anticipating danger that never comes. It was short because it's night and they're sleepy, but that was kind of nice because our defenses weren't up. I'm glad I did that.

Anonymous 20148

Fuck Seroquel. It makes you so fucking stupid while you're on it and it also royally fucked my digestive system. For whatever reason it took me years to digest fats without feeling like shit after taking it. Which really sucks cause I'm someone who likes adding butter to everything and had to cut back (it's also a cheat code for extra calories to maintain weight so I lost so much too).
I feel bad for saying this cause some people feel good on it but Seroquel to me feels like a medication purely designed to dumb you down into docility. When I was on it the doctor kept upping the dose until she deemed it working "successfully" against my OCD. All she did was up the dose until I was so dumb I practically didn't have an internal dialogue. So yeah, the ocd "deminished" cause all my thoughts had left the building. And I guess the stuff she deemed was psychosis disappeared too but not internally, I just wasn't able to really physically react to things but inside things hurt just the same anyways. It was just far away like a dream, but it's not that things overall became happier or better, it was just hard to connect with anything but I could tell I was still doing badly from what I was conscious of and that the only thing there to try connecting to was negative even if it was hard to do so. Hell, my docility wound up getting me into a horrible situation because I was totally unaware of the red flags around me and was unfortunately totally vulnerable to those around me who knew my condition. I was way too chill about horrible red flags and it's not like it made the right paths seem friendlier


Lifting Anonymous 13775[Reply]

Anyone here lifts weights? I'd love to have a lifting buddy
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Anonymous 20105

Its so easy to lose track of time in the gym i know the feel. have you considered doing supersets? its where you work an unrelated muscle group while recovering from a set of a different muscle group. I don't do it because i get too tired, but ive heard it helps busy people cut back on time spent in the gym

Anonymous 20133

I went to the gym for the first time today. I thought I was somewhat prepared because I had a plan but I just felt silly. My form was probably shit and I barely knew how to do the exercises or use the machines. I couldn’t even do some of the exercises that I wanted to because the machine were taken. I feel a little discouraged but I’m just going to persevere. I’m gonna go again tomorrow and get this right.

Anonymous 20134

>first time
You'll probably be really sore tomorrow, but I just wanted to post to tell you that level of soreness when you start from zero is normal and to not be alarmed. Keep it up!

Anonymous 20136

It's ok, Nona! That's how everyone's experience is when they first start going to the gym.
The more you go, the easier it gets.

I recommend bringing an experienced friend to help you with your form next time. You can also record your sets to see how you can improve your form.

Good luck, Nona! I'm proud of you. :)

Anonymous 20138

>Favorite and least favorite exercises?
I fucking hate lateral raises. I'm able to lify 30-40 pounds while doing any other exercise but as soon as I get to lateral raises, I have to grab some 15s. They always make me feel like I'm a weak ass bitch, but I'll get there one day.

>What's your workout routine?

-60 dumbbell russian twists
-60 alternating Knee tucks
-30 leg raises
-30 crunches
-60 second plank

-cable bent over bar pullovers
-cable chest press
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makeup general Anonymous 20112[Reply]

Post anything about makeup that doesn't deserve its own thread!

Anonymous 20114

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I have a very cool-toned face. I went out and bought some bright, warm lipstick and blush and the difference is amazing! I look so much better.

I'm also going for the no makeup makeup look so I got an eyebrow pencil that matches my haircolor petfectly. The powder is a bit too dark for my brows but it's perfect to use to blend out my eyeliner. I'm so happy!

I was going to get some concealer or foundation but I'm on the fence. I don't get acne very often, but my face has sone red areas (looks like rosacea, I've never been to a derm so I don't know if it is or isn't) and some discoloration. I don't really need/want to look poreless/filtered so I may just keep the look as it is and add a tinted sunscreen.

Anonymous 20115

i've never used makeup before and would probably look like a clown because of how bad i am

Anonymous 20117

If you're not interested I wouldn't bother. If you're interested look up tutorials and practice at home.

Anonymous 20132

>I have a very cool-toned face. I went out and bought some bright, warm lipstick and blush and the difference is amazing! I look so much better.
Shouldn't warm toned makeup clash with your cool toned skin (and hair/eyes presumably) and make it look worse?

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Short & Tall girls Anonymous 3018[Reply]

Which one are you?
Do you wish you could change your height?
Does it even matter that much when it comes to dating?
And for guys, do you have a preference?

Share, I'm curious.

I'm 155cm tall btw. And yes I do genuinely wish I was taller.
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Anonymous 20008

Tall (ish, 5'9) and it feels like a weird twilight zone where I'm a bit taller than most other women in the room but still struggle half the time to reach the top shelf. Built like creepy susie, basically a lanky stick at 32, 27, 33 but eh. I quit being self conscious about most of my features some time after I turned 21.

Anonymous 20017

I’m 4’9 my husband is 6’6. Usually the really tall ones like me. My first love was 5’0 though and he transitioned in our late 20s kek. I think I like really tall guys and really short guys. Average height just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t think I would change my height because of my height preference for men. I do wish I could find clothes that fit me and shoes in adult sizes. I do wish I could cook comfortably in the kitchen and not have to use a stool. I really hate washing dishes and loading and unloading laundry it’s such a physical task for me because I have to over exaggerate the movements due to height. Driving is also difficult I cannot see the road very well. Also no one my age treats me seriously because of my height. When I pick up my kid from elementary school at least half of the children there are my height or taller. They look at me funny. I do feel a bit like a freak.

Anonymous 20018

I think I'm 5'1 or somewhere around that. I once dated a scrote who made fun of my height. He is depressed/miserable now. So all good I guess.

Anonymous 20033

I'm around 163cm. I was always on the short side in school. Weirdly I never felt bad about it and even wanted to be shorter for a while. Now I'm right at the average height wete I live and it's nice.

Anonymous 20130

>This is my height
>btw also I'm so pretty
>btw also my ass and tits are huge
>btw also I'm a literal softcore porn model haha

This is a thread about height.


i want to be "curvy" Anonymous 18500[Reply]

can someone please tell me how the fuck to gain weight?
"just eat" isnt cutting it. are there any extra tips to get there faster?
i want to get fatter, not muscular btw, and i would rather do so without dying from mcdonalds and other grease
also i'm very slightly underweight and it's not like i'm some weirdo/ fat fetishist, just want to be and look better
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Anonymous 19126

Hey OP how do you be skinny and underweight ? I have reverse problem

For me, I am pretty curvy, like hourglass shape with some chub on my belly and a muffin top. I have always been like this so could be genetics. But I was taught to eat everything off my plate as a kid so I tend to overeat and eat large portions. I eat carbs and meat and veggies and fruit, not really anything bad like ice cream or chips but I do have it on special occasions. I don’t exercise, go for a walk occasionally

I’d like to be svelte and ballerina sized.

Anonymous 19485



when i was underweight, id eat one large meal in the middle of the day, and maybe half of a meal at dinner time. i dont recommend skipping breakfast but i didnt really eat it at the time.

Anonymous 19778

Buy a pint of ice cream and put it in the fridge overnight and then drink it in the morning

Anonymous 19803

idk what your issue with muscle is. building a little bit of muscle helps you gain weight and get curvy without getting sick from fast food. and muscle weighs more per volume so you can gain weight quicker. you're not going to look like a roidpig if you do a few squats and lunges.
hope this helps xx

Anonymous 20125

i get you nona i wanna gain weight too bc im scrawny asf and look like a kid lol. im failing bc im not rly putting in effort to gain weight and im too laaaazy to eat which is a problem lmao. anyways look for healthy high calorie foods, theres a lot of recipes on the internet! good luck!


What's everyone's go to jewelry? Anonymous 19769[Reply]

I've never really felt comfortable wearing jewellery in the past
I want to try it more often, but whenever I wear stuff with an outfit it seems like it doesn't fit
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Anonymous 19924

I want earrings that I can just leave in and not worry about. But I don't know what style I want.

Anonymous 20066

Just small hoop earrings and a nose ring

Anonymous 20079

I have a bunch of stuff but I really only wear the expensive jewelry my partner has given me on special occasions. I would rather never take it off than wear any of my other stuff bc im sentimental like tht

Anonymous 20086

Basic stud earrings when I wear earrings unless it's a nice occasion. Usually a sterling necklace with a switching selection of charms on it. I prefer silver to gold but I have a couple gold necklaces. Seldom wear old chunky bracelets that was passed down to me by my grandma or nana, those are beautiful but heavy. I've been blessed to own or have inherited nice jewelry and I feel like I often don't deserve it

Anonymous 20124

silver cross necklace or silver heart necklace i think its mary's heart or something idk but the back side has jesus and mary on it so i guess the silver part is also some christian symbol… for earring i always go with simple pearl ones they make me so cute and feminine! i used to overaccessorize but i figured it looked a bit tacky on me. but some cute dainty shiny jewelry is always great!


Skin whitening Anonymous 11271[Reply]

Is it possible to actually get pale with products? I see lots of korean beauty influencers getting really pale with creams and stuff but everytime I try them, nothing changes. I feel like nothing ever changes. Same for kojic acid soap. Never did anything! My skin is probably as dark as Salma Hayek. She is a really beautiful woman and I think all skintones can be attractive but me, personally, I don't wanna be dark. Everytime I use a filter that makes me lighter it makes 10x times prettier.
Anyone here tried any cream that worked for them?
(also no point in telling me to love myself blablabla, i do like myself i just wanna be paler it's the same as paler women wanting to get tan. nothing is wrong with it.)
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Anonymous 18751

okay but what's the point of skin whitening if the skin will always be covered

Anonymous 18764

Right now im using hidrógen peroxyde ( 30 volumes)to get my skin more light and it works , I have fair skin but for some reason my armpits and knees seem to be very dark ( compared to my skin tone) the faggot who cuts my hair told me he used hair bleach to clear all his skin and it really works but you can get hurt if you leave it in your skin more than 10 minutes ,I buy one of those boxes that they sell in the supermarket to bleach your hair at home , it was really cheap, anyway I mix the powder and the cream and I apply to my problem areas , wait 10 minutes and I rinse , after two times that I used it i can say my Skin is now all uniform and looks the same tone , be careful , and apply cream once you are finished , because the skin will be very dry, also put a little bit of the bleach in your arm before you do this ( sorry for the gramatical errors English it’s not my first lenguage

Anonymous 18789

Intravenous glutathione and vitamin C

Anonymous 18956

salma hayek isnt even that dark i hope you fail miserably at lightening your skin

Anonymous 20123

I have these awful dark spots in my feet because of friction. Hopefully this will help remove them
How many times you had to use it to notice any changes? And how frequently?

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