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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


do you people not realize this is a social dead-end? Anonymous 270203[Reply]

imageboard culture can be fun for shits and giggles, but I'm baffled as to how you can keep coming back to anonymized, de-geographized (de-placed) "communities" for solace and connection

maybe your trauma means you are scared to talk to other people, and that's fair enough, maybe we can never change that, but if it never changes you're just doomed

but at the the end of the day, I've been observing people who spend their free in places on the internet like this for years, and I detect a certain cowardice.

these online spaces are dooming the members, you're dooming large numbers of yourselves to isolation, misery and suicide.

Maybe it's just a game, a place where you let off steam and pretend to be someone you're not.

But in doing so, you rope in curious kids who believe in the (sometimes quite dark) fantasy. You go down the pipeline like we had with incels and their terror attacks a few years ago. At the end of the day, really lasting and fulfilling social connections can only be made with people you can see in front of you and touch.

It's a mental dungeon you risk creating here, is it worth it?
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Anonymous 270235

>reddit spacing
you have to go back

Anonymous 270312

Twitter used to be less of a dead end now thanks to Elon it's a scrote paradise laden with spam and misinformation

Anonymous 270322

please don't insult my dialect and be inclusive, thank you

Anonymous 270323

best answer right here. it’s not that deep.

Anonymous 270395

>I've been observing people who spend their free in places on the internet like this for years, and I detect a certain cowardice.

I'm curious as to why you think that.


Anonymous 270387[Reply]

is it okay if i’m here? i’m non-binary but afab

Anonymous 270388

There is no shame in being woman. Accept your womanhood

Anonymous 270389

i’m aware, just not very comfortable being a woman lmao

Anonymous 270392

jesus okay

Anonymous 270393

Disregard that, it's just a spaz shitting up the board.

Why do you hate women so much that you don't want to call yourself one?

Anonymous 270394

yes its okay nona, ur welcome here and i kind of understand you. i dont hate women, thats not why i understand but i hate how we r perceived and treat, sometimes it makes me uncomfortable


What are y'all's opinions on sadbabydolls? Anonymous 270314[Reply]

For those of you that don't know, "sadbabydolls" refers to a community of girls on Tumblr that call themselves "nymphets", obsessively skinwalk Nicole Dollanganger, and romanticize school shooters, deformities, and violence. However, they can also be very cute and friendly, and they are usually pretty nice to people on their blog/s. I honestly don't know what to think about these girl, because they are VERY problematic and sometimes weird, i.e. collecting teeth and locks of hair and photographing children's tombstones.Here are some examples:
I wasn't sure where else to ask about this because reddit never helps, hope this is okay!!
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Anonymous 270320

A lot of these girls seem like they might have ptsd or something, which could explain their fascination with morbid things and wearing doll style little girl's clothes… I think there's a better way to express bad emotions than dressing like a baby and holding a knife

Anonymous 270321

Sounds like an offshoot of tumblr’s girl blogger community. It’s just teen girls being edgy.

Anonymous 270327

Agreed, they often talk about Lana del rey and take photos of lingerie and stuff. They just also talk about school shooters like they're teen idols or something.

Anonymous 270381


tbh i know a lot of these girls and if it was just wearing sweet princessy clothes and being a bit emo it would be fine. More often than not they end up having a OF or nsfw twitter account waiting until the second they turn 18, along with showing off how their 40 year old sugar daddy gave them money for weed and ket.

Anonymous 270391

I'm a little older (28) but Tumblr was popular when I was in high school, and this seems really similar to the aesthetic blogs that were popular at that time. There were always sides of Tumblr like depression, thinspo, gore, and some mix of childhood/trauma with pics of things like Strawberry Shortcake dolls and knives.

Once you're in your niche and one of the popular bloggers in your niche gets into school shooters, then school shooter-related posts will be reblogged by more and more in the niche.

Tldr I don't think anything about this trend is unique, it's just a new offshoot in the emo umbrella and will be replaced by something new in a few years time.


Moid trash thread Anonymous 226855[Reply]

What is one thing that men do (or several things) that just annoys you. Could be big or small, just as long as it’s something that just gets under your skin.
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Anonymous 270301

its funny when theyre hit on by gay guys or even just around them because they get so uncomfortable they almost realise how creepy they are to women

Anonymous 270374

Cuckolds are so vile and creepy, I am genuinely disturbed there are women who play into their fetish.
I once was unfortunate enough to meet a guy with a cuck fetish on social media, this guy would vent to me about his fetish.
Once I even told him to stop because I did not understand it… he started rambling about how only felt arousal over giving his "property" (whoever his gf was at the time) to another man.
He even said that his gf was fine with it until they broke up because he cheated lmao
He told me so much about his life and his gf (lets just say they both were pretty degenerate people)
I ghosted him as soon as that conversation ended.

Anonymous 270376

Why are men disgusting nigg​ers?

Anonymous 270382

Is that Blaine? What a jew nose kek

Anonymous 270386

>he started rambling about how only felt arousal over giving his "property" (whoever his gf was at the time) to another man.

Usually a front to hide the fact that he can't/won't/doesn't want to sexually satisfy his wife/gf/"property". He would rather masturbate than have sex, and needs to invent a justification for this (even if that justification is he's aroused by his gf having sex with someone else). Why is the latter more acceptable? Because it has the appearance of her getting something she wants (sex) - it masks the fact that there's no intimacy.

In this light, it's unsurprising he cheated.


Lolcow.farm Hate Thread #7 Anonymous 262132[Reply]

Previous thread: >>252993
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Anonymous 270310

bitch its hot outside do you want my ass in a burqa miss me with the getting women a bad rep shit you are preaching sharia law over your delicate fat eyeballs tammy

Anonymous 270311


Exactly if people think I'm going out dressed like a fucking member of the benegessirit in spring you're out of your minds

Anonymous 270318

NTA but the bene gesserit are so drippy omg. If the burka and niqab werent all about hating women and didnt have the political implications they have I would probably wear something similar every day.

Anonymous 270325

wtf does that have to do with what they said lmao

Anonymous 270385

Mohiam BeneGesseri…

>the bene gesserit are so drippy omg
this is the first image that came up


Anonymous 229454[Reply]

women against pornography
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Anonymous 270364

>Therefore I am going to define capitalism thusly: It is the system where "capitalists" are in charge, that is, the ultra-rich influence/create policy through lobbying and media control.
That's an oligarchy. I'm not arguing with you, your post is 100% on correct, I'm just letting you know there's a word for that.

Anonymous 270365

Oligarchy just means "multiple people in charge", that's not as specific. I am defining Capitalism that way, because that makes sense to me.

Anonymous 270367

That's fair, makes sense to me too

Anonymous 270368

To make an example why that difference matters, the most prominent example of an oligarchy would be modern russia. However, modern russia isn't capitalist in the same way the US or other western countries are. In the US, you had a small number of people becoming insanely rich, so rich that they can influence policy to become even richer, which is more economically efficient than actually investing in improving your business, but over time this degrades the country as a free market economy.

In russia, russia was run by the secret service, the KGB. When the soviet union collapsed, what happened was that individuals from the KGB simply took control of various state industries - not business men, but basically gangsters. They did this by for example auctioning off things in an unannounced auction at 3AM in the wilderness. So only the people who knew about it - were part of this KGB clique - would be able to "buy" it at this auction for the price of a loaf of bread.

That is an oligarchy. Not businessmen with too much money, but essentially gangsters who use even more underhanded tactics to retain control.

Anonymous 270369

Sorry for being off topic.

The tl;dr: of >>270362 is, the reason you see this weird nonsensical "Prostitution is bad" and "Onlyfans/porn is good" seeming contradiction is because the very rich people aren't making money off regular prostitution (which happens with cash) while they do skim money off the top with onlyfans. In the billions. Every credit card transaction you do diverts about 2% to the credit card companies, you can imagine how much influence in media and politics that amount can buy.

I don't know how much the guy who runs onlyfans makes, but you can bet he's hired several online PR companies to promote "onlyfans sexwork" as the most feminist thing ever, and empowering.

I'm not saying "porn is bad" or "prostitution is good" or "onlyfans is bad", I am 100% neutral on the topic, I don't care, I don't interact with either. I am saying that the reason you see this apparent contradiction in feminist discourse is because modern feminism is completely ran by capitalist interests. (And I don't like the marxist radfems either, but they certainly make more sense than modern intersectional trooner feminism)


TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 270343

That's a man and you are supa gae

Anonymous 270344

why is there a seething incel troon literally shitting up the board? I really think we need a war draft specifically for incels and TIMs. Front of the line.

Anyways I literally just talked to a girl online and she said at 14 she was spammed dick pics by a grown ass woman THAT SHE KNEW IRL. I politely explained to her that if someone is sending you pictures of their cock they are a man and need to be prosecuted for sexually assaulting a minor. It's really upsetting to know this shit is happening and people will STILL respect the pronouns of their male assailant.

I fucking hate this world for blindly accepting trans people. Women have been literally raped and murdered 100000000x more than trannies but trans people can earn pity points by threatening suicide.

Anonymous 270352

_I wouldn_t exactl…

>trans people

Anonymous 270372

>i hate troons
>b-b-but this 46 years old scrote cosplaying a young girl is fine cause he looks good
Fuck off ew

Anonymous 270377


Nobody made that argument and you know it tranny. Kill yourself.


Anonymous 255079[Reply]

I only find fictional men attractive.
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Anonymous 268872


Edgy teenage me thought Izumi was the best.

Anonymous 269779

Edgy teenager you wasn't wrong

Anonymous 269781

when re4 came out I rented it at blockbuster and the guy at checkout was like "thats a great game" which I never heard before from a checkout guy (because I mostly would rent things like pokemon snap and animal crossing) so I felt like a hardcore gamer.

It was only after I got home that I realized the game was more than just playing as a sexy guy and I got super scared then got too upset to keep playing when leon got his head hacked off by the chainsaw guy at the first villiage and I felt bad for killing him.

Anonymous 269995


I think Leon is a ugly overrated fag
Dante is more attractive

Anonymous 270370

You are adorable!


I wish I was a lesbian Anonymous 253643[Reply]

I’ve tried dating women, I’ve tried to be less picky with the men I’m attracted to. But I’m hopelessly heterosexual with a high libido— but men are so exhausting and hard to deal with. I feel stuck.
I love men, I really do, despite all their flaws, but most days I wish I didn’t. I want a partner who gets me from top to bottom, inside and out, and every male partner I’ve ever had, even my current boyfriend who I am head over heels for and is an extremely caring and responsible guy, there’s just this veil of separation. It’s so hard to explain.
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Anonymous 253819

Try drugs and alcohol

Anonymous 253827

Sexuality is not a choice, dating is. I don't feel bad for women who know how vile men are and still choose to get involved with them.

Anonymous 253835

What makes you think dating a woman would be different? You said that your boyfriend is caring and responsible but you find reasons to not like him.
I think this post >>253655 is spot on.

Anonymous 270348

oh gosh that pic.. lol

Anonymous 270366

Communication is key to any long lasting relationship, nona. If you feel that there's a degree of separation then let him know. See if you can work around or through it.

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