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fucked up websites Anonymous 10412[Reply]

what are the most fucked up websites you've come across? what made them fucked up to you?

Anonymous 10414

In the early days of the internet there were tons of shock challenge sites. Where increasing disturbing videos would play automatically. They were popular in my middle school and high school.
>Usually featuring:
Animal torture
Cartel executions
Self mutilation
Body disfigurements
Gross out

Most got taken down after featuring either real murder or dead children

Anonymous 10415

Anyone remember run the gauntlet?

Anonymous 10416

I do, I never did it by myself but I did it with friends

Anonymous 10418

It's a weird cyber cult


how do you think souls/spirits look like? Anonymous 8977[Reply]

Ever since I got rid of my ex's mementos and memories, my vision of him has slowly deteriorated until the only thing I could remember was a body of water. Similar to Chaos or that guy from Terminator. All that remained is a human being made of water. He hugs me and cuddles me, but I don't see hair, nor skin, nor a face in it.
And I wonder, my mother used to say she was very spiritual and that she could see spirits because she went to many spiritual locations, and she did say that these spirits would be like a body of water. I went to search on the internet but there seems to be no real consensus on how these spirits/souls look like.
Anyhow, how do you think spirits/souls look like?
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Anonymous 9294

I took a bunch of mushrooms years ago and really internalized the Buddhist doctrine of non-self, so I don't think there are souls (or alternatively that my soul just looks like reality itself)

Anonymous 10056

I don't think souls and spirits reflect any photons for us to see

But they probably look cute, probabbly little kitten ghosts or bird ghosts, or little soft dango blobs, maybe even cat-eared dango blobs

Anonymous 10057


Haro evurinyan, hou aru you?
Fai, sankyu!

Ai wish ai waa a bardo.

Anonymous 10403


If you can see a spirit, it's someone who hasn't fully moved on from their worldly attachments!
If you fully move on and rejoin the All, you lose your individuality for a bit .. to be one with Everything.
A spirit with a full body is held back by something.

Anonymous 10417

>lose your individuality
on my way


/tig/ - Targeted Individuals General (Electronic Harassment, Gang Stalking, Psychological Terror) Anonymous 3897[Reply]

Targeted Individuals are people reportedly being targeted by various forms of Gang Stalking, usually done by the governments, powerful criminal gangs and federal structures (of various countries since gang stalking isn't exclusive to one country). Reported effects of being a victim of banned psychotronic weaponry include thought insertion (zombification), hypnosis, hot flashes, uncommonly feeling contractions and pressure in your crotch (tele-rape).

Post your experiences with Gang Stalking (being a TI, knowing a TI IRL, etc)
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Anonymous 10405

I'm currently taking online prerequisite courses hoping to get into a program that probably could help me escape this country and powerful men, but they interfere with my studies too, they hacked my online courses webpage to threaten me. Being a queer woman that is like 1% in here sucks already in this homophobic place where every woman is a pickme handmaiden, seeing lesbians as outcasts or creeps, but it sucks tenth times when the hacker on my device said on a online forum that the man who are offended by me is really, really powerful, I don't dare to say his name, but he def has power over the law and can change laws

Anonymous 10406

I have a suspicion that I've been doxed and stalked… I don't have any real proof, just a theory that would get me called a schizo. I looked up my name and I didn't find anything, my accounts are safe/secure and I have good opsec, didn't get any hate messages, etc. But I suspect a group of women.

Anonymous 10407

Vulnerable, lonely people especially women are always the main target for criminals to abuse. To rob, stalk, or for plain sadistic enjoyment of torturing someone. There are a lot of sick people out there, especially in powerful positions.

Anonymous 10408

Update: I wrote that post when I was drunk, ignore it.

Anonymous 10413

damn all you guys are living more interesting lives than me


hollywood cover ups Anonymous 10266[Reply]

anyone got creepy hollywood stories or conspiracys that arent known as much its like crack to me

Anonymous 10394

Anonymous 10395

It's nice to see a theory video mention the Dane Cook parties and his connections to Seth Green and other comedians. The men at the comedy store club are mega creeps and have been getting away with abusing women and girls for far too long. Never forget that Jeff Ross was accused of grooming a 15 year old girl and then tried to turn her own family against her. Don't forget that Jim Carrey is also friends with Seth Green and he abused his ex and also allegedly abuses women and girls en masse

I don't buy all of Kappys BS and I do think at times he was schizo but the one thing he was correct about is that a lot of the men he mentioned, esp the comedians are abusive psychopaths.

Anonymous 10409

Most celebrities murder women and get away with it. The whole event is memory holed and a fake cause of death like suicide or overdose is issued to the public.

Anonymous 10410

Jim Carrey is a serial killer


True Crime Community Anonymous 1937[Reply]

Any anons in the tcc?
Any outsiders willing to voice their opinions?
Why is true Crime so popular, especially with the woman audience?
How do non-Americans feel about the subject?
Do you have a favorite killer?
Who do you think is a handsome killer?
Why would you be attracted to a serial killer?
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Anonymous 9853

>How do non-Americans feel about the subject?
Being part of the UK tcc, I think im more of the wanting to "get in side of the mind" of the criminal than being infatuated.

Anonymous 9962

>Why is true Crime so popular, especially with the woman audience?
Morbid curiosity. I also find it makes me feel grateful for being at least not murdered/raped etc. Also I like knowing the depths of depravity humans are capable of. I used to think it was exclusively males but I'm getting more into forms of crime by women (and not just ones you'd obviously be sympathetic to if you weren't a massive sexist - e.g. Aileen Wuornos). These forms of crime have much more complex but equally sinister nature (think women with Munchausens by proxy, cluster B personality disorders etc.).
>How do non-Americans feel about the subject?
idk if Canadians really count as non-Americans, but I think the Canadian justice system treats them too lightly. I think Singapore deals with criminals the best, which is why I felt the most safe and free when I lived there out of anywhere.
>Do you have a favorite killer?
Aileen Wuornos and Jodi Arias
>Who do you think is a handsome killer?
Ed Kemper
>Why would you be attracted to a serial killer?
I wouldn't - I'm not even attracted to non-vegans, let alone serial killers of humans.

Anonymous 9963

god these guys were the absolute worst. that was probably the only internet shock video involving not animals that really disturbed me.
i swear you can see how low iq and psychopathic this guy is just by the shape of his tiny beady eyes. what a creep.

Anonymous 9971


Am I the only one that thinks one of the toolbox killers look like a reptilian?

Anonymous 10402

>Any anons in the tcc?
I lurk .. to me the tcc is interesting enough as a community to be its own hyperfixation. I'd never admit to knowing about it irl though
>Any outsiders willing to voice their pinions?
I can see why people hate it but I think it's human nature to be curious
>Why is true Crime so popular, especially with the woman audience?
As a previous anon said, women aren't a hive mind. Everyone has their own reason, but if say living in a terrifying violent world can make a person curious about crime
>How do non-Americans feel about the subject
Crime happens everywhere
>Do you have a favorite killer?
I would never tell you
>Who do you think is a handsome killer?
Eh I can see why some ladies are obsessed with Ted Bundy & Richard Ramirez, they are very stereotypically handsome. Once again I will never tell you my own opinion.
>Why would you be attracted to a serial killer?
Unfortunate brain


Dark Energy Anonymous 8940[Reply]

Have you ever come across someone, something, or a particular house/place with a "dark energy" or aura? for some reason, you feel an overwhelming sense that there is something uncanny, malevolent and sinister which emanates from this person/place/object/area etc..
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Anonymous 10318

Refused to move into a rental home despite a good rate because of this. The energy was appalling. Something was terribly wrong there

Anonymous 10319

Might want to get it checked for radon.

Anonymous 10397

my ex fwb lol

Anonymous 10398

nona, are you me? bc same lmao

Anonymous 10401

>the supernatural cannot directly harm us, only trick and manipulate us
Thank you anon, this'll definitely help the next time I sense a horrifying entity. Last time it happened the entity was sitting one room over from me no matter where I moved to, taunting me in a way. I was horrified and had no idea what to do except panic.


Unhinged thread Anonymous 9953[Reply]

Any other seriously mentally ill and unhinged and disconnected nonas on the board? Like others with schizophrenia, DID, ASD or other serious mental issues? How's it going?
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Anonymous 10383

DID isn't real you just talk to yourself

Anonymous 10385

I believe they believe it, but it's peak delusion and it seems to only happen in extreme cases of child issues though more often now due to media making it "known" through movies and books where the kid hears about it then probably uses it as a cope for their outbursts and whatnot (or takes on the persona of their imaginary friend to fight those harming them and suddenly the friend is "real") then the delusion gets more and more "real" to them as time goes on and into adulthood they're essentially a skitzo with their beliefs and need extreme therapy to snap out of it. Whatever anti delusional therapy entails plus whatever issues caused them to feel the need to put on certain personas in the first place

Anonymous 10386

Double posting but I should add, I'm not trying to talk from any point of malice, just my observations from knowing someone who definitely has it as opposed to a faker. Also I'm not exactly totally fine myself in the head so I'm not looking down on anyone who believes they've got a split personality.

Anonymous 10396

>implying carrey anon is "DID" when she has repeatedly stated she's bipolar bpd and has neurodivergent tendencies
>carrey anon has also repeatedly stated she does not have schizophrenia either
you respond to the wrong post number?

Anonymous 10400

Agreed anon. When the movie Sybil came out in the 70s, there was a huge influx of DID cases, and the same thing happened in the 80s during the Satanic Panic, where one woman claimed "satanic ritual abuse" and suddenly the phone lines all over the country were lighting up with the same claims.
I don't know what spurred the Tumblr DID hysteria in the 2010s (they also tried to bring back satanic ritual abuse victim for bonus points), but TikTok kids are definitely carrying the torch for this cultural disorder.
If it does exist, it's definitely not the way these internet munchies portray it (advanced roleplay/kinning or what the fuck ever).


Anonymous 10390[Reply]

Anyone have a tulpa? I've had a tulpa for about 8 years now but lately I've been feeling very strange. That being said I have a question. Are tulpas demons? Did I summon a frickin demon?

Anonymous 10391

Tulpas aren't real.

Anonymous 10392


Kek, what's your tulpa like and what do you mean by feeling strange, nona?


What's the worst thing you have ever done? Anonymous 4763[Reply]

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Anonymous 10367

Good for your Nona, Use your newfound knowledge for good


you didn't know any better, its ok

ok, worse thing i've done… i've cyberstalked and
harrased cancer men

Anonymous 10368

you mean the zodiac, nona or? kek

Anonymous 10369

would you believe me if i said both?

jk, the zodiac

Anonymous 10388


got involved online with a guy in his mid teens when I was in my early 20s. They guy looked/acted and sounded like he was over 20, had a full face of facial hair, deep voice etc which is why I believed (as did my online friends at the time) that he was in his 20s. found out he wasn't but didnt think it was a big deal at the time, in hindsight it was probably grooming. Honestly, the fact that I blew any chance of being an e celeb before I even tried with this dumb bullshit bothers me way more than the guilt. But there is some guilt. It eats at me, it really does.

Anonymous 10389

for legal reasons I'd like to specify that when i found out his true age I stopped doing anything with him but we still talked as friends a good while after that when I should have just blocked him

Anyone here into Hypnagogic Archive? Anonymous 10003[Reply]

Just finished season 1 of HA and I feel like Ellis is such a dreamboat.

Anonymous 10009

what is it about

Anonymous 10010

Didn't know it had seasons, though it was just a website.

Anonymous 10047

Basically, it's a series about the conflict between nostalgia and innovation. I think thats what its about, what I got from the Wendigoon video. But it has this character called Ellis who basically looks like a hot Emo

Season 1 started with "Reefer Melody," season 2 starts with "Reciever"

Anonymous 10387

slay, queen

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