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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016


Movies General Anonymous 2793[Reply]

What have you watched recently?
What is on your to-watch list?

Favorite genre, topic, director, actor/actress, and so on?

Movies that you found memorable as a cinematic experience, movies that you rewatch for the feels or comedy, movies that you found bad (and why)?
209 posts and 84 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34499

I see they adapted my The Last of Us 2 alt-universe slash fiction.

Anonymous 34502


Anonymous 34503


Kek, but they made the muscular girl behave like a total bottom and the smaller one behave like an awkward Joaquin Phoenix.

Is this good?
I'm so tired of how bland and boring movies from this year look.

Anonymous 34504

It's good but the ending is kinda dumb

Anonymous 34505


Popular characters that you hate Anonymous 26855[Reply]

We already have a "hated" characters that you love thread so I thought why not do the opposite?

Anyway, mine is Yuffie from FF7.
She used to be mainly hated but now she seems mainly loved so I think she counts.
I will never forgive her for stealing my materia and her design is lame too. She's just annoying for no good reason, but annoying characters seem to get a pass if they're a "cute" girl. You can make a character energetic without being annoying. If Wutai was completely run down and shabby maybe I'd have some sympathy but not only does it look completely fine, it's quite pretty and in way better condition than Sector 7 was. Actually it seems better than where I live irl lol. She adds nothing to the story or cast and is actively mean to Barret too.
Tifa is by far my favorite in the OG and Aerith is by far my favorite in the Remake, she barely felt like a character in the OG. But yeah, Yuffie sucks and her fans go rabid if you dare dislike her cuz she's so quirky teehee
Only talking about OG Yuffie I haven't played her Remake DLC
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Anonymous 34335


Thank you! I never understood her appeal, I guess her design but even then I felt like Ann, Haru, and even Futaba are cuter and have more personality even with Haru’s shoehorned and sped through story.
It’s supposed to be a bikers outfit hence her persona but it didn’t make sense if her inner rebellion is that and she becomes a fucking cop.
Tbh she felt like a copy paste design of my beloved Akira

Anonymous 34429


I hate the entire cast of this show as well as everything related to Vivizie Pop. I also can't stand her fans everywhere on the internet.

Anonymous 34442

It's so bad, I argued with a "friend" that wasn't even into kh because she wanted to defend the opinion of her weeb friend who just found kh and was so into Xion lol
Kingdom Hearts had so much potential but was pulled apart by pickmes and cringe fans, I only liked the fujos in that fandom.

Anonymous 34494

>People only like her because of her looks
I have also noticed pickmes always pick the "prettiest" character or the character the main male is in love with or ends up dating as their fav.
It's ironic that such highly misogynistic people are often the first to label other women as misogynists simply for not agreeing with them on their shit taste.

Anonymous 34501




Last.fm weekly chart Anonymous 32855[Reply]

Show me your week, musically, nonas.
The website to do this collage is tap music.
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Anonymous 34106


ok, it’s pretty gay. there’s a song (Totem E Eggs) about a dictator cat (lmao), but sound wise i enjoy it. it’s not as good as their previous albums (it feels a little flat, loses their weirdness), but i enjoy the title track, when the bell tolls, and totem e eggs.
i’ll have to listen to hyena next… any recs from the album?

Anonymous 34107

alright, I usually don't care much about the lyrics, as long as it sounds good lol. hmm, from hyena you can try: all 4 1, black hole, blind face (only because I like fast punk-ish song), and liquor fish & cigarettes

Anonymous 34108

KMFDM themselves too hate the association even

Anonymous 34345


Anonymous 34500


i don’t know what is happening here


Has anyone else just grown completely bored with the internet? Anonymous 33046[Reply]

Aside from crystal cafe, where do you get your entertainment? The internet feels like a dried up husk. I don't know why I keep trying to draw water from it. My addiction to web stimulation gnaws at me and i dont know how to satisfy it. I keep hearing this is becoming common lately. How are you dealing with the death and hallowing out of the internet?
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Anonymous 34074

the beauty parlor is cool especially the off topic area. and i gotta say i do like the moid hate thread a lot..
neocities is cool but too filled with troons, like anon said

Anonymous 34081


Anonymous 34483

how exactly is it like 2000s internet?

Anonymous 34496

I watch mostly true crime and mystery analysis YouTube videos.

Anonymous 34497


Hater Thread Anonymous 30199[Reply]

Post about media you hate i.e. books, movies, anime that you dropped (or finished) and why you hated it.
186 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34480

after 10 everything is gay ppl who play 14 are fags and arent real ff fans

real nonas remember squaresoft

Anonymous 34481

Oyasumi punpun sucks, fucking waste of time that probably nobody read but shares panels because they're a e s t h e t i c. In fact all asano works have the same " weird bullshit happens but nobody reacts to it " that gets really boring after a while

Anonymous 34486

Tales of.
Few games in the franchise are not that bad, most are mediocre at best, Graces is the absolute worst, characters and story are so shit.
>main character similiar to isekai protagonists
>main heroine is a lolita dressed tsundere that nags every other character, acts superior and gaslights main character into feeling bad for things he has no fault of
>in the final arc he suddenly loves her and they get to live together
>story is a melting pot of various tropes, with the darker plotlines reminiscent of some Final Fantasy titles, albeit lacking the great writing, alongside the cheerful and power of friendship themes of Kingdom Hearts, without nearly enough charismatic characters to pull it off.

With that said I find funny legendia has barely anyone talking about it despite being one of the best written games in the franchise with developed characters and dynamics kek

Anonymous 34488

GtaV is the best gta gameplay wise, but story and character is lacking, I know a lot about that shit because it’s all by brother plays

Anonymous 34495


I never liked the film Idiocracy. It reeks of Hollywood elitism looking down on middle Americans and the working class. Like without the guidance of university graduates and the upper class we'd all somehow devolve into Neanderthals. When all the necessities to maintain civilization come from the rural countryside and regular people doing hard work. While the elites reap the rewards and often destroy local businesses in the process.


Got any ideas for a new video game? Anonymous 34422[Reply]

Anonymous 34424

FPS on a totally flat plane. Like Wolfenstein 3D, you can mouselook horizontally but not vertically. Instead, moving the mouse up and down moves a cursor forwards and backwards in front of you. This cursor is where your attacks appear when you click the mouse. So when aiming at an enemy, you must face them and slide the cursor to how far away they are.

Anonymous 34493

A game based on Watership Down. You play as a rabbit sneaking past predators and avoiding traps.


husbando general! Anonymous 34374[Reply]

rant about your fictional/anime crushes, and rate others~ try to include a picture of them in the reply!
ill go first, saiki from saiki K, i just find him so relatable and funny., honestly its more of a childhood crush thing.

(im new to this website so please dont bully me lols)
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Anonymous 34439


David haller from legion I guess because I feel really stuck sometimes and like people who make me feel taken care of

Anonymous 34471


Meguru BachirrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAH

- unashamedly weird
- funny, outgoing, teasing
- athletic
- has an artistic background
- ultra hot

Why can't moids like this exist IRL?

>and rate others~


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 34484

Screenshot 2024-04…

swifties i love our new dad

Anonymous 34487

He’s old and gross.

Anonymous 34492

fall 2023.png

Anonymous 32801[Reply]

Choose your personality.
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34328

What show is bottom-right from?

Anonymous 34358

Levi from Scavenger’s Reign I believe.

Anonymous 34384

looked up the show and looks cool enough to watch. feels like maybe it'll be similar to love death and robots

Anonymous 34420


Anonymous 34482


april showers bring ramona flowers


Anonymous 34461[Reply]

do any nonas listen to malice mizer? what are your favorite songs? or albums? ^_^

i cant pick a fav song but rn but gardenia is stuck in my head. im still in the process of getting to know more of their songs but i cant name a bad one really

Anonymous 34462

waaah ive been waiting for a vkei thread !!!! gardenia goes so hard but i mostly listen to gackt and kozi solo, i feel like mm fans (at least on tiktok from what ive seen) put too much emphasis on mana-sama, and not on the band itself. its like they see him as some sort of leader because he dresses in an iconic way and is selectively mute. dont get me wrong, hes super important to the band, but i think the rest of the band deserves recognition !!
also, what is up with them not having music like anywhere?? they have an artist page on apple music but no actual music uploaded! kozi too
i dont know if its a deal with their label or what, but its rly annoying bc i cant put them on any playlist, like i have to actively seek them out to listen on like youtube or sm :(((
anyway, onto the actual music, au revoir is a classic, gardenias rly good too, i like beast of blood too (super basic, i know lol)
merveilles in general is all good, illuminati goes so hard

Anonymous 34463


yeah people on tiktok are just generally annoying and always water down artists to something so simple, in malice mizer's case all they see is mana lol. i deleted tiktok bc people there just made stuff unenjoyable to me T_T but still i gotta pay respect to tiktok bc i found out about them through it lol

i didnt listen to their solo songs, except kozi's honey vanity omg its definitely one of my favorites!! and i havent listened to the full merveilles album but i know most songs…and AHHH ILLUMINATI YES U HAVE GREAT TASTE!!!

also some people put mm songs on spotify as podcast episodes, so u can add the ones they uploaded on ur playlists, thats what i did ^_^ theres also honey vanity as an episode so its great

Anonymous 34479

i love aegen!

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