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PDF Dump Thread Anonymous 24751[Reply]

I don't think crystal.cafe has ever had one before in it's whole history (although as an imageboard the posting format would support it I assume). I suppose this can serve as a place to just dump any pdf you might have, be it fiction, nonfiction, biographies, cook books, manuals. Really anything that is a pdf. I think this would also serve as a good place for us to exchange our literature, especially for the more GC oriented posters.
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Anonymous 24804

Anonymous 24809


Title: Herbal Abortion
Subtitle: a woman’s d.i.y. guide
Author: Annwen

“A Womb of One’s Own: Taking Charge of Your Reproduction Without Doctors” by Jane Doe https://www.jexblackmore.com/store/a-womb-of-ones-own-taking-charge-of-your-reproduction-without-doctors-by-jane-doe

Anonymous 24814


Some simple solo pen and paper RPGs you can pick up and play easily.

Anonymous 33643

yu military ethics of xunzi confucianism…. enjoy

Anonymous 33752

Heidegger's work "The Question Concerning Technology" and some other essays


His other work, "Building, dwelling, thinking". Very interesting insights about human being in the modern environment.


Anonymous 26787[Reply]

who are your favorite female musicians? pic related
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Anonymous 31908

Melissa Auf Der Ma…

Melissa Auf Der Maur!

Anonymous 33737


i love bjork

Anonymous 33738

thoughts on women.…

Pete T. Ratajcyzk

Anonymous 33740

That is no girl

Anonymous 33745

close enough


Black Butler Anonymous 33426[Reply]

Does anyone here like black butler? My favorite part is honestly the victorian aesthetic lol

Anonymous 33433

I did in the past, but can't be bothered to read the new manga chapters. It should end already.

Anonymous 33435

I used to love the manga but holy shit is it painfully slow.. I have to drop it for several months and read the chapters I missed in one go before restarting the cycle to feel any progress

Anonymous 33438

i like it a lot, altho the mangaka's very obvious shota/yaoi roots and prefrences were too in your face in the first two arcs (and the big twist arc)
otherwise i was surprised to find it's very well written, the lead up to the reveal was very good and the story and progression is only hurt by it's schedule, otherwise i think it would be much more mainstream (the same applies to owari no seraph and blue exorcist)

Anonymous 33687

it's still going??? wtf i thought the 3 seasons were all there were to it when i was like 12

Anonymous 33710

Same. I don’t have the perseverance for long series. But I really enjoyed the anime. I also like the victorian aesthetic and the dark themes. The humor was also nice


“Hated” characters that you like Anonymous 22908[Reply]

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Anonymous 32170

Skyler lost me when the Ted saga started.
She was justified in hating Walter and I don't care about her infidelity or whatever, but she didn't have to pick the biggest retard she knew for the task. Walt was wrong for enough reasons to create a second thread about but the one thing he got right was not wanting Ted anywhere near them.

Anonymous 32183

What do you even like about her? Her design?

Only self-unaware manchildren hate on Shinji.

She annoyed the hell out of me when the anime was airing. Overall, she's a meh character.

Of course.

Really? Where? He was the best thing about SK8.

Anonymous 32819


I absolutely love Raymond and cats in general. He's super cute and has an overall nice design with the business/office theme. It's sad that some people hate him because he's popular, sold/trade at an unfair price and fetishized in a maid outfit even to the point of wanting to hurt or remove him from the game. I think people who hate Raymond are Ankha fanboys, contrarians who think it's cool to hate on very loved and popular things or people that had been bullies in the past given that Raymond isn't offensive in any way but cute and kinda nerd-looking.

Anonymous 33707


Emma Bovary. Yes, she's problematic and I often just wanna scream "Emma, why?!"but she's relatable. She feels like a fellow unfulfilled woman with no stable identity that she tries to find in dubious things like affairs, surface religiousness, impulsive purchases. Also I see her as a victim of circumstances that was deprived of more opportunities for fulfillment and excitement by patriarchy. I think she could do well in modern times. She's a bad person but I do love her and relate to her even if it makes both of us a couple of dumpster fire girlies. I think Emma is a wonderful character.

Anonymous 33709

I think most people hate Raymond because of his personality (smug)


Disney's Wish was A.I generated theory Anonymous 32840[Reply]

Everything about the film feels artificial and generic. From the songs all the way to the character designs. There's no way this film was made by human beings. Most likely Disney experimenting with A.I to make films.
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Anonymous 33619

I think it was just painfully boring and uninspired. Although, it is possible that they could have hired humans who were dishonest and cheated with A.I. The same thing has happened in some other companies.

Anonymous 33620

So he can take huge nasty star shits

Anonymous 33667

How much did it cost to make this movie? It looks like a TV special.

Anonymous 33690

I hate that goat creature. It screams lazy marketeable plushie bait. Glad the movie flopped and their gamble didn't pay off

Anonymous 33694


The goat is fucking awful. Disgusting old man voice.

On the topic of the art design, can we talk about how shitty and unimaginative the wishes look? They're just ugly blue orbs with no visual appeal. Like a worse version of soap bubbles. How did this make its way into the final product, instead of being scrapped immediately and replaced by something decent?


Comic/Comic Series Thread Anonymous 30649[Reply]

The thread about comics in lolcow is dead so i'm posting here.

Thread for comics, graphic novels. DC, Marvel, IDW, any publication is fine.

What comics are you currently reading, or have finished? What are your favorites? One of mine is picrel.
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Anonymous 32143


Issue #9 is hilarious:
Ed Edd & Eddy try to seduce Kevin for jawbreakers.

Anonymous 32193

It's pretty good
Would love to see an adaption for it in animated form one day
Also been enjoying the continuation

Anonymous 32775


Just finished Sobek by James Stokoe. Sobek being imagined as a deadpan god is really funny. He reminds me of Saitama

Anonymous 33668


Post some comic pages that you like! Here is mine

Anonymous 33692

Screenshot 2024-02…

I've been enjoying the Kaboom peanuts comics. They're really cute and are based on stories from the original strip which are fun to spot.


Anonymous 33240[Reply]

Did any nonas play Moviestarplanet as kids? I miss old social games like this so much and would give anything to go back to a time when they were still full of life
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Anonymous 33576


i was fucking obsessed with MSP as a child. they had a summer competition once and i made my dad mail a bunch of shit and drawings to their office and i won 1 YEAR VIP. i will never let that fucking go, i still remember the excitement of logging into my account and suddenly seeing hundreds of diamonds kek

Anonymous 33587

I stole my parents credit card for this game…. can't remember how much money I spent and it still haunts me. Does anyone remember what the highest VIP rank used to cost around 2013 or so?

Anonymous 33621

NOSTALGIA god i loved this game as a kid!

Anonymous 33681

Hell yeah, I used to scam people for their "rare" clothes, I'd promise them all kinds of pricey stuff and after getting the rare I just blocked them kek. Also had a glitch where my VIP would get renewed every month with no cost, not sure what was up with that but I didn't complain.

Oh and did anyone else level up fresh characters to level 6 and then use the starting money to buy things for your main account? I used to spend my afternoons just grinding exp, sometimes with multiple accounts at once. My main character was STACKED

Anonymous 33683

at around 2015-16 when the lisa hack worked I used it to level up and give money to my new accounts (they would get autobanned shortly after) and then gift my actual account a ton of stuff, I was able to buy everything I ever wanted lol


Am I missing out by not going on tiktok Anonymous 33540[Reply]

My main reasons for not going there is I don't wanna see triggering content, normie content, soft porn, and overall I can be fragile, bitter and easily overwhelmed. But I'm scared that I'm missing out on things or some content or information
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Anonymous 33632

nona i promise you ain't missing anything, fuck that app/site to high hell

Anonymous 33639

If you want a semi accurate idea of what tiktok is, just scroll through youtube #shorts a couple of times. The content is only marginally less terrible on tiktok.
I used to be repulsed by instagram but tik tok is a whole new level.
>See a once in a blue moon video thats actually funny
>continue doomscrolling
>see 9 other videos making the exact same joke
>eventually find that the one I first saw wasn't even the original
it's the fucking worst.

Anonymous 33642

Do not get tiktok, my friend. Keep your soul clean!

Anonymous 33647

fucking of course not if anything you're preserving your brain. it's all such mindless content. i can't believe people still lend so much of their time to endlessly scrolling that app. Fix Up!

Anonymous 33746

I don't think so. Everything on it moves way too quickly. If you interact with people IRL, a lot of the time you can tell whether they use TikTok or not which I find cringe.


Anonymous 33630[Reply]

What are Crystal Cafe's thoughts on arcades and arcade games in general?

Anonymous 33635

Barcade is my favorite date night

Anonymous 33636

I went to an arcade not too long ago and after playing the original machines I now understand what people mean when they say emulators can never do them justice. I still think paying 80 grand for them is fucking insane though.

Anonymous 33637

I played DDR for the first time a while back and I have no idea how to git gud. I did okay in the tutorial but as I soon as I did Bad Apple I couldn't figure it out. I've seen people grab the bar behind the dancepad but that didn't help. Thank god the arcade was empty. I loved playing Taiko though.

Anonymous 33638

I like the dancing games but I dislike when other people are there besides me. I've considered just purchasing my own machine for home use.

Anonymous 33640

When I become a billionaire I will open an arcade with no mind as to whether or not it turns a profit.


Is there any Yuri that isn't obviously directed at males? Anonymous 30712[Reply]

I'm at the point where I read yaoi with cute artstyles and reimagine them as butch x butch relationships.
Is there any Yuri or fxf media that isn't obviously directed at scrotes? Please, any type and any genre is ok
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Anonymous 32756

Urasekai is bretty good if you're into the whole "X but with lesbians" experience rather than a right off the bat yuri romance. The relationship between Toriko and Sorawo is pretty slow but fortunately not AdaShima-tier slow and boring. Author is male, but so far he's enjoyable.

Anonymous 32757

Why? Seems like the author is a male themselves, those disgusting spider hands

Anonymous 32760

I understand being suspicious of yuri, but how do we relationship is actually some of the best lesbian representation I’ve ever seen in any media. it’s very realistic to my own experiences dating other women in college. I highly recommend!

Anonymous 33631

I mean, I felt the ending was happy. I'd discuss further but I don't remember how to spoiler text.

Anonymous 33634

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