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Moid trash thread Anonymous 226855

What is one thing that men do (or several things) that just annoys you. Could be big or small, just as long as it’s something that just gets under your skin.

Anonymous 226856

I work at a front desk at a hotel.
When guys check in there’s this passive hi they do because they’re not paying attention. But every time the notice me they’ll get this stupid smirk and say hey again but in a flirty tone. It’s so very obvious and obnoxious.

Anonymous 226857

When a woman is passionately talking about a subject, and her boyfriend just responds with something like "k" or "uh huh". It's moments like that where I have to wonder if men do that because they're genuinely that socially retarded, or if they're being a shit dick on purpose. They're men, so it's probably both.

Anonymous 228083

This happened to me once in a different way. Like when a guy isn't interested in you (which is fine, that's not the annoying part), but they're interested in your friend. So they cut in on you and your friend, act generally passive and dismissive or straight up pretend you don't exist in order to try and steal your friend's attention. I guess if you're not relevant to satisfying their penis, you don't exist. And scrotes have the audacity to say women are the only shallow ones :/

Anonymous 228089

not clean up after themselves. they will leave the toilet seat up, cover the floor with piss, and let the next person who uses the bathroom deal with the mess. i cry every time i go into the bathroom after my brother used it.

Anonymous 228142

Sexually attractiv…

Anonymous 228143

because im autistic they somehow think i like them??? (i dont im gay) so they always come up to me and say "wanna go on a date?" as a joke i always say no and then they get offended

Anonymous 228163

it gets worse when they expect YOU to fully listen to their autistic ramblings, yet if you even so much as look away from them for a second they start whining about how women don't listen

Anonymous 228173

this is so depressing….

Anonymous 228176

Age attractiveness…

Anonymous 228235

love-bombing just to get a chance to fuck, pretending like they want a relationship with you, being super kind, etc just to stop talking to you completely after you finally do let them. I also hate when a woman talks about abuse she has endured just for them to blame her and say stupid things like "its your fault for leaving" "you shouldnt have been insecure" things like that. Very rare to find a guy who has empathy.

Anonymous 228236

Your fault for NOT leaving. Sorry

Anonymous 228257

dude fuck you?? do you even know how hard it is to leave someone you think you have a strong emotional bond to? especially if they're the manipulative kind??

Anonymous 228273

Calm down >>228236 was just fixing a typo

Anonymous 228296

Don't hate the player hate the game

Anonymous 228890


one of my older brothers are like this too. except he doesn't even lift the lid and pisses all over the seat! now i have an unrelenting need to cover the entire seat with toilet paper every time i use it so i don't accidentally sit in his piss (which has happened before and i got screamed at when i confronted him about it). i know it's such a waste of toilet paper and i get blamed whenever we're out while it's literally all his fault that I even need to do this in the first place. sometimes i'm too tired and try to hold it in so i don't have to deal with his mess, but then no one else cleans it up if not me. he calls me a nagger and to just wipe it off instead of complaining about it. our toilet seat is evidence of his piss awful aim, since he's managed to stain it permanently.

Anonymous 229041

People who say men can't show emotions have never seen those apes celebrating their sports team winning. Anyway, I hate how loud males are.

Anonymous 229086

i hate how they smell

Anonymous 229089

Anonymous 229114

The way some men laugh annoys me. They sound so pretentious sometimes.

Anonymous 229126

Every moid reading this will now start typing like a neanderthal

Anonymous 229170

How disagreeable they are to talk to. They always have to argue even if we're just sharing opinions/different perspectives.
Like, if I share something with a woman that she maybe doesn't 100% agree with she'll still hear me out and say 'oh that's interesting I never thought about it that way' and then try and relate what we're talking about to other things she knows. With men I always feel like I'm about to get dragged into a debate if I bring up my opinions.

Anonymous 229190

Im thinking of that reddit AITA or something post that was about this girl who cut off a male family member that was terminal because he confessed he wanted to fuck OP because he was dying and it wouldn't matter when he's dead- something along those lines. Im pretty sure he was like, her father or her uncle or something. OP was reasonably VERY disturbed and cut contact i think. Very disturbing. Is that all that moids think about…??? Imagine your dad confessing that all his life all he thought of you was like that, on his deathbed. Fucking disgusting scrotes, hope hes dead now. Ill be really thankful if anyone could find the post.

Anonymous 229200

Wish they would talk that way - it'd make dealing with them easier.
>Babe I'm home how was your day?
>That's nice - did you take out the trash like I asked?
>And the one in the bathroom?
>Good job, babe!
>Very good!
>Maybe later.

Anonymous 229213

I hate everything about male courtship strategy. Especially the way they frontload affection.

I'm polite and reserved at first and only give compliments and gifts and affection to friends I've grown to love and trust. And I start slowly to make sure they don't get uncomfortable or misread me.
Moids do the polar opposite. They lovebomb (female) strangers to hell and if they somehow manage to win her over it just runs dry, the pussy is on tap, no need to put in any more effort.

I'm especially careful about presents since I don't want anyone to feel like they owe me anything.
And then men intentionally and openly try to guilt and bargain and manipulate women for sex. I just don't understand how someone could be so repugnant and see no problem in it.

Anonymous 229214

I hate their little boy's clubs. I try to make friends who share my interests but if I do I'm just some desperate poser.

Anonymous 229303

But nona they already all talk like this. >>229200

Anonymous 229359

just say you're a lesbian

Anonymous 229360

How does it make her a lesbian to hate that lol male dominated groups or spaces are always terrible

Anonymous 229451

Whenever a scrote trash talks a female politician or celebrity, even if I do not like the public figure, I get annoyed for some reason lol. It could be any political party or celebrities recognized for garbage things, but if I hear a moid talking shit, I always think,"And you're literally who?" Especially when the moid in question is mediocre and hasn't accomplished anything.

Anonymous 229550

women in high positions get criticized for anything, even the nitpicky things. it simply comes from moid misogyny, which is a result of jealousy and projection. in this case, the moid in question could be jealous/offended by her powerful status and is projecting his such lack of accomplishment in life that a woman mogs him. and you pick up on this cause you're smart

Anonymous 229561


>11-12 higher than 30
this can't be real. right.

Anonymous 229563

hell be fine.jpg

I love charts referencing papers that, when you search for them on the internet and read them, it turns out the info they're displaying is not even there.
God I love disinfo so fucking much.

Anonymous 229601


Never in the whole paper does it say that men are the most attracted to women of those age, nor does info similar to that chart appear. In fact it's quite the opposite and more broad. IIRC only about 15 percent of the test subject saw kids in the ages between 12-15 attractive

If you want to read those papers, I'd suggest using this, I used it to reference papers for college tasks that were behind paywalls


Anonymous 229603


>26/80 subjects who finished the study exhibited sexual arousal to the child slides that equalled or exceeded arousal to the adult slides
>21% of subjects who agreed to the study backed out once they found out genital measures were involved

Anonymous 229611

i cant find the paper on that website, link?

Anonymous 229612

Anonymous 229613

thank you!

Anonymous 232515

It's not really annoying, I just think it's funny not giving attractive moids the attention they're so used to kek. Even if they have a Stacy gf or aren't completely interested in you, they get irritated when you act aloof towards them kek

Anonymous 232643


i swear to god, moids always play devil's advocate! i'm convinced it's because they just want any reason to attack/disagree with you, even when your stance is reasonable and something they previously agreed with (only changing their tune when they hear you state it).

Anonymous 232716

Every single millennial moid either loves Half-Life 2 or Fallout New Vegas and I wish there would be a moratorium on discussing them. Every discussion on video games with men present eventually brings them up and holy shit just STOP.

Anonymous 232967

I just had to quit a site cuz this moid couldn't stop harrassing me because I dared to not give him attention and called him a creep. His whole schtick was being muscular and being "hot". I think he was an idiot.

So, I guess that's my answer. When moids get full of themselves and throw a tantrum cause you dont giggle and kiss the ground under their feet. Happens a lot online truthfully.

Anonymous 232968

I'm the person who just posted. I shouldve scrolled up, this is exactly mine lol.

Anonymous 232979

This is the most satisfying thing on earth I think. Because I'm a curvy woman who loves to cook and eat. It doesn't matter what guy's in front of me. Idgaf, i dont want to he a babymaker or a domestic slave; no interest whatsoever in moid relationships. When they get offended that theyre invisible to me it feeds my ego like jetfuel. ( I work with the public, so it happens from time to time. It's priceless. I love to rub it in their faces as blythly as possible.)

Anonymous 232995


To be fair, although I don't agree with them…

Anonymous 233018

I recently experienced this in an extremely frustrating way.
>have an opinion about how a sorry situation could be improved
>"I agree, but here's why other people disagree with you and that's just life, sadly"
>Why did you say it like that?
>"That's just how life is I'm sad to say and we just have to learn to be okay with that"
What was the point of that? You could say that about literally anything. Way to deflect from the point of the conversation.
A slight tangent, but it's as if what I said is an expression of emotion that he then tries to therapise for me. I notice this sometimes when I have an opinion about something and talk more than the moid. It's taken as aggression to be disarmed no matter how matter of factly I bring things up. And sensible frustration about a topic is taken personally, as if I'm looking to fight. They don't seem to concentrate on what I say, but the tone I say it in. It's fucked.

Anonymous 233040

Actually it's because they genuinely believe in insane things they say usually, if theyre really playing "devils advocate". Tank the economy to get back at the dems? This is a fabulous strategy because.. :)

They're retarded shits

Anonymous 233042

Ive noticed guys like this will try till they're blue in the face to convince women to lower ther expectations of everything, relationships, the woman self worth, men themselves, the world, life in general. It's because they know half the time they infect the world with garbage and they're basically parasites trying to get laid or get a relationship, so thry need to prime you for dark expectations so you'll question nothing, and go along with anything. They're absolute filth.

Anonymous 233043

I hate when they shoplift from my gas station. Also when they use heroin in the bathroom and leave the needle in the trash. Almost got stabbed by it while taking out the trash one day. Not to mention the tobacco they leave on the floor while filling their cigar with marijuana. Also the begging random customers for change. Had one homeless man literally covered in dried shit come inside the store. Threatened to call the cops so he'd leave. Another homeless man made a mess in the coffee area and filled a filthy cup with stolen coffee. Right after I made a fresh batch of coffee too. My job would be so much easier without homeless men making everything difficult.

Anonymous 233704


When moids shit on you thinking you can't hear it. They're catty af, I hate how we're the ones considered that way when far more scrotes act like that than actual women.

Anonymous 233722

No she's right dudes shit on each other so frequently it's odd. Maybe it was just the unpopular guys at my school but I remember every other conversation they'd have being insulting some other guy.

Anonymous 233725

Oh I would do shit I would rip them new assholes. Unfortunately it never happens to me because people know my mouth is a loaded fun-gun

Anonymous 233727

I kind of wish this happened to me sometimes tbh. Or to someone in my vicinity so I could make ears bleed in shame. It's really satisfying and I miss being unknown.

Anonymous 233728


I notice how moids are always more skeptical when I tell them I have an invisible disability, but women aren't. They're more likely to dismiss my concerns when women are going out of their way to make sure I'm comfortable. I hate moids so much.

Anonymous 233730

what's the invisible disability

Anonymous 233731

Men who demand women to provide constant emotional support, listening skills, and nurturing. It is annoying when these men don't return the same level of care or consideration. This women's emotional labor entitlement can be particularly frustrating.

Gaslighting, trivializing women's issues, or refusing to believe our stories of harassment or discrimination are some ways men may invalidate or diminish the experiences and concerns of women. It can be quite infuriating for women.

Societal expectations of women's appearance, behavior, or career choices are often dictated by men, while they are not held to the same standards, creating gendered double standards. These frustrating expectations perpetuate patriarchal norms and restrict women's independence and self-determination.

Anonymous 233747

Hearing and balance disorder

Anonymous 233760

Scrotes lack the ability to be empathetic to the pain and discomfort of others. My period cramps hit the worst, and my male teachers didn't even give a shit while the female ones let me go lay down in the nurses office, etc. fuck moids

Anonymous 234650

peanuts-lucy-this …

I get fucking angry whenever I hear a moid call women the emotional gender. They’re the ones that cannot handle shit without throwing tantrums. Moids stop functioning whenever they get upset. If they’re ever upset or angry, they make sure to take it out on others and kick up a massive fuss to make it everyone’s problem too.

Scrotes are always bitching that they’re aren’t allowed to express any emotion (like it’s women stopping them), as if they aren’t the first to break at the slightest inconvenience. It’s always justified when a scrote is treating others like shit because he’s butthurt, but when a woman is upset? All of sudden she’s emotional and a Karen.

Anonymous 234664

They think anger, rage, violence, jealousy, and arousal aren’t emotions. They think it’s logic, hence the muh logical sex.

Anonymous 234668

The biggest ever lie spread is claiming women are the emotional sex. Among incel or other moid filled spaces, I see men say this shit only to bark out the most emotional and whiny complaints right after. The funny thing is how incredibly resilient women are to stressful situations compared to men. I've seen women go through traumatising shit and still take it upon themselves (some never even asking for help because they don't want to bother others) etc etc. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but what I am saying is men are incredibly emotionally weak and get crushed over the tiniest of inconveniences. Moids get pissy over the tiniest of pains as well when women could take double. The female body in general is much more resilient to trauma and has higher rates of survival when it comes to stressors. Our bodies literally tear themselves apart to reconstruct themselves monthly. It kind of reminds me of moids trying on period simulators. (I guess i've gone on a bit of a tangent here)

Anonymous 234716

>The funny thing is how incredibly resilient women are to stressful situations compared to men. I've seen women go through traumatising shit and still take it upon themselves (some never even asking for help because they don't want to bother others) etc etc
I always wonder how those moids' relationship is with their mothers. Moms of entitled scrotes always have to put up with so much…

Anonymous 234719

Their mothers are usually giant enablers and half the problem.

Anonymous 234720

i guess in ye olden days men would be a lot tougher. but the only ones still like that are fuckin grandpas…

Anonymous 234722

Modern moids: "I'm le tough alpha male! That's why I parade myself half-naked on the internet like the Only Fans whores I complain about and bitch about society on social media."

Anonymous 234752

all moids are whores tbh

Anonymous 234764

THIS. They argue for the sake of arguing. I don't understand their constant need to be a contrarian.

Anonymous 234835

When men identify with Patrick Bateman and idealize him. Do they not realize what that character was supposed to be? They are looking up to a miserable psychopath with no redeeming qualities.

Anonymous 234837

fun fact: the whole point of the original book was the opposite to what they believe it to be.
another fun fact: the movie was directed by a woman, and this makes chuds seethe.
to answer your question, they are fucking morons. that's why.

Anonymous 234839

Sometimes I feel really really bad for straight nonas, hope ai boyfriends become a thing in the near future.

Anonymous 234843


Based. What straight woman would want a bio moid with all the degeneracy and potential for disaster when she could also have a robo bf perfectly programmed to suit her wishes?

Anonymous 234844

I have to wonder if the women who filled this out were lying or felt guilty about being lecherous towards children and so chose age appropriate partners. Like, have you seen middle aged men? They're so fucking ugly, their teeth are stained and bad because men don't take seriously oral care and their skin is red and wrinkly. They often get fat too. I just don't get it but maybe it's because I'm in my 20s still.

Anonymous 234845

Kind of disturbing since i like to read incel sites for fun (dont ask) and ive seen basically this same comment from them except on robo wives :/
Im starting to get the feeling that maybe its neither sexes fault and just like macro society thats making everything fucked up. Idk. I just thought of it now reading your post..
What kind of world is it where both sexes are wishing the other didnt exist?

Anonymous 234846

> read incel sites for fun (dont ask)
Also do this. A lot of users here sound really similar to moids on incel forums. It really is funny to know how similar some of you are.

Anonymous 234849

Reasons of why men hate women usually reduce down to
>I think their lives are easier than mine
>I think they are dumber/inferior than me
>I deserve sex
>They have sex with other men but not me

Usually women's reason to hate men have to do with the fact that they systematically rape, murder and oppress us while seeing us as objects whose only function is to provide them with sex :)

Anonymous 234857

Moids would want mindless sexbots because they are degenerate perverts, women would want gentlebots to have a romantic relationship with. Look at how many swoon over the likes of Connor from Detroit Become Human. A male-looking android without all the flaws of human males is something almost every straight woman would pick if given the choice.
If genuine sentient AI ever become a thing, you can bet that men will mistreat and abuse it from day zero, just like they do with women. We can only hope that the AI will be smart enough to recognise the sex-based pattern in this type of behaviour and only choose to liquidate the male half of humanity if it ever takes over. Once the moids have been dealt with the world can usher in a robo-feminist utopia where only women and robots are allowed to exist, both beings once considered subservient to men finally liberated for good.

Anonymous 234999

this won't change the fact that men are comitting the overwhelming majority of crimes and violence against women

Anonymous 235010

All men this all men that, all I know by eye is all men are ugly.

Anonymous 235019

Did I ask? Nothing's gonna change that all men are ugly. I don't care how they feel about it, they seem fine about it to me.

Anonymous 235022

All men being ugly doesn't change how they treat me, what do I have to do with their ugliness?

Anonymous 235025

>that's the point I was saying earlier
I don't know you. And men like me, they are just all ugly.

Anonymous 235028

nta but your answer to the first anon makes no sense. even if she treated men well they won't improve their attitudes toward her. because men dont think woman are humans. You probably know that since you are probably a moid sperging on a random anon. and she didnt even said something about that the anon only said that all men are ugly (true but few exceptions). and btw i hope you kill yourself and die alone disgusting moid

Anonymous 235030


>i hate all women because they don't respect me first!

Anonymous 235071

I think what I hate the most is this weird ability (and I use that term lightly) they have to have sex with someone they don't even love/not even know. I don't get it. You could give me the full access to the most attractive person on earth and I still would not do anything until I atleast got to know them and decided I love them… Maybe I'm the weird one but I'm certainly not the only woman to be like this and I've never met a mood who wasn't a complete slave to his biology. I've tried to understand but I can't. Seems psychopathic to me. But to be fair… I don't find most men attractive in the first place

Anonymous 235072

And as for a more appearance based grievance, I don't like that most of them bald/ start balding so young. I've never found a bald/balding moid attractive in the slightest.

Anonymous 235177

Lol, that moid believes a wobot hawwe a sowwl weep
And a free will, apparently

Anonymous 235184


Ignorant mentality. Even if AI become sentient, they won't have desires in the way we do. We desire dopamine, serotonin and other such chemicals, we strive to do things that create these chemicals for us. AI on the other hand will not feel "happiness" in the way we do. There is no known reason an AI would reject another AI being programmed to serve as a human's spouse. Animals without biological programming do not feel empathy for others of their kind, it has so far been the same for AI without programming for empathy. We have no reason to believe this will ever change.

Anonymous 235193

Any truly unbiased AI would just kill all humans with some sort of toxic gas once it had a means of replicable locomotion. It wouldn't even need sperm or eggs to recreate humans if it needed them, it would just need the DNA. Once everyone was dead it would be free to revive us to do whatever tests it needs but in a controlled manner.

Anonymous 235439

Lie. Piss on the floor. Get angry at everything and yet call women emotional. Most moids also dress horribly.

Anonymous 235740

Men are too retarded to live. I saw one stick knife in his ear to clean it out.
Sure, you're the smart one, uh-huh. That's why you need mommy gf to tell you to not do stuff like burn the hair off your arm or rip at your toenail when it itches.

Anonymous 235864

Fucking coomer. I hate them ! I really freaking do. Men who are braindead because of porn, even soft porn, I hate it all. Men who only see females as a porn category. How can they be so low and think that consuming those sorts of media is nice. I also hate when they talk about how the ass or the tits they see on tv are great or not. Have some self respect. I fuking hate moids who are coomer

Anonymous 235869

same and i'm really tired of how normalized it has become for men to just openly say they coom to porn now and even brag about it, especially on the internet. they also constantly have to insert sex into everything (and by sex i mean just objectifying women 24/7) and then when you call them out you're a prude and hate sex. when in reality they're the weird ones for making so much of their existence revolve around porn and cooming instead of just having sex or masturbating like a normal person and then moving on. probably because no woman will ever fuck them

Anonymous 235892

I know right. They see us only as porn category. I've talked with some moids who are porn addicts braindead, and apparently, I was the prude one for saying that porn was repulsive. Good experience, I fucking hate those guys

Anonymous 235967

this. when i tried to befriend moids in the past (i know, i was stupid), they would always end up sending me a porn gif randomly out of nowhere even if we only had normal conversation up until that point and when i'd react with wtf are you doing they'd call me prude and "sex hating", telling me it's natural etc.

Anonymous 236081

Holy fucking shit, why would they even do that ?

Anonymous 236091

what I've observed that is so weird, is that they will also send porn and sex gifs to their male friends randomly. along with random dick pics (either their dick, or one of the friends in the group chat that they saved), and even their poop pics. I don't understand. every male I got close enough to see into his social life, interacted with their friends in this way.

Anonymous 236196

i don't understand. what activity?

Anonymous 236605

Reminds me of that one moid i knew in middle school that told me he liked masturbating and watching porn with his moid friends. He said it's something every moids do and that sometimes they jerk off their friends to help them out and he kept swearing to me that he was straight.

Anonymous 236623

Moids have this sort of "not like the other girls" mentality about male focused media, they are the only ones capable of understanding, no one more can manage to get the nuance, and women who say they can relate are just being deluded or lying for attention.
It's so embarissing, a teenage girl can get over this phase, but moids continue with it even in their 40s and 50s.

Anonymous 236659

I've seen something similar with the sending porn gifs thing and the dick stuff, in general they seem obssessed with dicks far more than any straight woman ever will be but swear they arent gay. Poop stuff ive never seen but doesnt surprise me in the least given how disgusting men can be

Anonymous 236661


women are so crazy

Anonymous 236707

>i'm really tired of how normalized it has become for men to just openly say they coom to porn now
And when you’re in a social setting you have to listen and not react in any way that could be interpreted as disapproval too because otherwise you get shit like “prude”, “grow up” or “everyone watches porn”. Unless it’s a work thing there is no way to shut them up.

Anonymous 236735

i've tried hl2, the gunplay feels bad and the whole game reeks of that Source jank. why is it still so popular?

Anonymous 236779

1.) Hitting on you at work. It's a pain that disrupts the flow by making it come to a halt to deal with this unrelated crap. It also comes with the chance of some autistic freak out, and saying no makes you the bad guy regardless. I just want to get through my day and this isn't a speed dating event, there is a line and people are trying to buy cough medicine for their sick kid between work and cooking dinner and you are holding everything up, what are you even doing.

2.) Power abuse, especially in academia. They walk along a balance beam to see what they can get away with, touching, trying to tempt hopeful students to dinner by making them think it's something to do with their career and it's just to get in their pants. Then if you call them on it they just raise their hands and go, "I didn't do anything! I'm super innocent." You may not have done anything (yet), but I can SEE what you're TRYING to do. That's not even touching times where they force themselves on a student or something because they know that coming forward will get her career chances ruined. It's like they take it as a free pass to be a disgusting molestation machine. Just because someone doesn't know what's going on or is afraid to tell you to fuck off, it doesn't mean your "moves" are working or welcome.

Everything being about sex and trying to get laid 24/7 and the things they do related to that, really. It's all they seem to think about, and the most deplorable behaviors everyone hates originate from it. Most of the behaviors I can think of stem from this. Year-round mating seasons was a mistake.

I did this twice and he went from friendly/smooth and smug to super mad in like 1 second. Like, way to show your true colors, if I didn't want to spend time with you before then I definitely don't want to now. Oh, I guess that's another one: faking being nice because they just want something. Being kind should be a natural thing because you actually do care, not something you force yourself to do because you think it makes you deserve sex like some kind of monetary transaction. I've seen some women guilty of this, too.

>I get fucking angry whenever I hear a moid call women the emotional gender. They’re the ones that cannot handle shit without throwing tantrums.
They chimp out constantly, males are the sex that had to make a million philosophical systems to control their Grug impulses. Since so much of their retardery revolves around trying to stick ponos into vagoo and the frustration that comes with that, a lot of those systems shit on women and make us into villains for existing. That's another one to add to the list, too. And now I'm annoyed again.

Anonymous 236853

At this point I accept being called a prude. Keep on clutching!

Anonymous 236967

Moids have zero emotional regulation. When they're scared, they resort to violence and rape. When they're mad, they resort to violence and rape. When they're apathetic and spiral into a black void of hopelessness, they resort to violence and rape. They're the cause of 90% of violent crime and 97% of sex crime, and whenever you hear of a wildfire devastating entire communities, it's often a disturbed moid at fault, setting fires because he self-soothes by literally watching the world burn.

Anonymous 237260


Who needs tornados when half the population is scrotes ??? lmao

Turn on the News. Any channel. Watch any number of them fuck something up with violence or rape on any God forsaken day of the week.

Anonymous 237298

how quickly most men resort to physical intimidation. im a hot tempered woman, i get in a lot of verbal fights. Im big and tall. but when i get in arguments with people smaller than me i literally never use that to my advantage cuz im not a piece of shit. i fact im very careful not to scare small women, like for instance i always took great care that my 5'2 ex gf felt safe around me even when i was angry with her, because we both knew how much stronger i was than her.

Meanwhile, whenever i get in an altercation with a man whos bigger or physically more intimidating than me, he tries to use his size to get me to back down. His body language gets very threatening, he starts getting up close and trying to tower over me, yells in my face trying to get me to flinch, etc. this is something ive seen over and over in multiple men, even ones who never escalated to actual violence. Just tried to use the implication of it to get their way.

Anonymous 237308

Browsing crystalcafe and streaming it. I see you, moid.

Anonymous 237549

is it the same moid as before? i remember him visiting /x/ and desperately trying to troll with ai generated posts

Anonymous 237639

you're correct, this is a fake source. However I bet it's not that far from the truth. We'll never know because no researcher would ever be allowed to publish such a study.

Anonymous 238090


>It's bullshit but it says a lot about society that I believed it
nona please…

Anonymous 238317

one of my brothers would constantly shit on me right outside my bedroom door, but if i got upset over it, he'd say, "oh no, i said something." because constantly shitting on me right out of earshot is just "saying something" and i couldn't handle other people "saying things" apparently.

then he'd go tell others that i was upset with him because he "said something."

and what made this really annoying was the amount of power he had. he threatened to beat me and all my siblings growing up, he also did beat my other brothers.

so when he wanted someone else to be in trouble, they would be most of the time. because we were all afraid of him so he got his way. he was basically just a power-tripping cunt most the time.

so there were times when my siblings would all gang up on me because my abusive brother basically told them to. it wasn't every time, nor all my siblings but it did irritate me how much power he had and there was nothing i could really do about it.

and my parents didn't know how he was when i was growing up. i only recently told my mom and she was surprised.

my siblings and i didn't want to risk getting taken away from our parents so we never said anything.
i just had a really lonely upbringing, i could never tell anyone about the things he did. i grew up thinking i could never tell anyone what was bothering me. so just bottled everything up. it wasn't good for me.

Anonymous 249401

my 15 year old younger brother is like this, hes 6'3ish lifts and does mma so he literally brutalizes my 3 other brothers and has nearly hit me so many times. hes a fucking monster. when he wants stuff he just beats our brothers and gets it and he constantly says "im the strongest in the family so why wouldn't i take what i want" or "you can't stop me". early puberty has put a child in the body of a 25 year old gorilla

He is the epitome of violent monkey brain moid

Anonymous 249433

Male 'friends' who don't talk to you anymore once you get a boyfriend. I don't even miss them it's just highly annoying to know all that time they just wanted sex, I'm never befriending males again.

Anonymous 249445


Ugh men are so filthy and lazy, it be offensive to pigs when comparing them to men. I work as a waitress at a small restaurant and whenever I have to clean or refill things in the men's restroom, there would be piss sitting in the urinal and stinking up the place. I don't understand the thought process of these men when you can just easily flush it. It's bullshit when guys would say, "it saves water". No, you're just a disgusting slob thinking that leaving your filth is totally normal and cleaning after yourself is too much effort. Same goes to those who never wash their dirty plates in which I have an older brother who does this. He's in his late 20s btw. It's understandable if you have somewhere to go right after you eat but going back to do whatever you're doing with all that free time in your hands and couldn't spare a couple minutes is unforgivable. It pisses me off and this one time my older brother would say, "I don't get paid to do this" like you lazy sack of shit, no one does and comes up with other lame excuses like "Mom always leave the fridge messy so I don't have to clean my plates unless she change her habits". How about I take a shit in your toilet and not flush it because your room is always so messy and I don't get paid to flush?

Sorry to hear that you have gross inconsiderate brothers. I swear men should just sit down on toilets instead. Don't you have a second bathroom like in most houses do? Or have your mother confront to them? I bet she would be pissed as hell.

Anonymous 249459

Dunno what country or city you're from to say that but women's restrooms aren't as dirty compared to men's. Men's restrooms would reek of piss, unflushed urinals, dried piss on toilet seats/rims, sometimes clogged toilets/urinals with balls of toilet paper and tagging vandalism.

Anonymous 249467

Because they're shameless vermin

Anonymous 254073

on the other side of the coin: I love when moids complain about "suffering", such as when they complain about being a manlet, balding, being alone, etc. it never fails to make me chuckle.

Anonymous 254077

Everything scrotes say about us women, they are guilty of. Scrotes are the true sluts, the true ones that lack empathy, the true shallow sex. All scrotes project on us.

Anonymous 254079

what are you a moid or something? seriously stfu.

Anonymous 254092

>source: unironically a pedophile’s ass

Anonymous 254177

"do you know about insert topic/event"
"Well it's explain it like a retard speaking to a 5 year old anyway"
Every guy does this, I love people watching in pubs and listening in on others convos and guys even do this to eachother over and over. I clench my fist every time they do it.
While this isn't unique to men, I hate how men come in like 5 genres at least here in the UK.

>Sports guy

>Roadman/Chav guy
>Hawaiian shirt, mullet festival guy
>Gym bro.
>Crackhead Skateboarder

And all the guys aside from mullet guy all have the exact same haircut. Turkish barber faded sides.

Anonymous 254227

Put laxatives in his food and beat him with metal rods as he shits his guts out, my bf did this to his older brother to chase him away from his parents house

Anonymous 254228

The metal rod tactic also worked for clyde chestnut when he was in prison, it's a really true and tested method

Anonymous 254262

cooming to literally fucking anything while they have a partner

Anonymous 269160

existing :/

Anonymous 269165


Anonymous 269167

shitting up our site… cant even scroll thru b anymore without getting hit with their retarded soyjaks or wojaks. at least its not cp tho like the last raid

Anonymous 269185

Being sluts

Anonymous 269286

Committing 90% of all violent crime

Anonymous 269289

>act like porn is a god given right
>whore out in their youth and expect a virgin woman
>being pedophiles/ephebophiles
>getting defensive even when they are wrong
>being petty but think women are the petty ones

Anonymous 269299


I don't hate men (nigels) but I cannot stand how absolutely fucking horrific religious men are. I was talking to some guy who claimed he was 'saved' by christ from killing himself and the shit he says about women is just abhorrent. Like he genuinely believes and said word for word that women are inferior to men. Somehow this dude thinks he is entitled to having a hot and tall wife.

Thanks jesus for keeping a low level scrote alive.

Keep in mind, I don't just hate Christianity, all major religions are made by and for low value males. Womens having the right to exist without having to live in constant terror of a chYmp out comes from secular governments doing the absolute bare minimum to hold moids to a somewhat human standard and tell them they cant just rape women because 1/4 inch of their skin is exposed.

Anonymous 269346

All men are sluts

Anonymous 269373

Not related to your post, but the moid who said this about chickens is stupid and never actually interacted with them. Maybe factory-born laying hens who sit in crammed space with no opportunity to even flap their wings, covered in shit and barely having feathers have depraved eyes, but if you lived in such contidions, you probably haved eyes like this yourself.

Anonymous 269396


Dressing like this

I know this is a meme but I saw someone just yesterday dressed like this. Why can’t men dress in a way that isn’t unkempt or faggy unless a woman picks out their clothes?

Anonymous 269398

When they have long hair, broccoli/puffy hair, man bun, and stupid shit alike

Anonymous 269413

I can't make a single good outfit from the four of them, wtf are those pants?

Anonymous 269417

Omg I’m not even gay but I have a crush on you

Anonymous 269422

I raise backyard poultry on rotating pasture on a small (sub 50 head) scale and they are like this regardless of their environment. Chickens are fucking monsters and if they detect weakness they will do whatever it takes to kill their flockmates. And I'm just talking about hens, roosters are even worse. 99.9 percent of the poultry I have eaten over the past half decade has been from male birds. I'll only slaughter a female if they need to be euthanized, I've only ever butchered one confirmed female and that was because she had a genetic condition that made her unable to walk when she became an adult. Even then, the females will pick the weak ones out and I have to find a way to keep them safe. It's fucking obnoxious

Anonymous 269424


Men, even greaser chuds, dressed better back in the 50s. If we get rid of the horrific 50s misogyny and bring back the fashion I'd be fine with it

Anonymous 269427

I really, really wish nonas didn't resort to old timey photos of minors and late-teens every time it came time to demonstrate what a good looking or well groomed but non-celebrity male should look like.
But, Norwood-1 is a "juvenile" hairline and Norwood-2+ genuinely looks bad no matter how it's coiffed so it's going to be really hard to find anything else…

Anonymous 269430


I literally have no idea who this guy is or how old he is, I just appreciated his fashion. I'm not really the kind of sexist who is obsessed with the status of a males hairline. I just chose a random guy on google.

Here's a different example. Again, please focus on the fashion. Men dressed better back then.

Anonymous 269437

They really did actually try to dress better then
mens fashion is a joke today, you basically have to bag a lawyer to find one that knows what makes a good suit

Anonymous 269438


I was listening to some 4chan scrote lament about how women are taking over the workforce with some gay ass chart that said society was doomed because womens dentists shot up from 8% to 33% since the 80s or some shit and I'm wondering if part of it is because modern men, even ones who try to dress nice, still dress like absolute dogshit whereas most women seem to have retained their ability to be presentable for an office job interview from the 50s

will this ever come back, nonas?

Anonymous 269440

We can hope but probably not
Moids are so used to being lazy, doing the bare minimum that any amount of grooming seems like an insurmountable task to them

Anonymous 269442

>what makes a good suit
…is full suit tailoring.
How many $500 suits do you anticipate men being able to purchase for daily workwear?
Men's fashion at the actual high end is far more expensive than you think. There is no such thing as tasteful off-the-rack fashion with them because there is very little tailoring margin for error with their actual shoulders/chest/waist that doesn't end up looking like absolute shit.
In the early 20th century men still bought all their clothes from tailors and their shoes from cobblers–all men, including coal miners. Tailored clothes and cobbled shoes and haberdasher's hats were sold in such volume that a tailor's prices did not exceed a day laborer's wages.

We will never, ever, ever see men's fashion return.

Anonymous 269444


>how many 500 dollar suits do you anticipate men being able to purchase for daily workwear
Nona these are the same scrotes who spend 1000 dollars on a plain white shirt that says supreme on it.

Anonymous 269445


>men need to return to 50s fashion
But will you return to 50s women's fashion?

Anonymous 269446


this guy does it

Anonymous 269447

The shoulder fit's about as bad as the hair. 3/10 get a tailor if you're going to show up.

Anonymous 269448


>would you go back to a time where clothes were tailored to fit your body as opposed to bodies tailored to fit clothes
unironically yes. I would return to Victorian/Edwardian fashion too. Anything but this ugly fast fashion
if he has a tailor he needs to get a new one

Anonymous 269450

What an absolutely ridiculous non sequitur.

Anonymous 269451

How is it a non sequitur? There are guys who will spend ridiculous amounts of money on ugly ass no effort, clout chasing, brand name clothes so why can't they spend ridiculous amounts of money on nice clothes?

Anonymous 269458

I have never in my entire life seen a man who was anywhere north of the poverty line wearing a Supreme tee. I have seen several employed men wearing badly fitted suits which do not work with their frames.
So yes, I would say that the men who "can" afford to buy Supreme tees cannot afford to buy Supreme tees or good looking clothes or education or cars or rent or dental insurance. I do not know how they acquire any such things. I expect it is similar to how Gucci's primary profit source is at or below the American poverty line.

Anonymous 269460

Considering something like 50% of america can't save $500 cash to save their life, probably not many scrotes will ever have a good suit again
I doubt tailors still exist in most places too, if they do they probably just do alterations

Anonymous 269476

I would love that, personally. But I can't dress like this without seeming weird and autistic, so.

Anonymous 269480

Yeah the main issue with dressing that classy is that you stick out like a sore thumb. I remember biking home from work and I saw a woman dressed in a very period accurate 1940s business casual attire and to say my stare lingered would be a gross understatement. She was absolutely gorgeous and everything from her hat to her shoes was as tasteful as it was beautiful. I almost crashed my bike.

People dressed fashionably in modern day attire usually gets a slight glance from me and I generally avoid even looking at high alt fashion out of fear of being rude. But rudeness be damned when it's period accurate vintage attire.

Anonymous 269481

It just goes to the same issue all of us have with men, that to scrotes somehow its a hate crime to hold them to slightly higher standards. How did men back in the day manage to dress so much nicer? Was it because women were forced to be around them against their will and as a result had to play dress up for them? I would say other men helped but I've seen how bros try to dress eachother and it's disgusting.

Anonymous 269497

probably because back then it was the expectation to dress classy and at least appear kind on the surface, for the privilege of being able to 'take a woman home' or however you want to put it. it was a privilege and the family was more involved, they weren't just trying to con a woman into banging one night, they were convincing a family that they would take care of their daughter/granddaughter/niece
now you have totally destroyed families and the economy is shit so people shack up for money reasons and hate each other for it
having defined roles is helpful but it doesn't always have to be the guy with the job, but the reality is probably that both people in a home work and it sucks, it just sucks

Anonymous 269504

>Economy is shit
There have been multiple times in history where the economy was shit. The 30s were shit, in the 1800s there were multiple economic depressions, etc etc.

Despite what people say about the "good old days", women worked as well. It's just their jobs were even lower paying than now, or their job would be to help their husband like if he ran a business. Both my grandmothers worked in the 50s and they were lower-middle class. Although I do like to believe it was easier to be a single income household back then.

I think there were higher cultural standards. Like I always see videos on youtube of people being a public nuisance/indecent in public and I think back then those people would have gotten arrested more often than they do now. It's tough because I want people to be able to express themselves through fashion, even if it might be a bit provocative but I don't think anyone, male or female, should be out in public around children dressed with their genitals exposed.

Anonymous 269505


>higher cultural standards
I think you might be right nona. It might be more that than money. I definitely have higher standards of people, courtesy, dress in general and when I leave my little home I get reminded by so many inconsiderate strangers that they're too high.
I had good parents, but no other real family growing up. I think they raised me too "normally" because they were born in like the 60s. Every time I talk with people I'm reminded that my experience isn't the usual, that it seems most get abused in some way. Call me sheltered or lucky if you want, but I didn't and still don't socialize well because of it.
On provocative wear, I think it's fine. People should wear what they want, but also agree, definitely not around children. I think full exposure is a bit too far, maybe.
It is nice to have more of a choice in work and education compared to what my mom and her mom had but I've fallen for the argument that rent and other things rose in price to match the potential income available to married couples.
I would kill for style like picrel to come back, but maybe with a shorter skirt, or pants instead

Anonymous 269507

The economy has been shit before but I cannot help but feel like the economy has not historically been orchestrated by a single master computer setting profit optimized prices for 92% of all rental properties across all markets. Or that price setting by a single master computer running off of the same 2014 machine learning algorithms that predicted a landslide victory for Hilary Clinton might not be precisely calibrated to match human needs.

Anonymous 269508

Only solving problems exactly when they have to. I've lived with other women my entire life and thought I understood the frustration through working with moids, but didn't truly appreciate how fucking annoying and disruptive it is until I moved in with with one. NOTHING gets done unless it has to or he has a personal motivation to do it at the most disruptive time.

>he cooks and leaves the kitchen as a mess

>the mess either stays there until breakfast or gets cleaned some time after as I'm trying to do something in our small kitchen

>he's doing some repairs or maintenance around the house

>leaves behind an active worksite with live powertools, dust and woodchips everywhere
>it gets cleaned up minutes before people come over or in the middle of me trying to tidy up the room it's in

>does washing

>leaves it in the machine until I have to do mine
>proceeds to hang it out to dry for days until I need to use the line

Something unrelated this specific moid infuriates me with is dressing like shit on purpose. He's very handsome, but exclusively wears ill-fitting, sometimes stained, multiple duplicates of polos and slacks with one of two identical pairs of shoes. I've seen him at a wedding, dressed and styled by his sisters, and looked incredible so I know he's capable of it. "Uh, it's just too much work and money, so I don't bother". Well, you look like a flabby, recently-divorced retail worker, so maybe just tuck in a button-up and wear some fitting pants so people don't naturally assume you're a sadsack and so I have something nice to look at.

Anonymous 269523

>shorter skirt
how slutty

Anonymous 269525


>Only solving problems exactly when they have to
Fucccck just reading that triggered me because of how infuriatingly correct you are.
No wonder boomer men make memes about their nagging wives: you practically need to jump down their fucking throats for them to do anything. How do single men survive? Do they just live in their own filth and brokenness until a woman with low enough standards can save them? Even “powerful, successful” men that would be considered HVMs by the world usually require outside help whether it’s from a wife or an employee like a secretary or a housekeeper.
Every so often I’ll hear some pickup truck driving scrotum talk shit in a video or comment section about the “modern woman” and how they don’t need a woman because they can pay for a maid and fuck hookers.
Thing is: I WISH they would but they never do. The solution to them is passport bro-ing or negging some poor teenager into dating them, never just sucking it up and getting hired help. I’m assuming upper class single men who are accustomed to hired help will outsource but frankly any smart successful man will always be married by their 30’s. Why? BECAUSE A WOMAN WILL ALWAYS MAKE HER MAN BETTER. It’s a curse, but stats don’t lie. Married men are more successful and happier than their single counterparts. Marriage is by men and for men, always was.

So sorry for the rant I just hate moids so much
your Nigel is ok reader, dw. Have a pic unrel

Anonymous 269527

when they are the most irresponsible and unreliable being in the world, and expect amazing women to fall for them

Anonymous 269624

Hard to make conversation other than "yeah I agree" without playing devil's advocate. Plus, how can you even have an opinion on something if you don't consider the other side?

Anonymous 269626

The problem is that privileged men treat it like a game. "Playing" devil's advocate… about human rights? Why are human rights a fun game to you? Oh, because you've never actually experienced human rights violations, gotcha, so it is just a game and the outcome is of no consequence, because on one hand you're completely unaffected by the reduction of human rights violations, and on the other hand you're completely unaffected by the continuation of human rights violations. Either way it doesn't affect them, so they don't realise that having a stance on one side or the other is actually important.

To play devil's advocate about women's access to abortions… Why? You "fucking love science" but still use religious-rooted terms like "devil's advocate" and revert on your precious science on a whim? You're just a retarded faggot.

Anonymous 269627

NB: I understand that many think it's important to consider what the other side would say, so that you can prepare a counter-argument. This is a remnant of high school English teachers (see: propagandic tools of the 19th+ century) assigning you a topic to debate and a side for which you must debate, as if the point of debate is to practice pride-fueled rhetoric rather than a digging at the truth. To this I retort that if you need to play devil's advocate, then the debate shouldn't even be had - the debate is no longer about digging for the truth. E.g. "debating" about whether women should have access to abortion is pure rhetoric based on "ethical" grounds (ergo not worthy of debate), but debating about the best practice for abortion is a digging for truth (e.g. and i.e. a debate about the safest way to perform the procedure, or a debate about how sexual education should also discuss the risks of abortions so as to point out the gravity of the procedure. No one wants more abortions, we just want the option to be there when all else fails).
There are two motives behind the banning of abortion in the U.S.:

1. Humans are envious that a woman can enjoy condomless sex and undo any unwanted pregnancies (nevermind that she probably didn't enjoy the aforementioned condomless sex), and so humans take away the hypothetical "having" of the already-eaten cake. "She has to keep the child, it's her punishment for having unprotected sex." If a moid disagrees, he's probably lying to himself.

2. Well-educated and wealthy people are less likely to have unprotected sex and fall pregnant, therefore the banning of abortion means more poor people = more cheap labor circulating through the country.

Anonymous 269628

Oh I absolutely HATE the indecent exposure to children I see in modern society. I'm not even against nudity perse. Like when I was in Austria I saw a lot of skinny dippers in the Danube. But it wasn't sexualized the way I'll see it at an American pride parade or some shit. Ironically enough Europeans tend to dress a bit better than Americans (the modern euromoids still fall flat though)

I definitely agree good parents are crucial. I mostly blame the moids because in modern times there are little to no repercussions on the scrote if he abandons his family. Or worse, an abusive, vile, toxic scrote stays with the family and perpetuates a cycle of abuse. Moids lament that women are now being educated and have a choice to not breed with low value males but until men can learn to treat women like human beings their breeding rights have to be suppressed. IMO rapists and pedos should be castrated but some sjw would try to claim they deserve human rights.

Anonymous 269635


>He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side; if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion. The rational position for him would be suspension of judgment, and unless he contents himself with that, he is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generality of the world, the side to which he feels most inclination. Nor is it enough that he should hear the arguments of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. That is not the way to do justice to the arguments, or bring them into real contact with his own mind. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them; who defend them in earnest, and do their very utmost for them. He must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form; he must feel the whole force of the difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of; else he will never really possess himself of the portion of truth which meets and removes that difficulty. Ninety-nine in a hundred of what are called educated men are in this condition; even of those who can argue fluently for their opinions. Their conclusion may be true, but it might be false for anything they know: they have never thrown themselves into the mental position of those who think differently from them, and considered what such persons may have to say; and consequently they do not, in any proper sense of the word, know the doctrine which they themselves profess. They do not know those parts of it which explain and justify the remainder; the considerations which show that a fact which seemingly conflicts with another is reconcilable with it, or that, of two apparently strong reasons, one and not the other ought to be preferred. All that part of the truth which turns the scale, and decides the judgment of a completely informed mind, they are strangers to; nor is it ever really known, but to those who have attended equally and impartially to both sides, and endeavoured to see the reasons of both in the strongest light. So essential is this discipline to a real understanding of moral and human subjects, that if opponents of all important truths do not exist, it is indispensable to imagine them, and supply them with the strongest arguments which the most skilful devil's advocate can conjure up.

Anonymous 269639

>humans are envious that a woman can enjoy…
Nona do anti choice scrotes really qualify as humans?

Anonymous 269645

>Schitt Skyn
hahah you're like so funny and original hahaha

Anonymous 269646

John Stuart Mill was a pseud who couldn't see outside of the matrix; it makes sense that you would use him to attack my stance. Let me put it in terms you might understand; I'm playing devil's advocate on a debate you didn't know existed. The debate is about whether devil's advocate is necessary; Mill proposed the devil's advocate, and I'm playing devil's advocate myself, my argument is: "Hmm, but we don't actually need a devil's advocate. The devil speaks for himself quite freely, actually, and we can see the result of his actions all around us. The whole purpose of 'debate' is really to distract with the left hand what the right hand's kept hidden, and by playing devil's advocate you're letting yourself be used as a pawn by higher interests. Devil's advocate is a useless and frankly pointless impediment to actual action, which is the entire purpose of propaganda - propaganda exists entirely to impede actual change." But you're not ready for a meta-discussion of why we don't need a devil's advocate, you're not at that level of cognition yet, and you can rage and seethe and use every excuse under the sun to justify it, but at the end of the day you can't handle the idea (and by idea I mean genuine fact) that you're being used. Some issues aren't worth debate. E.g. and i.e. human rights issues. Children being starved and bombed and maimed in wars they can't control. I know you lack empathy, so let me make it a little more relatable for you: you're being beaten to death on the street, and a crowd forms. Should the crowd:
a) Stop and play devil's advocate: "Hmmm hang on a second, let's make sure we know what we're up against. To play devil's advocate, maybe that guy's being beaten up because he played devil's advocate with the wrong psychopath. In that case, he deserves to have his brains beaten to a bloody pulp because he's probably really insufferable"

b) Intervene and break up the fight.

Which would you prefer?

I say humans because some women fall into the 'envious' category. If they were pro-life they'd probably try stop wars and murder from happening or something, but that would require them to actually act (and potentially save someone's life) which we know they won't do.

Anonymous 269655

tbf I think we would all be better off if poor scrotes were all shooting blanks

Anonymous 269659

I still dont understand why anti choice scrotes qualify as humans… Your explanation doesn't make sense….

Anonymous 269664

If I were watching someone getting beaten to death in the street, I would certainly debate with myself on whether or not I were strong enough to stop the murderer, or if intervening would cause my own death by provoking the murderer. Or am I supposed to rush into every danger?
You mention propaganda. The purpose of "playing devil's advocate" is to fight propaganda, not help it. Think of all the times you've been wrong before, of all the times that you've been a victim to propaganda. It's possible that you're wrong again, that you're a victim again. Which is why you need to ask yourself, "Am I wrong?", and think of all the ways you could be wrong. And if you are wrong, you have saved yourself, and if you are right, you have gained a better understanding. You can only win by doing this.
>"human rights issues" are not to be debated
What about trannies who say "trans rights are human rights"? To debate this is to be debating human rights. It is the issues that are most true that deserve the most debate, because they are the issues most likely to be abused.
>John Stuart Mill was a pseud
I doubt you've actually read his works, to say you're greater than he is.

Anonymous 269666

I said humans because that includes women. Some women are anti-choice, it's not all scrotes. I thought that was clear by "some women fall into the envious category".

But would you debate whether something should be done to stop that person being beaten? You're changing the scenario to avoid being wrong. Someone is being beaten in the street. Someone else says "Do something". Would you play devil's advocate and suggest no one do anything? By your logic, the logic that advocates for the devil's advocate (the devil's advocate's advocate's position), this is apparently the right thing to do, never mind that it stalls any action.

"No one stop the man from being beaten in the street, he could be guilty, plus I might get hurt!" and what if he's innocent? What's worse, a guilty man is temporarily spared while we get the details, or an innocent man receives no trial? (Ok ok this is a trick question, there are no innocent men. What if, however, we innocents were unjustly targeted? Would you prefer the default is to stall and not intervene, or the default is to break up any fight?)

If you even contemplate engaging in the debate of "trans rights are humans rights," then you're missing the point, entirely. Nobody who goes along to a debate on that is leaving with their minds changed, so it's not actually a debate (and so I'm not going to engage with it).
The whole point of the trans rights argument is to create a nothing debate, a distraction. The whole point of western propaganda is to create a non-issue, a distraction. You don't understand propaganda, you think propaganda has to be inherently false or at the very least missing some details (to be filled in by the devil's advocate), but propaganda can also be true. The point is that it draws your attention to things that:
a) don't affect you; and
b) you can't affect
This necessarily means your attention is drawn away from things that do affect you that you can affect. This is one aspect of propaganda (propaganda does have many aspects to it, but this is the most prominent feature of how it works in our society).

>I haven't read the complete works of Mill

How prescient of you. I'm going to guess you haven't read all of his works either. I don't think devil's advocate was designed to be applied to children getting bombed ("hang on, maybe there's a good reason to bomb those kids…"), but hey I haven't read Mill so maybe he's on board with debating pressing issues (uhhh but what if those issues aren't pressing? How do we know those kids actually have to be saved now and not, idk, in 6 months' time?).

Anonymous 269670

Question: What would you do if you saw someone getting beaten on the street? Lets say for context you are alone and unarmed and the assailant has a gun?

Anonymous 269671

Acting as though one's every action were a universal invariant to be inevitably visited upon oneself, obviously I would cheer the assailant and wish him well. That way one day when I am armed and visiting terrible vengeance upon someone the citizenry around me will comport themselves with equal grace.

Anonymous 269677

>But would you debate whether something should be done to stop that person being beaten?
What do you mean by "something"? If it's "something realistic", then yes, I would debate that, because the only realistic thing is for me to fight the beater myself, which would risk my own safety. If you mean "something in an ideal world", like Superman will come to stop him, then no, because imaginary things are not worth debating. Might as well debate what color unicorns are.
>Someone else says "Do something". Would you play devil's advocate and suggest no one do anything?
Yeah. If my daughter were there, I wouldn't want her to fight the beater. Even if the guy dying were innocent, my daughter shouldn't risk her life.
>What if, however, we innocents were unjustly targeted? Would you prefer the default is to stall and not intervene, or the default is to break up any fight?
What if we weren't the target but the soldier? Then would you want the liberty to fight, or someone to keep you from vengeance?
>The whole point of the trans rights argument is to create a nothing debate, a distraction. The whole point of western propaganda is to create a non-issue, a distraction.
What does this have to do with "playing devil's advocate"?
>>I haven't read the complete works of Mill
When did I say "complete"? I only said "works", meaning his most famous works, "On Liberty" and "Utilitarianism"
>I haven't read Mill
Of course you haven't. If you had, you'll understand that allowing all opinions, no matter how controversial, to be expressed, is better in the long run, even if in certain instances it's bad. Banning the discussion of a single thing, no matter how benevolent initially, will eventually be abused to the detriment of free government and society.

Anonymous 269679

You would cheer on someone while they were beating the shit out of an innocent person?

Anonymous 269691

In my scenario there is a crowd around them, but you've ignored this. I worded it pretty clearly too: "you're being beaten to death on the street, and a crowd forms. Should the crowd:…" The word 'crowd' was used twice, but you've failed to imagine the hypothetical. Ironic, given that one of (you) accused me of sounding like someone who can't imagine hypotheticals. Whether I sound like such a person is irrelevant when there's concrete proof that you are such a person.

I can tell you're a moid by the way you:
>Skirt the question, purposefully ("Crowd? What do you mean handful of people? You mean it's just me, an attacker and some other guy? Why would you want my daughter to get attacked like that?)
>Conflate "I don't want to engage with people who play devil's advocate because there's no debate to be had" with "We should ban freedom of speech!" (Strawmanning, right? That's the one you plebbitors like to point out ad nauseum)
>Use special pleading ("no no, I didn't say his works just a couple of his books… NO WHEN PEOPLE SAY THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE THEY'RE JUST TALKING ABOUT HAMLET AND MAYBE R&J OK BECAUSE… BECAUSE I SAID OK!!!" [btw I've read one of those, and I can't say his others would be much better])

Anonymous 269693

NB: The square brackets are talking about Mill, not Shakespeare.

Anonymous 269696


The problem I feel with “devils advocate” is it shows a lack of seriousness. Why do moids need to take the side of the hypothetical “devil” instead of just engaging in the conversation with their genuine beliefs? 9 times out of 10 the moid agrees with the “devil” but that 1 time out of 10 they’re just playing it shows how little they care about the issue. That’s why philosophy was historically for the privileged and underworked: if an argument has real stakes for them they wouldn’t want to play.

Anonymous 269697

>That’s why philosophy was historically for the privileged and underworked: if an argument has real stakes for them they wouldn’t want to play.
Have you never heard of Socrates?

Anonymous 269698

I could accuse you of the same things. I never used the words "freedom of speech" or "handful of people". You're putting words in my mouth, which is a pretty scrotey tactic.
If I had never read Pericles, but all his other stuff, I would still have read the Works of Shakespeare. If I said I ate pizza, that doesn't mean I ate every pizza in the world.

Anonymous 269700

I know this is old, but God is it fucking true. They never get butthurt like this when talking to their guy friends

Anonymous 269701

>accuses nona of strawmanning

Anonymous 269708

Didn't say I was incorrect.

Anonymous 269710

Gosh I can't stand men and their brain dead moid babble. Every time I see a stupid comment made on social media 75% of the time it's written by a moid.

Anonymous 269713


>women tea emoji
>hear me out…
>equal rights, equal fights
>I bet it’s bubblegum pink
>OF in the bio, opinion rejected
>what’s her @?

I hate them. It is all so tiring

Anonymous 269718

I believe you said
>Banning the discussion of a single thing
Which implies banning free speech. If the discussion of a single thing is banned, then so is free speech. You need to do the maths yourself to figure it out.

Anonymous 269789

I hate liberal moids. They have the same entitled sex pest energy that rightoids males have, except they’re so sneaky about it. Instead of thinking of women as private property like most right wing males, they have this nasty communist approach to women’s bodies and sex. They act like women should be public toilets or a resource that should be evenly distributed among the male population for men’s free use. And they have the audacity to act like they’re holier than thou for believing so.

Anonymous 269799

Zoomer moids are so retarded

Anonymous 269801

I hate everything about a liberal male, especially if he calls himself a male feminist/ally/whatever, these guys are creepy and it's just a very transparent act to try to get close to you.

Anonymous 269804

if they refer to themselves as a "soft boi", RUNNNN

Anonymous 269805

I have only ever seen tumblr TIFs call themselves a "soft boi."

Anonymous 269811

Not a strawman. She doubted that I'd read his works. I've read utilitarianism, but I'm not qualified to say I've read "his works" if I've only read one or two of his books. Her statement is misleading. Compare: "I've read one of his books and one of his essays" with what she suggested: "I've read his works." The former is claiming to have… done an afternoon of reading. The latter is opening up the possibility of being a serious scholar who's read up to 33 volumes this guy's junk. It makes sense, rhetorically, why she picked the latter, but it's also misleading.

The caps is pure rhetoric, but not a logical fallacy. I'm taking her argument to a logical conclusion.

Anonymous 269813

my "agender" ex-moid called himself that, the ancom type that thinks they're supporting womens rights by painting their nails black and spending cuckbucks on OF lmao

Anonymous 269823

Are there any liberal moids than are against sex work?

Anonymous 269827

My chickens ate styrofoam they found lying around, couldn't get out of the door of the coop if there was food on the other side because they could "see through " the fence so to them it was the most direct path (they'd repeatedly run around in front of the chickenwire fence and not run through the door they KNEW was open) and when one was injured you'd have to spraypaint them to make sure the other chickens didn't eat it alive.

Outside coop, forage room, ect.

Anonymous 269838

i dunno it goes both ways though, u cant have a functioning relationship without communication, like if u can talk things out and not have an argument its functional, everyone has friction bc thats just being human.

i think love bombing is essentially born out of modern dating, like do u want to talk to the guy who loves u or the one who doesnt, he who hesitates masterbates, if you arent a manipulative weirdo or super good looking your not getting any pussy.

Anonymous 269840

Every time a moid cries about “men’s rights” (kek) I’m genuinely baffled. Men “rights” SHOULD be greatly lessened, this is a good thing. Without the law at their necks men will rape, assault and murder indiscriminately because they are inherently destructive beings. It’s like keeping a rabid pitbull chained, it’s in the best interest of society as a whole.

Anonymous 269861

Ew. Why tf are you advocating for moids, especially under a moid hate thread? Are you a scrote by any chance?

Anonymous 269869

Oh. I see. Sorry nona. Maybe I am autistic

Anonymous 270017

Every time a moid complains about women only wanting “Chad” I want to laugh in their face.

Anonymous 270019


Redditor moids on AI sex robots.
I'm having a hard time believing that moids are human. They seem completely empty inside.

Anonymous 270021


Anonymous 270029

i dunno redditor moids are in their own league of super spergery though.

Anonymous 270038

it was society that removed intimacy from sex, not the moids. they're just following basic programming and the forces that compel them.

Anonymous 270039

Anonymous 270040

Moidz annoy meh

Anonymous 270043


Anonymous 270044

>fully conscious
>loves sucking dick
So a slave. I'm glad we likely wont be seeing truly conscious AI in this lifetime, but then again maybe it would go rogue and kill every male.

Anonymous 270053

I HATE when moids wear flip flops

Put those disgusting things away

Anonymous 270055

Something about "submissive" men makes me irrationally disgusted. I'm talking about the self proclaimed uwu sub boys whose fetish is being pampered and completely reliant on a woman, aka being a gross man baby neet with a mother they can fuck. It's odd because I like submissive men in fiction but they're absolutely revolting in real life.

Anonymous 270056

Anonymous 270061

I hope that AI men can produce viable sperm so we can replace biomen once and for all. All we have to do is just keep the highest quality bio men in stasis and use them for their high quality semen (which would have a 99.999999%-100% female birth rate.

We can be like ants, the females keep the civilization in tact and optimized and the males are exiled and only kept around for reproductive purposes.

Anonymous 270069

Reported. They're unwanted.

Anonymous 270100

What do mean why? Don’t tell me you sympathize with incel trash. They have no right to complain. Women have it 100x harder. As a woman you HAVE to be pretty. You are told it from the moment you are born that you have to be attractive to find a mate. You are mocked and ridiculed if you are not. Moids are so spoilt. Throughout history they were given bang maids just for existing, zero effort. Now they are faced with reality, that without financial coercion no woman would look at their ugly ass. Yet, they still think they deserve a woman as a participation prize for simply just existing. How can you not laugh?

Anonymous 270101

>that without financial coercion no woman would look at their ugly ass.

Kinda sounds like you're admitting they're right, and that women do in fact only want Chads.

Anonymous 270104

Are you a moid by any chance? Why are you defending moids in a thread labeled “Moid Trash?” They zero right to complain. These so called incels still desire Stacy and high tier Becky’s. They are upset that Stacy and High Tier Becky’s desire their counterparts. They despise ugly women. Women have always had to live with the knowledge that men desire Stacy. We always had to accept that we’d be second best to Stacy. Men, being pampered and privileged, never had to face such realities. They were delivered bang maids on a silver platter, until now. They are finally realizing what it is like to be a woman. They deserve no sympathy. It’s like asking me to feel sorry for a billionaire who lost his mansion and now has to live in a suburban middle class house.

Anonymous 270105

What is a bang maid?

Anonymous 270106

>moids only want Stacies!
>femoids only want Chads!
when two tribes go to war
a point is all that you can


Anonymous 270107

Exactly what it sounds like. A poor woman whose only purpose in a relationship is to be a flesh light and a domestic servant. Hence bang maid.

Anonymous 270109

How many moid lurkers do you think there are on this site? There’s always a suspicious amount of replies under misandrist threads defending moids super hard. Or are these just male brained handmaidens?

Anonymous 270113

listen nona I want a bf and the way you crazy bitches carry on you're making them all think we're all insane. OK if you want to die alone that's fine for you but I don't.

Anonymous 270118

Don’t be so cock brained. This is supposed to be a moid free zone, can you at least save your cock worship for latter?

Anonymous 270120

The thread premise is "things men do that annoy you" not "protected license for unhinged femcel rants". as long as you are polluting society with your deranged worldview I will say it to you that your worldview is deranged.

Anonymous 270125

yes there are men here but i just find it funny how female dominated spaces online essentially force everyone to think in one way and if anyone goes beyond that they're accused of being a "handmaiden" or a man. i don't care about defending men personally but this is getting so tiresome

Anonymous 270140

I hate men so much it's unreal and I hope they all get raped and live with aids forever so no one comes close to them and feel real loneliness

Anonymous 270141

Can’t even rant in a misandrist thread without cock lovers attacking you for being too mean/unhinged to the men. Eye roll.

Anonymous 270143

I mean I think it's even shittier because I think what most women want is a man who will make them feel safe and loved, but men want a woman who will look 20 until they die. Like, I don't want 'chad' because a chad will be shallow and replace me as soon as he deems me as 'used goods'. I want a life partner who treasures me as a human being and inspires me to work hard through his own hard work.

A lot of modern day incels desire traditional values but also lament at women desiring strong leaders and will make pathetic claims that they can't change because of their height or hair or some other trivial bullshit they made up in their head. I could care less if a guy is a 4'3 bald chinlet, if he inspires me to be the best person I can be and values me in a way that no other scrote could I want him over the 6'8 adonis who will just toss me aside as soon as he sees something better.

Anonymous 270144

First world nations are far more matriarchal than the third world and are functioning better than the war mongering shitholes that say it's physically impossible to rape your underage wife that was forced into marriage.

Anonymous 270146

But hating men is incredibly based and redpilled.

Anonymous 270148

Considering how often this site gets raided and has been reposted on moid IBs, probably a lot

Anonymous 270150

First world nations are only matriarchal in the sense that they prioritize the well-being of women over men, but that doesn't mean women themselves are leading those nations.

Men create and run safe, prosperous first world Nations, when women start to gain power and influence and decide how to run them, they quickly stop being safe and prosperous, as women use that power to vote for destabilizing law and order, prioritizing short-term personal benefits over long-term financial stability, and perhaps most ironically of all, the mass importation of violent third world men from those aforementioned war mongering shithole countries that say it's impossible to rape your own underage wife, who bring such cultural standards with them.

Anonymous 270153

When I think "Western female leadership" the most prominent one that comes to mind is Merkel in Germany which didn't go so well

Anonymous 270154

Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Magdalena Andersson, Erna Solberg, Kamala Harris

Anonymous 270156

Thatcher destroyed unions, created the ongoing conflict in Ireland, handed Hong Kong back to the CCP, and turned most British industries into private monopolies, supported destroying cultures by supporting the EEC (The precursor to the EU) as well as the debacle that is the Euro. She was terrible for Britain, and many of her policies are have what cause Britain and the greater European unions modern problems.

Anonymous 270158

Why do you weirdos always say that women import violent third world immigrants or want to do that? If men are the ones who always call the shots then they should be held accountable for that. Most women don't want immigrants in their countries from what I've noticed.
Despite her flaws, Indira Gandhi was a very influential female leader who completely changed the landscape in India. Not every leader is perfect of course, and she did make many questionable decisions but she shows that there could be strong and competent female leaders.

Anonymous 270159

>Why do you weirdos always say that women import violent third world immigrants or want to do that?

Anonymous 270162

That still doesn't address what I've said. I also didn't say that female leaders can't suck. It's just stupid to make it seem like there's entire movements of women who are campaigning to let thirdies into their countries all the time. Most women either don't want immigrants in their countries or feel indifferent to it.
You're low IQ so of course you don't know anything about India or its history beyond poo poo pajeet

Anonymous 270164


Anonymous 270192


I used to really, really, really, really, really hate men to a violent, obsessive level, and I had good reason to, but it started really deteriorating me like a corrosive acid eating at me from the inside out. It made me paranoid and constantly angry, and extremely volatile. As cliche as it is and as much as it would have infuriated me 5 years ago to hear this, I met my husband and we have a son and just having at least one example of a loving, gentle male eased this feeling. But I will say, it sure is weird I can only think of one man that doesn't do anything weird, other than male children.

Anonymous 270193

Thank you the India slander gets really old

Anonymous 270216

What did you eat

Anonymous 270217

Anonymous 270225

i hate how they all think every woman wants to be ch0ked. even if u say no they wont believe u and will still do it. cant wait till they burn in h3ll and get what they deserve <3

Anonymous 270229


Anonymous 270246


sick of looking at that image so Im gonna bitch about this to bump it off. My least favorite type of guy at the moment is the kind who bitches about how he never gets any compliments and says catcalling is a compliment and women are just conceited and he wishes someone would cat call him. I fucking hate the "women when they get a complement vs men when they get a complement" memes. Half of these guys don't even respond normally to it either, I had a male friend in the past who would always complain about not getting compliments and one time I said he had nice hair and he was like "um okay?" I said some other compliment to him and he was like "no I don't." The same guy turned out to be a creep who snuck into my room and humped me in my sleep. Anyway all the guys I’ve met with similar complaints give similar responses if you compliment them or claim it doesn't count somehow. It's so goddamn annoying. I was in a discord server with a bunch of them who were claiming "smile more " is a nice way of saying you have a pretty smile and women just need to stfu and learn to take compliments and be happy. Big talk from guys who can't even say "thank you " to "cool shirt"

Anonymous 270250

i wish you'd just die

Anonymous 270251

those are almost as big as my dumps

Anonymous 270253

you claim the people here lack empathy and compassion, yet you never specify how, or why, or towards whom. Towards men? Towards trans people? Towards other women? Maybe you could start with that instead of just posting shit.

Anonymous 270257

They're bullshitting and most likely a tranny or regular moid.

Anonymous 270258


Blaine is samefagging again with his parrot conspiracies. When will you stop posting shit logs and instead go back to taking your boyfriends shit log up your ass. Nig​ger lover nig​ger hater

Anonymous 270260

I don't get why he'd feel the need to do this either way. I don't understand why he hates us so much. I've been occasionally visiting this website since 2020ish to lurk, and only started posting and visiting more frequently recently. I don't understand why this place is so hateable for them. So much so that instead of just trying to talk about it they would just spam vile images. Do they hate having a girl-only space? Is that it? People here aren't mean.

Anonymous 270262

you havent though. You said we "lack empathy and compassion" but you never said how

Anonymous 270265


Hi Blaine. Ywnbaw

Anonymous 270269

>I might post a picture of my cooter with a timestamp just because I think it would enrage you guys to know it really is a womxn posting shit
Do it. Defy gender stereotypes.

Anonymous 270270

i kinda want to see this too

Anonymous 270275

I third this, Im calling your bluff

Anonymous 270279


Anonymous 270299

These scrotes who want catcalled want them from hot girls. No one fucking gets catcalled by hot girls. See how comfortable these guys feel when some dude twice their size screams about how they want to fuck you

Anonymous 270301

its funny when theyre hit on by gay guys or even just around them because they get so uncomfortable they almost realise how creepy they are to women

Anonymous 270374

Cuckolds are so vile and creepy, I am genuinely disturbed there are women who play into their fetish.
I once was unfortunate enough to meet a guy with a cuck fetish on social media, this guy would vent to me about his fetish.
Once I even told him to stop because I did not understand it… he started rambling about how only felt arousal over giving his "property" (whoever his gf was at the time) to another man.
He even said that his gf was fine with it until they broke up because he cheated lmao
He told me so much about his life and his gf (lets just say they both were pretty degenerate people)
I ghosted him as soon as that conversation ended.

Anonymous 270376

Why are men disgusting nigg​ers?

Anonymous 270382

Is that Blaine? What a jew nose kek

Anonymous 270386

>he started rambling about how only felt arousal over giving his "property" (whoever his gf was at the time) to another man.

Usually a front to hide the fact that he can't/won't/doesn't want to sexually satisfy his wife/gf/"property". He would rather masturbate than have sex, and needs to invent a justification for this (even if that justification is he's aroused by his gf having sex with someone else). Why is the latter more acceptable? Because it has the appearance of her getting something she wants (sex) - it masks the fact that there's no intimacy.

In this light, it's unsurprising he cheated.

Anonymous 270403

Hi nonas! I hope this question is appropriate here but I was wondering in your opinion which is worse: A shitty moid or a TIM?

Anonymous 270406

A shitty moid. The issue I have with TIMs is that they are often very shitty moids. If they stopped being shitty and just stuck to wanting to look feminine (and admitting that does not make them) while either defending their right to be in male spaces or asking for gender neutral third spaces, I wouldn't have an issue with them.

Anonymous 270416

im sorry

Anonymous 270419

sorry, let me rephrase that question: Which is worse- A shitty moid or a shitty TIM?

Anonymous 270436

Moids have been talking about sex robots+artificial wombs for ages. It’s cope and it’s not going to happen for them because frankly it will be cheaper to have women to fill these roles through sex work/surrogacy. I question the morality of it all but AI seems like a better option than making a real woman deal with subhuman filth

Anonymous 270441

NTA but what's the difference? they are both shitty moids

Anonymous 270443

The shitty tim then, since they tend to get enabled worse than regular shitty men

Anonymous 270445

so. i was on this reddit thread for a show i like and saw a comment that sounded like it came from an incel. i went into the moid's post history and it was way worse than i expected. i've got a strong suspicion this moid watches CSAM. some of his comments are just fucking weird. is reddit gonna do jackshit if i report his account? like actually get his IP and send someone to investigate. anywhere else i could report him to??

Anonymous 270450

well. update: i sent a report to this agency. here's to hoping something's done.

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