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PDA // About Love Anonymous 268801

This is not something positive. It is something negative. It may be cute and adorable in thought, but ultimately repulsive in observation and oftentimes practice.

Today I experienced a wretched display of “LOVE” from a close acquaintance of mine. Randomly, in our group chat with a few other mutuals, she (unprompted) complained about her stupid ass boyfriend giving her a hickey, and how it’s such a pain/bother to cover up. I told her “I don’t want to hear about this” while our mutual friends were shocked and curious. She gave us the BLESSING of a visual and proceeded to sent a picture of the disgusting mark on her neck. FIRST of all, literally nobody asked for this. SECOND of all, you’re disgusting and I could give less of a shit about what your repulsive fucking boyfriend is doing to you. I am not even exaggerating when I say that I felt absolutely horrible when she sent that first text to the group chat. It puts a horrible image of her being defiled by her fuckass boyfriend in my head. This is something I absolutely hate about young couples. They think that everyone is interested in their business, curious about whether their shit is brown or a taupe -NEWSFLASH, nobody fucking cares so you PDA loving bitches can just kill yourselves because I assure you that nobody is wondering if you are sexually active with your partner, nobody is wondering who you got a hickey from, nobody is wondering if you’ve given up your virginity (SLUT), and nobody most of all gives a shit if you’re in “love”. Keep it to yourself, it really is that simple.

PDA/flaunting your retarded relationship isn’t the only annoying thing about love, but it’s the feeling itself. Being in love is the worst thing a human can experience in todays world. One day you’re soaring through the clouds, ecstatic and seeing the world through a new lens of pink and the next day you’re in your bedroom, sleeping through the day, feeling sick to your stomach wondering what is going through your crush’s mind. I hate the ambiguity. I hate it all. Most of all, I hate thinking about him when I was made to think for myself. Before anything, I am a human, a selfish creature. I hate when he takes up my mind and distracts me, from ME.
Worrying about someone else is annoying when you don’t know what they’re thinking. I hate playing this game of cat and mouse because it causes so much overthinking and unnecessary stress for no reason. From this, Ive been disinterested in love, and I’ve made no effort to start any courtships with anyone.

In addition, slut men fags are just looking for a woman that obeys easily and will suck his dick. I hate men like this, and I think that they should actually all fucking die. I hate doing as I am told (which is what everyone else should hate) and I’m sorry that I’m not a quick fuck like most simple bitches, but I would actually prefer to date someone for a future and not for just having sex and or a stupid fucking relationship that isn’t going anywhere. That is clearly too much to ask for in today’s world where faggots just say “gyat” or “damn you’re fine” as a way of fucking flirting.

Something more are those pathetic dating apps. I will never use any of those dating apps in my life. Love is fucking stupid but dating apps make it absolutely retarded. Nobody actually cares about the interests you put in your little description, it’s about your face, your body, and how willing you are to open your legs. Stop marketing yourself in these apps to those wolves. They don’t care about you, they just want to be pleased and then to toss you away. After that, they’d get back to swiping left and right to restart their sex-cycle.

There is no more simple loving; it is just a cancer that should be eradicated from existence because of how it deteriorated into such a pathetic concept from what it once was praised to be.

Say what you want.

Anonymous 268803

God, i would love to have a SO that gives me love bites and marks my body so everyone knows i have an owner

Anonymous 268806

To each their own, I guess.
But, would you talk about that to your friends? If so, get some class and respect for yourself.

Anonymous 268807

Yes, i would tell and show everyone. Particularly my single friends so they know what they are missing out on.

Anonymous 268808


Anonymous 268815

i think you need to go outside and realize it isn't that deep lol

Anonymous 269235

yeah there really is no greater conceit than the earliest stages of a relationship. i honestly think that's why they feel so fucking good. I think it tends to hit women harder and then their worthless moid starts to slow fade and they spend the rest of the relationship desperately trying to get him to reciprocate the same interest by bending over backwards with overly intimate longposts and lasering their pubes and planning dates and all kinds of nonsense. it's never a good tradeoff
>Most of all, I hate thinking about him when I was made to think for myself. Before anything, I am a human, a selfish creature. I hate when he takes up my mind and distracts me, from ME.

I used to struggle a lot with this. I find I get addicted to their responses like slots - like it really is akin to an addiction. I also finally figured out a solution. You just have to tell yourself "I won't talk to/check in on this person for 2 hours today" - that's it. Then you'll get little urges to do so but you can console yourself with "okay 45 more min and I'll check in". Then slowly increase the interval by like 15 minutes after each successful day. You can slowly train yourself to enjoy your own company again without the associated anxiety of a full blown break up, since you're in control of the time intervals. Totally agree though OP - nothing more violating than a moid who worms his way into your psyche via your ego's blind spots.

Anonymous 269243

you have problems

Anonymous 269251


Closet lesbian u wish it was u giving her a hickey

Anonymous 269253

Use the vent thread for your retarded discord server drama. I apologise to the mentally handicapped for using that slur but OP's drama is definitely retarded - she didn't want to know about the hickey, I don't want to know about it, yet she tells us anyway.


Anonymous 269262

he is so hot

Anonymous 269263

Anonymous 269266

Yes he freaking is

Anonymous 269267

Crazy how normalized exhibitionism is nowadays. Your friend was absolutely getting off on this, maybe not literally sexually, but she surely got some kind of perverse thrill knowing that people knew she had a hickey.
I have no problem with people making out or having sex, but PDA is extremely rude. It's disgusting that teenagers will just eat each others faces on the street or in public transportation, sometimes even blocking other people's way.

Anonymous 269278

Anonymous 269990

thank you :)

Anonymous 269992

i need him impregnated

Anonymous 269998

love sucks nona. I just want a good friend who cares about me so badly.

Anonymous 269999

hickeys are dope though i love getting hickeys

Anonymous 270013


holy shit i hate people doing pda…its disgusting when they're in poblic on their own but its 10 times worse when they're doing it IN A GROUP OF FRIENDS??? its super rude and disrespectful i hate them. whenever i see a couple being gross in public i make sure they notice me looking at them weird so they feel uncomfortable cause they really need a reality check. worst thing of all is that they're probably such disgusting freaks that they wont even feel uncomfortable by people staring…i wish we unnormalized this fuck pda all my homies hate pda

Anonymous 270194

You sound just like a really annoying friend I used to have, is your name Stephanie

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