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i do not like hot men Anonymous 112668

im sorry but i would rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with a male who is "hot" instead of a guy with a cute or young looking face. i like cute and young looking women as well instead of someone like margot robbie if im being honest
picrel and similar makes me feel nothing

Anonymous 112669

Define cute. I think being cute still entails being hot or conventionally attractive. It typically involves softer, more androgynous features and boyish looks. That doesn't mean unattractive.

Anonymous 112670


basically picrel but with a fuller face, or v from bts. just men who are cute and young looking. guys with an older appearance do nothing for me honestly.

Anonymous 112671


brad pitt is an example of someone who everyone calls "hot," but i don't agree. his face is scary. i would pick >>112670 every time, cute >>>>>>>>>>> hot

Anonymous 112672

and the same goes for women, just to note

Anonymous 112675

i hate old looking men
i hate any media that shoves hot and old looking people down our throats and expects us to worship them. e.g. megan fox or tom cruise. cute and young people make me actually care about living. not hollywood actors that look 3x their age propped up by insecure men and women

Anonymous 112676

young looking**

Anonymous 112677

>tom cruise
>hollywood actors that look 3x their age
Mr. Cruise does not look like he is 183. He is 61 and does not look a day over 60.

Anonymous 112678


thomas brodie-sangster is 33 and looks extremely young looking and cute. tom cruise does not compare.

Anonymous 112697

i hate good looking men bc most of the time they are aware of it and use that to their advantage…. not only that but most of them are also egotistical and treat women even worse then other men bc if they're hot, no matter how shitty they are, they will still get girls.

Anonymous 112698

I dont think anyone has looked at gigachad and thought he was genuinly attractive…hes a meme because he encapsulates a hypermasculine beauty standard to an extreme that makes him unattractive.
Most women arent attractive to hypermasculinity, body builders, etc. Its not even a secret that women prefer more average/dad bods, or even feminine men than this, but incels who want to believe most women have unattainable standards, and gay men who are attracted to muscle men, refuse to believe this reality and perpetuate the lie.

Anonymous 112716


its not just hypermasculine men but the types of men that are pushed as attractive are not cute at all. picrel does nothing for me, their face is too grown looking
cute >>>>>>>>>>>> hot

Anonymous 112717


and its not just men. sophia lillis is way more cute than margot robbie yet margot robbie gets bigger roles and casts. why? its so dumb, i dont feel any real emotional investment in media if the character isnt cute

Anonymous 112725

It's that arrogant aura.
Only fags and rich bitches are into overly muscular men

Anonymous 112731


You know it's mostly men who like "chads" like that right? When women get to be honest they tend to admit to liking young cute men, but it makes men absolutely chimp out so they keep quiet about it/become pickmes and gaslight themselves into liking roidpigs

Anonymous 112733

This. Male gaze vs female gaze.

Anonymous 112755


Young brad pitt was cute

Anonymous 112766



Nettspend is so cute

Anonymous 112775

Who is this… he's cute

Anonymous 112781


That's young John Hurt :)

Anonymous 112786

Picrel is completely retarded, I agree.

Anonymous 112793

>I don't like hot men, I like some other type of hot men!

Ok and? Do you want a medal or something?

Anonymous 112799

I like dudes with slightly feminine/pretty features.

Anonymous 112810

im so not like other girls, i like x instead of z, which every other girl likes!!!1

Anonymous 112812

retarded moid or male brained woman

Anonymous 112813

also, you know how i can tell? men have this very particular way of focusing on ways in which they disagree with you as opposed to finding common ground, for sake of idea or mental interruption or to cause unneeded conflict. it's quite obnoxious behavior that i always thought was quite unattractive in men.

Anonymous 112815

…Prolly bait, nona

Anonymous 112817

nta but why do you people accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being male? it's so funny because it all boils down to "anyone who hurts my fee fees is a moid!" as if we aren't on the internet lmao

Anonymous 112818

because men are everywhere on this site lately and fail at blending in. it is obnoxious. im not even trying to start a moid paranoia wave like what happens every couple of months, you can just tell when men are being louder than usual. its not even a gendered thing, if you fail to acclimate to user culture its an individual shortcoming

Anonymous 112820

i'm not denying there's men here but acting like a cunt doesn't automatically make you male

Anonymous 112866

Lmfao I'm one of the two posters you quoted and I'm female. OP pic is literally an AI generated "chad" and you're literally defining your sexuality as a rebellion against what INCELS define as "the ideal man". Of course it makes you feel nothing, it's not even a real guy. Keep telling yourself you're not like the other girls though. Obviously all women are attracted to whatever incels define as the ideal, lmao

Anonymous 112868

i dont think im different than other girls
again probably bait or just weird cattiness for no reason
im saying media propagates false images of what men and women are attracted to. as >>112733 said

Anonymous 112875

I hate how there's no way for women to exploit pretty men who comply with the female gaze in the same way how women are being exploited throughout history. Hosts? Men are in the position of power. K-drama actors/ male k-pop stars? Although the company benefits finantially mostly, male stars hold much more power than their female fans. Male prostitutes? They are still benefiting much more than their clients. There's no such thing as objectification of men as they are the ones always benefiting. In order for women to merely exist being pretty is a requirement, while men can just drop 15 lbs, grow their hair a bit, wash their ass and get major social and financial benefits.

Anonymous 112876

This is exactly the point I was making by being "catty".

Anonymous 112895

She is ugly because she looks like a boy/androgynous. Margot looks bitchy, but it's clear that she's a woman, i.e. that she's attractive.

Anonymous 112920

Ngl, it sounds like you are a borderline pedo.

Anonymous 112923


Anonymous 112927

>There's no such thing as objectification of men as they are the ones always benefitting
When a cute guy objectifies me I benefit by getting sex, and when I objectify him I double benefit by getting sex with a cute guy.

Anonymous 112928

Sex is no a benefit. It's a sin

Anonymous 113011

>while men can just drop 15 lbs, grow their hair a bit, wash their ass and get major social and financial benefits.

you're deranged if you think this is the case for zoomers/millenials

Anonymous 113012

Anonymous 113015

Old lady. Hag. Millennials are in their 30s now and zoomers in their 20s.

Anonymous 113021

>Looks like a twink that did meth and heroin
why do nonas gaslight themselves into thinking these are prime guys just because they are in a vintage photo?

Anonymous 113033

>20s is old


Anonymous 113044

Ye're chinese now?

Anonymous 113045

what in the world are you talking about

Anonymous 113058

im disappointed seeing nonas on here talking like men. theres a lot of replicating the same repulsive cadence and the same same topics just genderbended. its so tiring to see but if anything i hope those nonas can find the way out of that

Anonymous 113071

most users who obsess over extremely young men for the larp are shotatrannies from a certain discord

Anonymous 113079


Anonymous 113081

If it's talking like a man it's probably a man nona.

Anonymous 113085

nah you'd be surprised how many women default to moid speak when they're anonymous online…

Anonymous 113092

I feel like a lot of them are also in lolcows ugly man psyop thread. There were a few suspicious comments like some anon saying men peak in their teens. Or am I going crazy

Anonymous 113120

Saying "nona" isn't gonna make you fit in, moid.

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