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makeup general Anonymous 20112

Post anything about makeup that doesn't deserve its own thread!

Anonymous 20114

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I have a very cool-toned face. I went out and bought some bright, warm lipstick and blush and the difference is amazing! I look so much better.

I'm also going for the no makeup makeup look so I got an eyebrow pencil that matches my haircolor petfectly. The powder is a bit too dark for my brows but it's perfect to use to blend out my eyeliner. I'm so happy!

I was going to get some concealer or foundation but I'm on the fence. I don't get acne very often, but my face has sone red areas (looks like rosacea, I've never been to a derm so I don't know if it is or isn't) and some discoloration. I don't really need/want to look poreless/filtered so I may just keep the look as it is and add a tinted sunscreen.

Anonymous 20115

i've never used makeup before and would probably look like a clown because of how bad i am

Anonymous 20117

If you're not interested I wouldn't bother. If you're interested look up tutorials and practice at home.

Anonymous 20132

>I have a very cool-toned face. I went out and bought some bright, warm lipstick and blush and the difference is amazing! I look so much better.
Shouldn't warm toned makeup clash with your cool toned skin (and hair/eyes presumably) and make it look worse?

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