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Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016

Ongezellig thread Anonymous 34692[Reply]

Thread for a dutch cartoon pilot about a socially awkward girl going through school life

Anonymous 34695

idk what to say except that i like it. Dutch is a very cute language.

Anonymous 34703

It's pretty funny aside from the scrote nazi humor.


saw u post this and went to go watch it, it was cute but some of the humor is off


I just bought Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout New Vegas Anonymous 34639[Reply]

Which should I play first?
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Anonymous 34675


I blew up Megaton

Anonymous 34677

No 1 and 2?

Anonymous 34683

I don't like the gameplay and lack of voice acting in Fallout 1 and 2

Anonymous 34701

3 > NV > 4 is how I played them, and would recommend. imo each seemed like an improvement upon the previous. 76 though is skippable imo, it's somewhat fun but a downgrade to the singleplayer games in many ways. I quit it and went back to 4. seems like an unpopular opinion but 4 will always be my favorite. feels like the biggest game, and I for one have got a lot of enjoyment out of the settlement management.

Anonymous 34704

I finished Fallout 3 and started New Vegas.


Last.fm weekly chart Anonymous 32855[Reply]

Show me your week, musically, nonas.
The website to do this collage is tap music.
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Anonymous 34693

Acid Bath rule

Anonymous 34696

I wish I could get into their new albums. Cant stand anything past 1999 that's not Hau Ruck. Nothing but bangers from 1990-1997 tho (Ive never listened to Adios)



if you havent heard heaven knows by pink patheress then go listen

Anonymous 34698

How can someone be so based yet so utterly trash at the same time. god only knows.


liiiiisten i only listen to a few songs off most of these albums so its not super duper accurate, im not a big lana fan but like a handful of her songs, i just listened to the new billie just to hear it and it has some good songs, i listen to like 2 amy winehouse songs, but yea idk bad but trash lowkey summarizes my existance outside of music lul


I Became A Garfield Addict Anonymous 31955[Reply]

I started binge watching everything related to Garfield. Garfield & Friends, the TV specials and even the mediocre live action movies. I've even binge watched the terrible CGI Garfield show and direct to dvd movies. Feels like Garfield is slowly taking over my life.
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Anonymous 34605

the last 7 minutes of this is the ultimate garfield content


Anonymous 34613


Anonymous 34636

Screenshot 2024-05…

i wish nermal had more than 1 second of screentime

Anonymous 34676

Is that cc??

Anonymous 34699

yes it is

Screenshot 2024-01…

Anonymous 33145[Reply]

How do we feel about Blaire White?
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Anonymous 33220

He would probably say it was TRAs fucking with him.

Anonymous 33229

he is only useful in that he benefits/promotes the TERF cause

Anonymous 34686

He's the trans version of a "pick-me"

Anonymous 34687

I get what you mean. He doesn't look like a woman. He looks like a sex doll from some pervert's porn fantasy.

Anonymous 34694

still believes in gender roles & this is evident not only through his transgenderism but also his transition into a porn-ified plastic doll. clearly he has a deep envy of womyn


What games are you playing today my dear nonna? Anonymous 34689[Reply]

Grinding guardian parts for armour upgrades on BOTW as of right now :) I wish I had a switch when this game first came out, the exploration appeals to my spergism in a way I can't explain. 10+ points for cute protag

Anonymous 34690


Garten of Banban 7

Anonymous 34700

touhou 11


bluey Anonymous 32615[Reply]

I haven't watched it but for some reason this kids show has a large adult following? Why? What makes childrens shows like Bluey and MLP have such an appeal to adults? Can someone explain it to me?
I understand cartoons like Spongebob, Regular Show, and Adventure Time having a large adult audience (because they have consistent stories, jokes that appeal to all ages, and there can be some nostalgia involved), but why shows like bluey and MLP?
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Anonymous 32626


Alright, this shitposty answer aside, I'll try to give an explanation to figure out what is going on. I'll try to extrapolate what I read about fandoms to MLP, because I personally haven't watched it and surely won't.

Let me put my schizo hat on.

Firstly, anything that blows big like MLP has an extremely important aspect to it, an universe that allows creative freedom [of expression], especially the freedom to make you, the audience, participate and live in it. Spongebob, or any other regular show, usually follows a specific cast of characters that rarely develop centering around locations and an universe that never change as well. You can watch it for jokes, moral values, story and whatnot but you can't exactly participate in it. You're passive as an audience. Meanwhile, you can create thousands of Sonic variants, but you can't really do that with Spongebob, or even Pokemon. Pokemon Universe has an official list of Pokemon designed by it's creators, and it's also copyrighted, which means anything you personally concocted is not canonical, but I'm sure that's not the case in MLP.
You can create a pony that's purely based on your imagination, and it would still have it's place in the MLP universe, even as a background character. It's a pony sandbox.

Another way that I can think of through which you can interact with a piece of fiction is… shipping.
Take Miraculous Ladybug [which I stopped watching because I just couldn't] for example, which has a very notorious love dodecagon going on, with it's audience shipping every character and their dog with each other, writing fanfiction and even erotica based on it. There's enough material for the audience to weave their own fantasies with, and through these fantasies, they find people who have similar tastes and bond with each other through their shipping fanfiction at tumblr, discord or other communities dedicated for a specific ship.
I don't even want to mention the staggering amount of pony porn that exists online.

Another reason that may not be true that I can think of is, MLP is from a decade of deteriorating mental state, with Global Recession going on and USA facing serious economic crisis. I saw an image at another thread in here that had a graph about suicide rates in USA, and you can see a really sharp increase in the suicide rate from 2008 to 2010 upto 5% aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 32629

I haven't watched it, but I'm pretty sure Bluey has a lot of subtexts aimed at adults. I know there's at least one moment implying the parents had a previous miscarriage, so I think it might just be a weird show with a hybrid target audience.

Anonymous 32645

my boyfriend loves this show lol
The brony thing was always mostly a meme among 4chan retards. I get there's nonas who love the show too, don't care, we all know it's true. The thing that makes the Bluey phenomenon truly unusual is the fact that this time a lot of the adults who love it are totally normal and not at all online. It is to be fair, definitely an above average quality kid's show. If I had to deal with kids I'd be much happier watching it than anything else for them but it's still a kid's show.
I saw somebody in a record store buying the official soundtrack and the cashier said to the person buying it "I love this show" and then the buyer said "Yeah I wish I had kids so I had more people to show it to."
Very weird times.

In general I think it's yet another example of culture moving in a direction of perennial childhood. I notice this trend in everything from fashion to television to (especially) music.
The interest in content that is truly "for adults" seems to be disappearing and it's really odd because I see nobody talking about it anywhere.

Anonymous 32745

My niece (4) loves it so we frequently end up watching it when she comes over. It's wholesome and cute and there's occasional jokes put in for adults (nothing dirty or raunchy, mostly the parents being cynical and sassy).

Anonymous 34688

I personally can't watch it for opposite of this reason. Bandit playing with his daughters reminds me too much of my deceased dad.


Movies General Anonymous 2793[Reply]

What have you watched recently?
What is on your to-watch list?

Favorite genre, topic, director, actor/actress, and so on?

Movies that you found memorable as a cinematic experience, movies that you rewatch for the feels or comedy, movies that you found bad (and why)?
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Anonymous 34523


i just watched this and i'm in awe of how good al pacino looks

Anonymous 34524

Anonymous 34533


I watched Godzilla Minus One. Literally spent the entire film waiting for King Kong to show up.

Anonymous 34684

Anonymous 34685

Did anyone see mad max furiosa? I saw it with my friend group and it was fucking incredible, it sucks it's not selling well.


Male dominated fandoms Anonymous 27324[Reply]

I really hate being in male dominated fandoms. Touhou is an example (not only is it male dominated but it's tranny infested too). It's kinda lonely. So many male dominated fandoms would become much better if it had a majority of women. I wonder if others feel that way
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Anonymous 33918

What's interestesting is seeing how much more creative the female side of fandom is: fanart, fanfiction, group projects, roleplaying, merchandise, cosplay, crochet, crafts, character insp-boards, character inspired makeup tutorials etc. The only male-dominant type of fanwork that comes to mind is music and fangames and porn.

Anonymous 33919

This schism is why I didn't understand the "no girls on the internet" bit when I finally got around to PC gaming and 4chan in like 2004. Until that point I had spent years in fandom spaces almost exclusively with other girls. More like no boys on the internet!
>and porn
Honestly if we are just talking about drawn stuff I don't think it's male dominated. Male leaning maybe. 3dpd though, totally male dominated.

Anonymous 34678


first time poster but you have no idea how exhausting it is to try and talk abt magical girls w/o it devolving into a discussion abt genderspecials

sailor moon is a good example of this. it has been infested with trans who bring nothing to the convo its so annoying

Anonymous 34681

2hu fans are mostly 30 year old moids, fumofags, or toddlers. huge con of being a large doujin community is that moids constantly repost/create fanon depictions of boring, big breasted 2hus. I have a lot of female touhou friends and saw a some at touhoufest. unfortunately ZUN having same faced syndrome and (admitting to) not being able to draw adult faced characters and having many childlike characters makes for a lot of lolicon scrotes. (see: flan, rumia, cirno/dai, every other irrelevant toddler)

Anonymous 34682

saw some*

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