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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3911

How do we know the admins and mods of this site are not moids or trannies? Just look at rebbit, all the female dominated subs get moderated by moids and trannies because foids are too passive and moids too thirsty for power.

Anonymous 3912

Well we won't ever be able to know for sure but they've been pretty good at banning moids and tranoids when they pop up. The lolcow tranner mods can't stop themselves from throwing snarky remarks at "terfs" from time to time.

Anonymous 3914


I'm confident the admins are female since they do not mind pinkpill and terf threads. Just like >>3912 mentioned it, compared to lolcow it's easier to trashtalk troons here.

Anonymous 3927

The overall quality of the posts and threads. Moids are incapable of making so many good posts.

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