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hollywood cover ups Anonymous 10266

anyone got creepy hollywood stories or conspiracys that arent known as much its like crack to me

Anonymous 10394

Anonymous 10395

It's nice to see a theory video mention the Dane Cook parties and his connections to Seth Green and other comedians. The men at the comedy store club are mega creeps and have been getting away with abusing women and girls for far too long. Never forget that Jeff Ross was accused of grooming a 15 year old girl and then tried to turn her own family against her. Don't forget that Jim Carrey is also friends with Seth Green and he abused his ex and also allegedly abuses women and girls en masse

I don't buy all of Kappys BS and I do think at times he was schizo but the one thing he was correct about is that a lot of the men he mentioned, esp the comedians are abusive psychopaths.

Anonymous 10409

Most celebrities murder women and get away with it. The whole event is memory holed and a fake cause of death like suicide or overdose is issued to the public.

Anonymous 10410

Jim Carrey is a serial killer

Anonymous 10452

Drãke, Beÿoncé, Jây Z et al have hitmen and regularly order murders. They openly mention it in their songs. Rumor has it the LAPD, Toronto PD etc are on their payroll too. Kañye begged on stage for JZ not to “come for his head”, Cassie’s court filings exposed that Dîddy tried to literally blow up Kid Cudį, Dr4ke in recent years started rapping about calling hits and has had ties with Somali gangs in TO for years , etc.

“Starwhackers” hired by the labels/studios to keep celebs in line. Similar to the above except on a larger, more organized scale, where the celeb’s bosses organize the hits.

Bēyønce is a high voodoo priestess and her alter ego “Sasha Fierce” is her while under d*monic possession. Same thing with OnikaMinaj and her alter ego. TSwïft is a witch promoting goddess worship, Gågå is doing the same with M Abramowitch.

Dräke is an escort (for men) as is the Beebs.

Anonymous 10459

Something kinda funny about Jimmy from Degrassi putting a hit out on somebody but my tinfoil hat says you’re spot on with at least half of that

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