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For everything creepy, morbid, or occult

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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


the worst thing you've ever done Anonymous 10420

what's the worst thing you've ever done in your life? do you feel guilty? did you get away with it?

Anonymous 10422

Your over inflated ego is cringe. Also your scat porn fetish is gross even for a troon.

Anonymous 10424

lmao somebody triggered his dysphoria on here so he's back to posting poopoo

Anonymous 10425

it's so obviously a troon who's upset with the terf posting kek

Anonymous 10426


its probably this guy lol

Anonymous 10427

Any particular reason for this guy specifically? I'm not familiar with him.

Anonymous 10428

i dont know all the lore but i think its some troon that would schitzophrenically post on lolcow and would post poop?

Anonymous 10429

Blaine is some tranny discordfag who constantly shits up 4chan particularly r9k by constantly posting racebait fetish porn threads I'm not even sure if he comes to CC but he's a severely mentally ill degenerate. I don't think the tranny posting shit is him but who knows.

Anonymous 10445

lmao i almost forgot about blaine

Anonymous 10446

i remember like last year a lot of girls on here were calling him out? like every time somebody posted something mildly male-like it would get at least three replies saying things like "kys blaine ywnbaw"… a truly paranoid time, haha

Anonymous 10480

Blaine posts on CC too or at least used to, he used to namefag when he first posted.

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