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/giveaway/ - Giveaways

Raffles & Giveaways

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Kroma x crystal.cafe Anonymous Admin 8

We're excited to announce our first giveaway!

Kroma carries unique phone cases with interchangeable, clear backplates. They have generously offered to gift us a set of 1 frame and 2 backplates to give away to one lucky winner.

Unfortunately, their cases only fit iPhone devices at the moment, but we're looking forward to watching their selection grow. For our users who would like to participate in giveaways but don't own an iPhone, don't despair, because we will continue to collaborate with sponsors to offer prizes on a regular basis.

Head over to this thread to find out how to participate. We will pick a winner 1 month from now on Sept 13th at Midnight UST. In the meantime, you can browse their catalog here or follow their Instagram!

Discussion thread: here

Anonymous Admin 9

>>>/b/21215, you are the winner of this giveaway! Please email us as instructed here >>>/giveaway/6 and we'll get you in touch with Kroma!

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