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Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016


Popular characters that you hate Anonymous 26855[Reply]

We already have a "hated" characters that you love thread so I thought why not do the opposite?

Anyway, mine is Yuffie from FF7.
She used to be mainly hated but now she seems mainly loved so I think she counts.
I will never forgive her for stealing my materia and her design is lame too. She's just annoying for no good reason, but annoying characters seem to get a pass if they're a "cute" girl. You can make a character energetic without being annoying. If Wutai was completely run down and shabby maybe I'd have some sympathy but not only does it look completely fine, it's quite pretty and in way better condition than Sector 7 was. Actually it seems better than where I live irl lol. She adds nothing to the story or cast and is actively mean to Barret too.
Tifa is by far my favorite in the OG and Aerith is by far my favorite in the Remake, she barely felt like a character in the OG. But yeah, Yuffie sucks and her fans go rabid if you dare dislike her cuz she's so quirky teehee
Only talking about OG Yuffie I haven't played her Remake DLC
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Anonymous 35148

In her defense, the dude is tall and not a disgusting scrote. Plus, he can actually make stuff unlike most romcom leads who are little more than wet blankets at best and creeps at worst

But yeah the whole series is still coombait

Anonymous 35164

2024-08-16 01.18.0…

This bitch.
I just hate her for already absolutely hating people like her. It's insane how well-written this character is.

I got the theory that the creator of this game joined some Discord server full of girls just insufferable and problematic as Ame to gain enough reference material to work on his character, she's way too real.

If you see her and thinks that she's "literally" you, get some help, please.

Anonymous 36545


She is cringe and toxic, gives me huge tradgirl vibes, and has a ton of internalized misogyny (hates herself cause she can't cook rather than not giving a shit, and hates people that call her out on her cooking)
Also the guy she likes and her are always fighting and he makes fun of her yet she still likes him and is jealous of him.

Anonymous 36665


Both of these 2.
Mike is just an old fart. As a straight man professional keeping criminals in order he works. As a geriatric 007 he looks ridiculous. So much time in BCS is spent flashing this former-sniper gimmick in front of us but they only use it once and even that goes too far.

And Gus is a terrible villain. They set him up to be a really careful businessman but he literally only ever deals in brutality and violence when he wants anything.

Anonymous 36666

I'm pretty sure the creator is just her but a dude based on looking at his twitter back then.


Anonymous 36645[Reply]

Any anime recommendations that isnt fan service 24/7?
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Anonymous 36655


Revolutionary Girl Utena episode 16

Anonymous 36656

Anonymous 36659

Full Metal Alchemist was done by a woman who actually spent time writing a good story instead of inserting moid bait. The one sexy character (Lust) actually makes sense for her to be that way because she's meant to represent one of the seven deadly sins. And even then it's hardly considered fan service.

Everyone has seen FMA Brotherhood, though.

Anonymous 36660

If you enjoyed FMA watch/read Silver Spoon.

Anonymous 36664

Natsume's Book of Friends

Natsume Yūjin-chō


Flash & Newgrounds Games Thread Anonymous 36552[Reply]

Post some hidden gems from the early days of the internet

Anonymous 36553


I was thinking about Balloon Duel not too long ago. Fun little game.

Anonymous 36630


Anonymous 36639

>I still miss Eddsworld.

Anonymous 36662


Anonymous 36663

Peak game


Metal music thread? Anonymous 21423[Reply]

I'm not sure if there's enough of metal enjoyers on here, but I wanted to make a thread for a long time now so here it is

You can just send a song(s) that you like or complain about anything metal related, etc.
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Anonymous 35520

I always find it strange how much Pete Steele stuff is recommended considering his incredibly blatant racism and (particularly relevant to here) misogyny. Lots of terrible Type O lyrics but Carnivore is just repugnant. Enjoyable albums, to be clear, but just a repugnant human being.

Anonymous 35539

You know that he was a troll and liked to tell shit in interviews to mess with them right? Do a little research before you just repeat what you read on tiktok

Anonymous 35819

She didnt say anything about interviews dipshit, it's quite clear he doesn't respect women and thinks non whites are leeches on society in his own music lyrics.

He is incredibly hot both his looks and voice, most women don't bother looking up carnivore, it ruins the fantasy of a romantic 6'6 metal goth bf with a deep sexy voice.

Anonymous 35820


>Meth drinker
>Primitive man
>Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean
>Lord Mantis
Sludge proving it's the best metal genre

Anonymous 36661


Anyone have any female-fronted or fully female metal band recommendations? I've been getting into metal lately and I've been enjoying Astarte, Castrator, Kittie, Jinjer, and Spiritbox. I would love to add some more to the rotation.


Hetalia fangirls were the OG femcels (2008-2012), writing fanfics about men who wouldn’t touch them Anonymous 36216[Reply]

JFL if Ludwig (picrel) would ever touch your PSL 3, overweight, acne-ridden ass from Ohio.

If you were online during the Hetalia craze of 2008–2012, you witnessed the rise of what can only be described as OG femcels. These fangirls were pining after fictional, high-SMV anime men like Ludwig (tall, blonde, disciplined gigachad) while sitting in their childhood bedrooms, greasy hair tied back, typing out Ludwig x Reader smut fics on Tumblr.
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Anonymous 36324

derail i thought they wanted a brotherhood away from the evil wicked females lol

Anonymous 36328

They want that only in real life not in their anime or video games
They crave female characters in those

Anonymous 36633

a moid definitely made this post "JFL"
or an extremely autistic woman

Anonymous 36634

The OGs were the Kirk Spock shippers and the original Mary Sue yume trekkies.

Anonymous 36658

My best friend tried so hard to get me into Hetalia in middle school. I barely watched it and just got obsessed with the few female characters that existed (I loved Belarus lmao) and collecting nyotalia fanart. I really should have known I was gay from that.


music? aurora? Anonymous 36396[Reply]

thoughts on AURORA? her music, her vibe, etc

Anonymous 36399

pretentious as fuck

Anonymous 36562

didn't think i would see someone posting about AURORA here… i found her music a few years ago and adore it. when i have nothing to do i like to put on a playlist of my favorite songs she's done and dance to them. it's good exercise as well

what are your thoughts on her newest album??

Anonymous 36657

I love her music, she’s great.
I think it’s a good album but probably my least favorite of hers so far. I just don’t connect with it as hard as her previous albums and I don’t reach for these songs as much.

invincible show-45…

What's the appeal of this show? Anonymous 36636[Reply]

It just looks like mindless gore for the sake of shock value

Anonymous 36637

Reminds people of their asshole dad?

Anonymous 36638

It's a slightly less horrible "The Boys"
>"Satirizes" the superhero genre
>Written by petulant morons who clearly steal all their ideas from Twitter
>Thinks it's far more clever than it actually is
>Winds up seeming even more childish than the literal children's media it thinks it's taking the piss out of.
>Compensates for this by being extremely brutal and violent.

Anonymous 36640

Americans can't into media anymore.

Anonymous 36642

Invincible starts out great, I read the comics and the first arc doesn't really satirize the genre at all, all that cringe comes down later.
I love the first "arc" so much because you actually get a really compelling storyline of Mark having to deal with having an asshole dad and its consequences to the world.
Unfortunately they rush instantly to a confrontation (which hits really hard and its quite the surprise to me because its fairly rushed) and shit falls apart and it becomes the usual comicslop but with gore (the invincible wars thing being peak cringe).
The entire thing should had always revolved around the relationship with Mark, Omniman and tackling a bit of the Empire. I couldn't give a less of a fuck about the side-characters.

Anonymous 36653

Stand ready for my arrival worm


Anonymous 36643[Reply]

Why are Angel Studios men movies like Sound of Freedom and Homestead so successful while their women movies are much better quality yet perform so poorly?


excellent and impressive movie yet flopped at the box office

>Rule Breakers

inspiring true story of Afghan women refugees yet currently flopping with abysmal opening numbers

Angel Studios will probably stop making quality women movies and make more average men movies.

Anonymous 36644


>Sound of Freedom and Homestead so successful
It's all pandering to the geriatric boomers with a white savior complex. They don't really care about social issues and they just want validation for being 'Merican.


Uma Musume Pretty Derby Anonymous 36438[Reply]

A kino anime I found about horse girls racing
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Anonymous 36514

Anonymous 36517


Anonymous 36564

Horse racing is cruel

Anonymous 36635


The movie was kino

Anonymous 36641


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