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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned:

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I genuinely hate tradcon neoshills Anonymous 112834[Reply]

These right wing types constantly whinning about women are SO unbearable
>Ugghhh but we are trying to make women accountable (???)
>Ugg you know what we hate women you are no welcome on our club
>but woooooomen
Like ? Okay?
Bitching like a bitch about not getting bitches?
What do you think you are mary poppins?
Mfs act like bitches and expect women to give a flying fuck? Like you cant make ~anyone~ accountable which is why yiu whine about "muh civilizational collapse" and you do care hence why you whine ~so~ much.

Obviously the strategy of whinning about things havent worked anytime since 2010 to 2024 (14 years of failure) and repelling women away from you will just, you know… make you lose even more political power?
Like whatever dude. You are already a minority in your own country, you are by default a bit less rhan half of the population and you are also trying to allienate that percent of the other half that is willing to take some of your shit?
>Ughhh i want you to be a tradwife but i also get mad if you dont work and i also get mad if you work but dont wash my ass
Enjoy getting raped by jamal i guess?, most victims of interracial crime are men and it seems that the fact that women and men are not the same socially nor biologically is now soooo hard to face to these guys treating women as a buddy of theirs that failed them lol
They literally complain about girls expressing themselves in non-confrontational ways? Wat? Most women will just start ghosting you if you act like this, not giving you more attention and asling forgiveness lol.
These fellas are so confused and they also act as if their childish whining was a literal way to win (???)
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How the fuck do you get over burnout. Anonymous 112833[Reply]

In my sophomore year of college, I would sit at my desk for more than 12 hours a day doing school work. I would get 4-6 hours of sleep and did not have any hobbies or friends. I would also pull at least 1-2 all-nighters every week. As a result, I produced a lot of great work and was directly competing with my peers.

Now that I'm a junior, I can't give a flying fucckkkk about school. I can barely sit in my chair for more than a couple hours and I regularly get eight hours of sleep. All I do in class is day dream about my girlfriend. I work out for several hours a day, spend a lot of my time going outside, and hanging out with friends or my girlfriend. My grades are now shit and I've produced some of the worst shit imaginable for my classes. I couldn't even bother to go hunting for an internship this year.
My friends admire me because they still think that I have the same work ethic that I did last year. But I don't.
I am so ashamed for wasting my time to do all these stupid things like sleeping and working out. But at the same time, I can't bring myself to do homework all fucking day. I just can't. I can't even pull all-nighters anymore.

I am so burnt out. I miss the old me. I want to bring them back, but I don't want to sacrifice the relationships that I have now.

How do I get over this burnout? How do I start feeling the want to do school work for that fucking long again?

>tldr version: I used to do schoolwork nonstop last year but I can't bring myself to do it anymore. I wan't to go back to the person I was back then,but I don't wan't to lose the people I love.


moid hate thread Anonymous 85163[Reply]

doesn’t have to be about your boyfriend. I just hate fucking men at this point.

>everyone of them has failed me

>any moid I’ve dated either had a rape kink, or raped me
>porn/hentai addiction
>used me for my body
>always had an alternative motive
>manipulated me into insanity
>abused me if I didn’t do anything they wanted
>even my own dad has failed me

I have no fucking hope in this world.
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Anonymous 112827

Girl go live in a women's shelter or find some female roommates. Try hitting up Craigslist or something

Anonymous 112828


>Hate me
Also you
>Invade our spaces and demand we allow you in them

Theres not a single good thing Men have that you cuntoids dont ruin.

Anonymous 112829

>Men have that you cuntoids dont ruin.
Such as? Women "ruining" something for men is usually just them participating in a space/activity while minding their own business. It's more often than not the men who can't control themselves at the sight of a female.

Anonymous 112831

fuck off to /r9k/ faggot

Anonymous 112832

i dont know why people assume r9k is this site's femcel counterpart. cc is just a small female imageboard. honestly we need to separate from the idea that this place is just "incels but women" cause that's just not true.


sexual dimorphism and diet Anonymous 112769[Reply]

why does it seem like sexual dimorphism fails at enhancing both genders? like, if a country produces tall men, they must also produce tall women. or vice versa. that's kind of sad. i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.

i can only really imagine that maybe diet can enhance both genders' sexual dimorphism. apparently, sexually dimorphic diets do exist in nature, with the siberian ibex's (a type of wild goat) eating behaviors containing more biomass, while the female siberian ibex eats lesser foods, but with higher nutritional quality. it's interesting to think how sexually dimorphic behaviors evolve in different species of animals, and how humans have unconsciously (or consciously) adopted these types of behaviors as well.
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Anonymous 112782

t. seething manlet

Anonymous 112785

>i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.

I know it's not a popular opinion around here but, I feel the exact same.

I feel like humans are, in practice, a lot more sexually dimorphic than what our naked biological forms show because we typically deliberately make ourselves even more masculine/femenine with choice of clothing, hairstyle, conscious choice of behaviour and voice tone, etc. There's even makeup, choice of gym activity (weights vs cardio) and stuff like that too.

I think we haven't physically become like peacocks or gorillas with even more pronounced default sexually dimorphic physical forms because intelligence and making and using inventions has just been too strong of a sexual strategy over the millennia.

Anonymous 112801

it’s advantageous for males and females of the same species to consume similar resources because that way they can share them. obv there’s gonna be a lot of animals that go against that, but for mammals and birds and such it’s generally true just because of their mating strategies

Anonymous 112822

>Unfortunately it seems that in real life an overwhelming supermajority of men instinctively prefer taller women over shorter women, and have to be socially conditioned out of this preference by a wave of formative sexual rejections from taller and generally older women during puberty
This is the weirdest nonsense I have ever read. Men have always preferred shorter women.

Anonymous 112823

When men say that they mean 1 to 2 inches shorter than themselves. They do not care that this sounds like they want someone shorter compared with other women.

>Men who are taller than 6’0” generally prefer women of about 5’8” to 5’11”, while shorter men in the range of 5’8” to 5’11” tend to prefer women in the same height bracket.
Very, very few women are above 5'7". And yet somehow that 1.5% of the population of women by height receive numerically as many swipes as women whose height matches 30% of the population, meaning that being significantly above average provides 20x the attention.

Obviously there's more to life than dating apps. And that means more spaces in which tall women have a serious advantage. Tall women can reasonably expect to get away with murders for which shorter women would be convicted:
And get significantly better pay and more frequent promotion along the way:


telling my boyfriend i love him for the first time Anonymous 112824[Reply]

i think i am ready to tell my boyfriend i love him for the first time, any advice for doing it? i’m kind of nervous about it. i’ve only had one other boyfriend who said it to me first and i said it back out of nice-ness even though i hadn’t truly felt it yet. i also want to make sure it is special and meaningful for both of us. any advice appreciated!

Anonymous 112826

idk my bf said it first and I said it back and it was true. It happened when we were having a talk about serious emotional stuff. But every couple is different and I don't really think you can say it in a wrong way.


Abusive OCD bf pt 2 Anonymous 95617[Reply]

Last thread hit limit and many nonas seem concerned for her safety.

If you see this, we hope you are ok! Please give us an update on the police situation.
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Anonymous 112249

No. When we stsrted dating he saw a psychiatrist and was given some medication and took it for a while but he stopped taking it because he found out it was usually prescribed for schizophrenia.

He claims that in the past few years he's gone to several psychiatrists and they all say he doesn't have ocd and everything is my fault. Maybe he doesn't have ocd, but he definitely needs help. I honestly don't believe he's contacted any professionals.

Anonymous 112278

Antipsychotics are prescribed for severe OCD. Well, that would have been the one thing that could have made living with him more bearable, but if he’s not adherent definitely don’t invite him to live with you again.

Anonymous 112356

I'm trying. It's hard to mive on from soneone who has been such a big part of my life.

I told him I'm not moving back but I would consider it if he gave proof he's at least seeing a therapist, admits he has been abusive, and can show he's changed.He wants to go to therapy together and I said okay, but again I'm not moving back any time soon.

Then he asked me if I was having trouble sleeping and I just told him truthfully "No. I'm way less stressed because I don't have to deal with (all his abusive behavior) and I'm not crying every day. I can do (conpletely normal things like watch tv and go for walks) when I want to. It's awesome."

He hasn't replied and I have to wonder if he realizes he just reminded me shy divorce is the best option.

Anonymous 112462

Now he's asking me if there aremen living with me because if so I'm "breaking the law." lol. I can't believe I used to let this kind of behavior control me. I still don't have a concrete plan but keeping communication open with him is actually reminding why I left and keeping me from romanticizing things.

Anonymous 112821

OP again. He wants money for food and utility bills so I said I would give him some, but he keeps refusing to tell me how much he needs. I'm pretty sure he's trying to get me to meet him multiple times so we can convince me to come back. He hasn't done tge one thing I asked him to do (go to therapy) so I won't.

He's surprised that I had the forethought to bring all my important documents, get housing set up, etc. He literally thinks I'm retarded. He's upset because I didn't tell him I was going to leave. I did! I told him, in tears, that he was abusing me and making life hell. I told him almost every day "If you don't stop, I'm going to leave." and "One day I'm not going to come home." which he says he doesn't remember, despite always bragging to me that he has a photographic memory.

Once again reminding me why I was stupid to consider givibg him another chance.

I'm trying to work on building carreer skills and look into jobs I could get if I decided to go back to the us.


i do not like hot men Anonymous 112668[Reply]

im sorry but i would rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with a male who is "hot" instead of a guy with a cute or young looking face. i like cute and young looking women as well instead of someone like margot robbie if im being honest
picrel and similar makes me feel nothing
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Anonymous 112813

also, you know how i can tell? men have this very particular way of focusing on ways in which they disagree with you as opposed to finding common ground, for sake of idea or mental interruption or to cause unneeded conflict. it's quite obnoxious behavior that i always thought was quite unattractive in men.

Anonymous 112815

…Prolly bait, nona

Anonymous 112817

nta but why do you people accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being male? it's so funny because it all boils down to "anyone who hurts my fee fees is a moid!" as if we aren't on the internet lmao

Anonymous 112818

because men are everywhere on this site lately and fail at blending in. it is obnoxious. im not even trying to start a moid paranoia wave like what happens every couple of months, you can just tell when men are being louder than usual. its not even a gendered thing, if you fail to acclimate to user culture its an individual shortcoming

Anonymous 112820

i'm not denying there's men here but acting like a cunt doesn't automatically make you male


Vent thread Anonymous 112803[Reply]

Previous thread 109995

Anonymous 112804


thinking about how ugly I used to be

Anonymous 112806

Thread pic sucks

Anonymous 112807

real kek

Anonymous 112814

do you guys think people should start acting publicly cringe on purpose? i feel like it gatekeeps power hungry literalists and people who actually take stupid things people say as an excuse to behave badly.


(un)official blogposting thread Anonymous 69765[Reply]

tell me about your day cc!
stories also welcome
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Anonymous 112763

my alarm clock went off during math class and i want to die

Anonymous 112767

i feel myself becoming more of a normie lately in the sense that ive lost some of my obsessive drive for knowledge and meaning and my need to justify every decision i make within some philosophical framework. i pretty much act out of self interest now. maybe that makes me soulless, but it feels like im shaking off a habit of useless self-punishment.
in other news im infatuated with a male. hes very attractive and sweet and nerdy but well-adjusted. and he has a lovely face.

Anonymous 112789

I've realized I hate people who are chronically online just to hate shit. It's the chronically detractors over very superficial, immature, unimportant things I find extremely creepy, they ruined the concept of criticism online or just joking around and made it full on negative asperger shit.
These people and those who defend them are red flags.

Anonymous 112791

leave me alone nona this trash's keeping me going

Anonymous 112811

you just described all of lolcow

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