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Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

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Are lesbian relationships more empathetic and loving than het ones? Anonymous 119649[Reply]

Bisexual nona here, since being pinkpilled and observing male behavior ive wondered if lesbian relationships are more kind and understanding than heterosexual ones. It seems like women(myself included) to prioritize bonding and emotional intimacy and a deep bond.
(talked to moids before never gotten to even dating just some interest ig and self inserted into f4f fanfic and have sexual/romantic feelings for other women.so i have no experience just wanted to put that out there.)
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Anonymous 120593


Unfortunately no. They lack a certain balance of bidding. I mean that two women both bid for the same thing but neither can provide it naturalistically. Another woman wont give you the sense of security that you will subconsciously seek in your partner. And it will cause frustration. A woman may surely be more tender with you and bake you cookies and stuff but it wont cover the romantic need to be "taken care of" in a masculine way. I have found that relationships with women are coddly but leave me feeling weak and destabilized. A person that offers you something of opposite kind, covering your natural weaknesses - that is what gives strength for a true love.
And you know, men also feel similar way with women, sure gays are easier, but a woman stimulates something more fundamental that makes them prepared for sacrifice and looking past the pride.

And this can be really subtle too, for example women usually talk in uncertain terms "I think" "mayhaps" "we will see" and such. Men are concrete, even arrogant, but when its as an ally it take a mental edge off many things.

All of this is too say, that being more empathetic is not what creates a deep bond. A deep bond is created by the sacrifices you make for each other. Empathy itself is faulty if you are not willing to actually overstep yourself for another person. Women make great friends, but they are unlikely to sacrifice for each other because they expect to automatically align on everything by default, people who enter those relationships expect them to be easy. Which never actually happens on intimate level, on the deepest level of intimacy we are existentially alone in this world. The preconceived notion of woman being automatically ally to us prevents from dealing with this issue.

With all my love to women, I just can't do it romantically, I found that being a good friend, tutor or pupil are the most rewarding ways to interact with other women. And those types of relationships can also be really, really beautiful, romance is not the only thing that matters. For once, I will definitely grief over my mother more if she dies than over my husband, although both are quite horrible prospects.

Anonymous 120595


You've convinced yourself that a woman's position in a relationship will default to 'coddly', something undewhelming and lacking in the ''''security'''' that a man can provide?

You don't love women, and you don't love yourself. Shit, you probably don't love your mother for anything other than the favor (I'd call it mistake) of popping you out of the womb and putting up with you for the longest anyone ever will. You can't do women romantically because deep, deep down you hate them.

Anonymous 120596


Yeah, these statistics are only true because a het woman coming to and realizing that she's being abused by her boyfriend/husband in any way is a series of wild fucking mental gymnastics. Doesn't mean they're not being abused.

After centuries of women's abuse at the hands of men (especially a man that has the title of husband) being consistently excused, trivialized, systematized, and every other fucking thing, I'd be shocked if het women WEREN'T making excuses for their shitty boyfriends and husbands. We all know a story of a woman who went against her male partner and ended up dead or ruined.

Anonymous 120682

You are taking something so badly made up out of your ass that I literally can't even understand what you are talking about.
I specified in the end that the key problem is woman to woman bias of allyship, there is too much assumption of similarity between women. And because of that there is less willingness to actually deal with issues arising from differences.
>something undewhelming
I never said anything about coddly stuff being bad. Its just doesn't fill any particular gap in a woman's psyche and ends being a matter of pleasure, not love.

Anonymous 120684

>women weak need protection and sacrifices
>men strong are providers and shit

I've heard this bullshit before


Anonymous 120541[Reply]

Would anyone miss you if you died tomorrow?
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Anonymous 120570

You know how shelters will describe some cats as being super skittish and shy to strangers? I’ve broken down crying before imagining something happening to me and my cats ending up in a shelter. Both of my cats are extremely social with humans but I can imagine how scared and asocial they’d become thrown in a new unfamiliar environment.

Anonymous 120576

Sometimes I'm just a little bit worried. I'm the glue that holds my family together, the enthusiastic one that tries to make life exciting.

I am really sickly though, and I've just been getting worse. I definitely don't think I'll die anytime soon, but I also wouldn't be surprised if I were the first to go.
I've thought about how it would be if they had to live on without me. I hope they'd be ok.

Anonymous 120586

Yeah but I wouldn’t miss most of them

Anonymous 120680



Anonymous 120681

My dad and my step mom and my ex bf and my current bf. But my dad and step mom wouldn’t miss me as much as my ex and my current bf tbh


Vent Thread Anonymous 120288[Reply]

Previous thread >>117577
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Anonymous 120642

Do you want to vent about it, nona?

Anonymous 120655

I didn't get proposed to. We didn't have a wedding ceremony. No wedding rings even though I want them. No honey moon. And I got called selfish for wanting to dress up (in clothes we already own) and go out for our anniversary. I feel like shit.

Anonymous 120658

He never loved you

Anonymous 120669

The comment section under this clip broke me

Anonymous 120679

I wish I was less socially retarded. why can’t I function when people talk to me?


Anonymous 120648[Reply]

I have so many intrusive thoughts and I can't get rid of them. I don't have money for a therapist and I don't have any friends to support me. And my boyfriend is tired of hearing me say I've made a mistake again. I just don't know what to do

Anonymous 120649

What kind of intrusive thoughts do you have Nona?

Anonymous 120660

Usually about suicide or something bad happening to me or my mom. My father died and I blame myself because it was really my fault. Sometimes it's sexual thoughts that make me feel like shit, like primitive animal that's incapable of anything. I tried to counteract this by working harder. I thought that being tired and busy with other things would help me forget about it, but it didn't

Anonymous 120664

It's generic advice and idk how much it'll help but the best way to deal with intrusive thoughts is to accept that they're there and that they're nothing but some thoughts in your brain, and forgive yourself for having them. The less you fight against them the less of a big deal they will become. It's easier said than done but I used to have bad intrusive thoughts and that's what helped me get past them.

Anonymous 120678

Write down your intrusive thoughts and rank them from most likely to happen and least likely to happen. It reduces the amount of thoughts you’ll have and how severe they are. Are there any government programs that can help you get therapy?? Wellbutrin has really helped me. I still get some that will squeeze through. Fuck your bf. I had a bf just like that and it is not worth it. Someone making you feel shitty about having intrusive thoughts makes them worsw


Anonymous 120650[Reply]

>have bf for 2 months
>cute and romantic, caring, sweet, never pressured me to do anything
>lots of eye contact
>we had sex for the first time last night
>don't really want to, but follow his lead because it's what he wants
>it's over
>he didn't look into my eyes the whole time
>no cuddles or holding me
>cold and emotionally distanced immediately after sex
>things weren't the same after that
>doesn't really be caring or romantic the way he used to
>we don't talk or text as much as before
>ask if he is feeling okay, if anything is going on in his life, if i can help in any way (even if it's more sex)
>get nothing back

Why are men like this?

Anonymous 120656


Moids are whores. Trust none of them.

Anonymous 120662

You sexed too early, classic mistake. Men willing to wait are out there. Anyone who doesn't respect your boundaries is not worth it.

Anonymous 120672

marriage is a horrible word, imagine having to see one certain moid every single day until the very end, that’s so depressing

Anonymous 120677

>imagine having to see your loved one every single day until the very end
Sounds great


Have you ever wanted to kill someone? Anonymous 120653[Reply]

Why and what did you feel?
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Anonymous 120666


I wanted someone to die, not necessarily kill. I wasn't particularly angry or anything even and it was mostly intrusive and thinking about it scratched my brain. I don't know how to exactly express what I feel and killing seemed so logical in a manner that everything will be over if the issue is gone. I tried thinking of ways on how to kill someone, but in the end I let go of it because my feelings never last and I just die as a person. Maybe because it's easier and more realistic for me to think "the issue must be eradicated at all costs" rather than try to seek help because I never get help on how to sort out the issue or solutions.

Anonymous 120667

My mum. She has mental problems and refuses to get help for it.

Anonymous 120674

everyday tbh

Anonymous 120675

I used to have a lot of hate for some people but looking back, maybe thanks to the hate I felt it made me change myself for the better

Anonymous 120676

I thought about letting my mom die when she tried to commit suicide but i didn’t wanna end up homeless. So I called the ambulance. I want my ex bf new girlfriend to get in an accident. No these thought don’t make me feel bad or like I’m a bad person

Korean dog sticker…


I LOVE RAGEBAITING IS SO MUCH FUN LOL. its funnier when they actually fall from the bait and insult me back. I get my daily serotonin from dumb people that believe everything on the internet LOL
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Anonymous 120146


Unironically more and more people have been calling me out for my ragebaiting. Not sure if I've lost my edge or if zoom zooms are just boring. Like come on atleast insult my mom or something…

Anonymous 120147


Youtube, FB and 4cuck
Youtube s getting harder since they're autoflag system is super fast and I dont really want to lose my account with all my music playslists….
I had to give up Xitter because I can't compete with actual racists and retards. I've unironically talked to /pol/tards with more tact and nuance than Xitter Nazis.

Anonymous 120159

images - 2025-02-1…

Anonymous 120602


> I had to give up Xitter because I can't compete with actual racists and retards. I've unironically talked to /pol/tards with more tact and nuance than Xitter Nazis.

Anonymous 120673



Unsent Letter Thread Anonymous 115657[Reply]

Previous Thread >>2119
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Anonymous 120479

if you showed a shred of accountability i would take full, but how can i when you guys are the bad guys?

Anonymous 120554


Dear A M,

This is all so stupid. I shouldn't have done that. I know you wanted me but you have him and your lies and you want those more. My poor, sweet girl. I am sorry that you fell for me, yet, I am not sorry that I fell for you. You're a part of me now, and retrocausally, you have always been a part of me.

I have partaken of you and I am lesser. I miss, a sentence with no object, I don't just miss you, my sweet girl, I miss. I was born missing.

You have made me unwise, girl from far away. You have made me foolish and lacking. I love you for all that you have taken from me and wish you could take more.

I don't wish I never met you, although you may wish on the contrary. May your wishes fall upon the deaf ears of God, the God that stands between us. I would not have done anything differently in truth, I merely pray that you may hear how much I miss you as I whisper it into the space between us. I pray you will listen and come back to me.

He seems to me equal to gods, that man, who has held the girl I covet close to him. Equal to gods, and thrice as cruel.

It is not to him that I have lost you, however, I have lost you to yourself. The notion that you could not be with someone like me is what really took you away from me. I would've shared you, I would've taken a fourth of you or a fifth of you. I would take anything now, but you were too afraid and now I have nothing.

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Anonymous 120644

Hi G.
i wish you could've talked to me.
i hoped for a chance to… us.
nothing else makes sense, you leaving don't make sense to me.
blocking me from everything? lying to me like that?
why did you gave me hope? why did you… I don't know, its just so much in my head right now.
i was joping you would have treated me differently than you used to treat them.
i was wrong about you. you are mean and you are always going to be mean.

Anonymous 120647

anyone can find the contact information of anyone in seconds so i don’t believe a word of you not being able to reach out to me. sorry.

Anonymous 120671

Dear M,

I'm sorry I was never brave enough to tell you how I really felt. Every time I wanted to it seemed like at that moment you were interested in someone else. I didn't want to feel possessive without right to be and scare you off. At the same time I didn't feel seen by you sometimes. But I would have done anything you asked if only you had approached me. I couldn't stomach just pretending to be platonic anymore. I wanted to wait for you but I don't think I could survive watching you be with someone else.

I don't even believe in reincarnation but if it's real I hope I find you in another life and am braver.


I am a lizard person Anonymous 120651[Reply]

I am a lizard person, I am a shapeshifter, and there are many lizard persons out there. We aren’t all the cliche’s many people like to believe where we want to rule the world.. A lot of us suffer with narcissism, and Identity theft / Issues because of this. I sometimes feel alone, and I’ve had altercations when I have shifted on camera, and even I feel really anxious to look back on them because I look foul. I feel sad because every other traumatic event rhag happens to me I shift into a new identity, and face. I do this because I am scared to remain the same identity. I am yet to be apart of the hidden community, but I am not a threat. I’m just a girl

Anonymous 120652

Mhmm, and how does that make you feel?

Anonymous 120654

I feel alone sometimes, misunderstood and misrepresented. If you have questions feel okay to ask

Anonymous 120661

I once dreamt of meeting a lizard person, she hypnotised me and used her long tongue to probe my brain through my ear and I passed out

Anonymous 120670


Hi, fellow lizard. What kind of lizard you are by the way?

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