>>115657Dear A M,
This is all so stupid. I shouldn't have done that. I know you wanted me but you have him and your lies and you want those more. My poor, sweet girl. I am sorry that you fell for me, yet, I am not sorry that I fell for you. You're a part of me now, and retrocausally, you have always been a part of me.
I have partaken of you and I am lesser. I miss, a sentence with no object, I don't just miss you, my sweet girl, I miss. I was born missing.
You have made me unwise, girl from far away. You have made me foolish and lacking. I love you for all that you have taken from me and wish you could take more.
I don't wish I never met you, although you may wish on the contrary. May your wishes fall upon the deaf ears of God, the God that stands between us. I would not have done anything differently in truth, I merely pray that you may hear how much I miss you as I whisper it into the space between us. I pray you will listen and come back to me.
He seems to me equal to gods, that man, who has held the girl I covet close to him. Equal to gods, and thrice as cruel.
It is not to him that I have lost you, however, I have lost you to yourself. The notion that you could not be with someone like me is what really took you away from me. I would've shared you, I would've taken a fourth of you or a fifth of you. I would take anything now, but you were too afraid and now I have nothing.
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