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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Anonymous 273609[Reply]

Is hookup culture and casual sex ever worth it?
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Anonymous 301296

rape ≠ having sex
This has not been disproved by you.

Anonymous 301297

Because you pulled out some quote from some catholic priest and present it to me as fact.
If we can just ignore universally agreed upon definitions of words inscribed in dictionaries and make up our own then there's nothing to prove or disprove, we're just throwing meaningless words at each other.
St. Ray Piste writes:
>consent, though often believed to be given out only by conscious mind by heathens, is actually able to be given even in an unconscious state. So rendering a woman unconscious and then using her for pleasure is still very much in the realm of what is to be considered sex

Anonymous 301298

>some quote from some catholic priest and present it to me as fact
It was to give quickly an explanation that I couldn't have written down speedily. You can read the full article here: https://www.newadvent.org/summa/3152.htm
I didn't expect you to accept it as a fact but as an argument.
>St. Ray Piste
Very clever, ha ha ha.

Anonymous 301299

Ok, that doesn't change things. I could probably find dozens of writings of contemporary priests saying the exact opposite and calling him whatever epoche appropriate latin slurs they used back then for even suggesting something like that.
I could just claim to be a theologist and say that hooking up doesn't count as having sex and write an article about it. If we can mince words and shuffle their definition around to our liking then I can just make it so every word that would mess up my argument gets redefined.

Anonymous 301300

>I could probably find dozens of writings of contemporary priests saying the exact opposite
Then do it.
>If we can mince words and shuffle their definition around to our liking
But I'm not even doing that. In your pic >>301285, it says a virgin is a person who has never had sex. A rape victim doesn't say she had sex with the rapist.


Non-Radfem General Anonymous 300933[Reply]

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?
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Anonymous 301160

how about you instead take your phone and instead of mindlessly browsing tiktok or w/e you bother to check out all the websites' tracking methods, the telemetry settings forced on your devices by default, the amount of random data collected by apps, the way AI scrapes whatever public posts are there and reuses them into fake slop?
or just remain as you are
unfortunately, there's no single pill for you nona because treating ignorance is a difficult conscious process

Anonymous 301164


Nona, I legitimately don't even have a phone.

Also, this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

Anonymous 301279

I can't into radfem politics because they alienate women who don't fit their mold. Some of us want to live our life a certain way and being preached at about how the choices we actively make are secretly men controlling us is just fucking annoying. And they do this about dumb shit like the clothes you wear too.

Anonymous 301283

In my head I’m rad but in reality not really I have a bf so that’s not really rad.
It can really psyche you out having to think of all the things that make you not radfem.
I’m kinda used to this restriction because that’s just how I grew up showing restraint but at some point if it’s forced, it’s not feasible in the long run. So in my head I’m a radfem but in reality maybe not but idc I consider myself a radical feminist idc what the “real feminists“ decide radical enough. I think women are better than men that’s all there is to it and I tell my bf this. He still respects me but I tell him women are better that’s it.

Anonymous 301294

I don’t want to be a radfem anymore. I hate most men but I want to believe I can coexist with them. I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t unlearn the rancid bullshit that this stupid image board injected into my brain.


Bipolar Anonymous 297994[Reply]

Damn, I think I have it.
Anyone here has it and can leave a message or two? I think I’m losing it, it’s ruining everything, my life, others, and I’m so fed up dealing with just another shit on my plate. I’m genuinely angry succumbing to thoughts and moods I don’t seem to reign in in advance. I don’t have a diagnose yet but it very much looks like it.
Can anyone share meds, treatments, experiences?

Anonymous 297999

>I think I have it
See a professional about it if you can. If you don't get a proper diagnosis you can't really start to find ways to treat it

Anonymous 298005

I will make an appointment. I strongly suspected it, but I was terrified of the medication (and still am) and another feature to take care of. Im trying to get a new job asap, but clearly not with this mess as a vehicle. Why even be surprised, this bs gets annoying and exhausting. Fml fr

Anonymous 301229


I was diagnosed with it very early and shipped off to a padded room rape dungeon from 7 - 12 years old. Addressing the trauma from being mouthfucked by nightschool RNs and drugged to nearly death, and using mushrooms sparingly to commit to goals that require me to be less chaotic helped. I really would not recommend medication. Not a single thing in my life went well at all until I stopped taking psych pills. Sincerely, maybe bipolar, 15 years and three continents away from that experience, doing an elite job.

Anonymous 301232

I recommend looking into and considering DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) once you see a professional about it and have a proper diagnosis. I'm Bipolar I. I've tried all kinds of therapies.
Here's a brief on each!:

IPSRT (Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy): Focuses on helping people with bipolar disorder regulate their daily routines.
Targets: Eating patterns, sleep-wake cycles, social interactions, work, and hobbies.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
FFT (Family Focused Therapy): Help improve understanding in relationships and improve relationships
Targets: Teach family to recognize signs of an episode, educate family on how to support you the best way, improve conflict management, improve communication, create a plan for preventing relapse.
(can be used alongside other therapies)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): [most common type of therapy for bipolar disorder] aims to help people recognize and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior that contribute to their symptoms.
Targets: learning to identify triggers for mood episodes, developing coping strategies, and strengthening emotional regulation skills.
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy): aims to help individuals with bipolar disorder learn new skills for regulating emotions, improving relationships, and reducing impulsive behaviors.
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vegeta Anonymous 301199[Reply]

I am vegeta. You will never be vegeta

Anonymous 301209


that's fine with me

Anonymous 301227


i popo


Anonymous 298808[Reply]

Honest thoughts on the UK?
11 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 299627

Move out of your chavvy town, anon.

Anonymous 300407

Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

Anonymous 300766

Never been to England/Wales, but Scotland was reasonably comfy on both of my trips there

Anonymous 301210

I don’t believe it’s as bad as a lot of people say it is. I just think the worst parts of the country get the most attention.

Anonymous 301225

Americans say that you should just put your head in the sand and ignore the lessons of history because debt, wars, and tyranny never have consequences.


Lolcow.farm VPN hate thread #1 Anonymous 300857[Reply]

I find it extremely suspicious that certain farmers baited the LC hate threads to everliving shit and got them locked, right as the VPN ban got removed on LC and there is an active thread there to discuss the VPN ban itself (of course with anons getting banned for saying negative things about the ban). This thread is specificially for discussing the VPN ban and the future of LC itself, including what future plans the admin might have.
13 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301015

>Seeing anons saying they want the ban back over some other anon saying she ate soap was bizarre to witness. Whether or not it was a joke or serious, regardless if it seemed unfunny or cringe it's such a strange reason.
Witnessing this infight unfold almost gave me brain cancer. Anons are so sensitive they had a full blown meltdown over fucking eating soap. No one was even saying it was funny, but they kept sperging out. It was so cringey.

Anonymous 301057

That person sounded so bitter and unhappy in general. I really don't understand what's so wrong about having silly little posts, it's the same thing with dumbass shit. I hide or ignore threads I don't like and I ignore posts that don't jive with me. It's easy, fun, and it's free! So nice! I really don't understand the objection to other people having fun even if it's not your cup of tea. Isn't it way easier just to ignore it? Have we lost so much discomfort tolerance that we can't even stand other people goofing off on a non serious Anonymous image board? Is it really that important? I just had something I posted– just to be a little silly and hyperbolic as a treat for a joke– on the lolcows own caps thread calling it an unhinged rant. Is it really so unusual for people to just have fun and goof off? We really have to be so doom and gloom all the time? Doesn't it get tiresome? Lighten the fuck up.

Anonymous 301219

My local IP is banned and I don't get redirected to the mirror site instead when I try to post I get redirected to the post that got me banned with no ban explanation since the mods ban based on a combination of herd rule of other anons, or just your views vs their personal bias. The VPN bans purpose is to curate a echo chamber of the same yes men with no naysayers. The excuse that they need to stamp tradthots is obviously bullshit, most of the sites userbase are some variety of tradthots and sexpos libfems constantly at arms over dick. The crux of many threads is discussing men, dating men, fucking men, fictional men or even here not talking about men like the floor is hot lava proving your male obsession. It's pathetic and sad.

Everytime something controversial is discussed it's moved to 2x where it immediately dies. Even on this site in trying to discuss lc the mods here locked the previous thread for "being off topic" or some arbritrary shit when this may be the last weeks of the site without the ban, like this anon says, there won't be much voices here as they've silenced basically every dissenter >>300860 if anyone cares about the site even to a miniscule degree we need to discuss this now. I do like the honest discussions on lc of media, the art thread, and criticism of retarded women and male violence but The last straw was being temporarily banned for criticising posters posting about their dick sucking. It sucks because there's some really great women on lc but I've had to come to terms with the fact that the site is primarily just autistic sexpos libfem ewhores and tradthots who's only agreements are tranny bad, repeated ad infinitum. The remainder of the site is the catty userbase shitting on other ewhores, other tradthots and mostly female celebrities. Rip the art thread, the media discussion threads, and any minor critique of dick sucking.

Anonymous 301220

I had this exact same mirror thing happen to me but y’all say all I have to do is clear my cookies?? I haven’t tried that yet… they said I was banned forever so idk..

Anonymous 301221

Hmm strange you got banned for discussing other topics that concern women as well.
Don’t give up though spreading this message that’s important. I was never in the 2x secrion that much ngl uhm but I disagree that your point should be moved when you are literally calling someone out right there. Or was it when you made a thread it got moved there. You could also just talk about your thread in the 2x section in different areas of lc right? Because why not maybe it’ll help engagement. Idk just trying to help.


Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944[Reply]

19 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301045

burgers by definition are bad nutrition

Anonymous 301060

Not true you get protein

Anonymous 301181

Anonymous 301207

This. I always feel terrible after eating fast food burgers.

Anonymous 301212

Can you make this without egg? I am allergic to eggs


This thread passes the Bechdel test Anonymous 288104[Reply]

You know what it is about, in this thread it's not acceptable to talk about anything that refers to people of a gender or sex different than the female one
20 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 290155

I tried Ubuntu for a while a few years ago. I hope you can manage cuz mine couldn't play videos and the guides they write for Linux users assume you're a computer nerd when I despise computers.

Anonymous 301194


Does anyone here likes birdwatching?

Anonymous 301197

Not rly but there’s a nonni that likes talking about cows maybe you can link

Anonymous 301205

+ Well supported, well maintained, large corporate base - you don't want to start out on a distro that isn't used by professionals in the workplace, and SUSE is the oldest Linux corporation in the world.
+ YAST is the closest you're going to get to an equivalent to Mac OS Preferences or the Windows Control Center in a graphical Linux environment, and it runs and can be used to manage your software in text mode through a terminal/TTY login in the event that something goes catastrophically wrong with the graphics environment without requiring you to learn every name for every controls command or kernel module. So if you can only start in textonly safemode and need to connect to the internet you can just enter yast, follow a few simple menus to get to networking controls, and enable networking in order to download whatever is necessary to fix the system.
+ easy install
+ Lizard mascot
+ RPMs
+ huge library of games in repo - people use the suse build services even if they don't use sue itself.
+ an officially supported distro for NVIDIA and other large manufacturers who make Linux drivers.
+ an actually useful wiki that describes problems that real people have in real life with real examples and solutions.
+ officially supports an ARM/embedded variant, will not die if/when x86 desktop loses ground to newer or different technology.

- German. (This used to make the distro nearly unusable due to their Erlangen.DE repo servers lacking a North American mirror–they have mirrors now and had them for years but the reputation is still impacted).
- Poor audio support on ARM devices, if you're running a raspberry pi just use raspian.
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Anonymous 301208

cute hobby


I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906[Reply]

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.
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Anonymous 301041

I dont mind women with daughters, assuming theyre not raising them to hate themselves and be pickmes. Women who are wives and/or boymoms are annoying and never STFU about it, even when the topic of conversation isnt related to either of those roles. One mention is bad enough, but it never ends there. Sometimes its tempting to count the number of times a woman will say "my son" or "my husband" in my head while shes talking lol. A lot of times, a woman who is a proud wife and boymom start saying how her son or husband doesnt like something, so she will compromise and do xyz instead, or similar.

Anonymous 301046

>Women who are wives and/or boymoms are annoying and never STFU about it, even when the topic of conversation isnt related to either of those roles. One mention is bad enough, but it never ends there.

When you have kids, they become your whole life

Anonymous 301051

i love children but i’m so happy abortion and modern feminism exists so that women who don’t like children don’t get forced into having them. all that does is lead to fucked up adults from being raised by people who don’t like them. and i’m not saying this to bash you, i’m genuinely so happy you know this about yourself and know you never want to have kids. its an important thing to know instead of just doing it because youre “supposed to”

Anonymous 301064

A lot of the times kids also ruin your life, so you have to cling to that one cope that sacrificing everything for them will make life better

Anonymous 301206

One of the reasons the US is collapsing now is that Americans think that decay will be stopped by becoming Fascists and Communists. Americans think the US will be improved by expanding wars, increasing the debt, and adding more tyranny when the reason the USA is crashing is because the US has wars, is in debt, and has a police state.

Americans say that they love freedom, but then they turn around and say they need the government to give them free Obamacare, build a wall, protect the US from Yemen, wiretap their phones, arrest people for feeding the homeless, stop farmers from plowing fields, force people to get rid of dogs, ban vaping, and torture suspects.

Every country has the government it deserves.

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