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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Anonymous 297766[Reply]

Do you like Australia?
54 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301956

Lots of domestic violence

Anonymous 301999

how??? explain

Anonymous 302297

In 2017 I lived for over 6 months in Brisbane.

>In the CBD (downtown) of Brisbane literally every 2nd person on the street was indian or asian

>Chinese restaurants everywhere.
>You see so many white men with asian women it's crazy
There were also a lot of Australian women with asians.
>I went to UQ, the chinese were tye biggest group of foreigners by far.
>I once drove through this neighberhood called Sunnybank, it's almost all chinese people, with signs in chinese and everything.

Anonymous 302299

Did you do anything in Brisbane besides becoming Heinrich Himmler?

Anonymous 302301

10% of Australians are ruining the country with their gambling addiction


Anonymous 302296[Reply]

What made you want to be childfree?

Anonymous 302298

'ate moids, simple as


Anonymous 301531[Reply]

Do you like clubbing? Why or why not?
23 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302177

The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.

The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.

Anonymous 302182

Be the change you want to see in the world, maybe touch some grass.

Anonymous 302244

Real patriots wish that they could stay awake 24 hours a day spreading freedom.

Anonymous 302292

Is that why all the somgs say "let's dance all night"?

Anonymous 302295

annoying music annoying people. no


Anonymous 297000[Reply]

I have unlimited understanding, knowledge and visions of data and everything there is. I have reached godhood status. I know the akeshic records, so to speak. Ask me anything. My iq is 170
13 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302288

Is being too good at masturbating holding me back from getting in a relationship?

Anonymous 302290

Anonymous 302291


Anonymous 302293

I will goon to this post in my next session instead of my usual smut

Anonymous 302294


rika 1.jpg

Anonymous 302149[Reply]

rikaposting to get rid of disgusting CSAM on recent images
17 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302276

rika 12.jpg

Anonymous 302277

rika 13.jpg

Anonymous 302278

rika 14.jpg

Anonymous 302279

rika 15.jpg

Anonymous 302289

Thank you, Rikaposter, I've saved all pictures from this thread


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
473 posts and 169 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301795

discord: imanorexicana
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
bedrotting, daydreaming & crying.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
you can contact me whenever.

Anonymous 301797

>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
Like video games. TES, Yakuza, sims. My pc is currently broken though rip. Also enjoy writing and drawing, but not lately. Willing to talk about any hobbies you might like as I’m always looking for new hobbies
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Not busy, but not always online.

Anonymous 301836

who cares by venti…

oversharing.exe.1999; I am always on invisible just send me a message when you are online
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
digital art, fiberart, making stuff out of clay, collecting doll horses and vintage mlp, novelty songs, funny tv shows be it generic sitcoms or black comedies, listening to podcasts, bed rooting on the weekends, I also wanna get into browser petsims games
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
depends on the day because of work but the thing is I sleep as soon as I get home from work around 7-8 pm and I woke up around 1:47am so I am free until 8am or until 4am since sometimes I go back to sleep around then, I also have a work brake from 12am to 2pm

Anonymous 302235


viaveev (discord alt acct for privacy)
CST, TX, USA sadly
>Preferred age range for friends
20-30+ ish, mid 30s maybe ok, ideal is around my age
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
ryukishi07 is my god. visual novels. based anime and manga tastes. figure collector. fantasy enjoyer. my neurodivergence doesnt define me i swear! pokemon… idolmaster. digimon tcg+pokemon tcg. kagerou project a disgusting amount. brain obliterated. rozen maiden! honey and clover! sanrio.. cinnamoroll. theatre. fairytales. greek myth. vocaloid song series (esp 2010). musicals. hell to talk to with fragmented speech. dolls!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
schizopilled tht will spam whenever n doesnt mind spam back, will respond when can, usually too fast or AWOL, feel free to follow up

Anonymous 302287


dc: oldhagv3#3519





>Preferred age range for friends

22+, preferably around my age obv

>Hobbies & Interests and other details

- Currently studying CS Msc
- Creative digital projects (making stupid interactive sites or shrines to stuff I like)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Lolcow.farm hate thread #11 Anonymous 301694[Reply]

last thread >>>/b/299049
30 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302213

>I don't think she'd have a moid as her PFP either

Anonymous 302214

Her whole raison d'etre is to spread the word about how bjs are humiliating. I don't think a woman like that could ever have an inclination for moids

Anonymous 302233

She's Polish - one time she posted a screenshot with the UI in the Polish language.

Anonymous 302284

The state of lc is pure cancer. Braindead edgelord zoomers from tiktok and /pol/ are invading alongside annoying autists from reddit. Maybe the luigi husbando thread really was the beginning of the end. I can’t think of any other notable event that precipitated this. Where do I go? God it’s so over.

Anonymous 302286

Ik how you feel. I’ve been on LC since 2015 and left as soon as the twitterfags invaded. Skipped out on 2020-2024, came back recently and it isn’t the same.
CC is dead as ever and has a Scar and CP spam problem, so I really don’t know where to go now. The discord server is dead too.


Anonymous 301840[Reply]

Is it cringe to eat happy meals as an adult? The toy is cool but the meal is actually low calorie, has apples and the milk is tasty.
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302239

you can get apples and milk from the grocery store

Anonymous 302247

They arent any floor fries, all fast food is super strict about stuff like that. You can't even drop a utensil for five seconds or have anything touch the ground without managers or customers making a big deal. But you will get old fries, or old patties. That is why people try to do those weird hacks like asking for fries without salt then salt packets. Or just straight up asking for fresh fries. The chances of you getting fresh patties or chicken is very low though. The fast food places are designed to be able to cook up food, store it and keep it warm, and then assemble then quickly when rushes come through. None of it was made recently.

Anonymous 302248

a happy meal is the size of a normal non-amerifat meal

Anonymous 302282


Anonymous 302285


Meme Template Thread Anonymous 302283[Reply]

Add a funny caption to this meme

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