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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Anonymous 303309[Reply]

I hate men so much it's unreal holy shit
I stopped taking my pacifying pills and I immediately feel this inflamed rage smoldering inside me.
I stopped taking them because they were sapping my energy, but now that the energy is back I am wasting it all on writing wallposts about how much men suck.
How can one even cope with existence of moids without being constantly bashed out of their head with drugs? I literally can't, it bugs me on a deepest level that I am forced to share a world with those ungodly demons. Every time I run into a male opinion on the internet I completely lose my shit.

And it doesn't even help that I have a loving moido partner. I simply don't count him as man because he is devoid of any typical male issues like coomerism and egocentrism. Though maybe I would change my opinion if he expressed anything political but he is basically like an innocent child and doesn't engage with internet in any way other than gaming subreddits and language learning videos. I dunno.

Any ideas how to chill the fuck out?
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Anonymous 303312

What do the demons tell you?

How are you crazy and in a relationship, are you a famous youtuber

Anonymous 303313

But what do I do at work or while the glue settles or in the bus etc

I can't really afford to engage with stuff I enjoy most of the time, but once I do I already spiraled out of control and my day is ruined.

Demons are the men, whatever they tell - you can open any social media to see.
>How are you crazy and in a relationship
Maybe because I am crazy, but men are fucking easy it's not even worth talking about. I just saw a cutie and wrote "hi you have a sittable face" to him. Mania helps to be reckless.

Anonymous 303317

Read a book. These days I'm reading Acts of Desperation and Eat Preety. I love piracy.

Anonymous 303318

There are many men like your bf. The annoying ones are just the most vocal.

Anonymous 303320

>hi you have a sittable face

Lol how old are you, this might work on young or maybe autistic adults but also not for long


Is there a single correct ideology? Anonymous 303290[Reply]

Which ideology is the most moral
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Anonymous 303301


The Soviets starved for decades, then died for a McDonald’s. Lol.

Anonymous 303302


I've heard that a massive amount of chickens have been culled due to bird flu in the USA in the last few months

Anonymous 303308

Bird flu and African swine fever viruses are scam produced by laboratories

Anonymous 303316

Capitalism, but with many social safety nets. Actually tax the rich too. I don't care if they don't actually have money in their accounts or whatever trickery they do, figure it out.

Anonymous 303319

I do feel sorry for wage slaves

I don't know how any of them find time to work out or go to the gym after a long day of work

As a neet I have more time to work out and take care of myself, cook good food and just enjoy my time

But "arbeit macht frei" I suppose


Anonymous 35905[Reply]

What is your opinion of relationships with age gaps in which the older partner is the woman?
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Anonymous 303288

I think it's great but I don't like men(so that's definitely my bias), and so I think it's great because it takes some of the man's power away. Men should be looking to women as mentor types, and find older women attractive as much or more than younger women. It's not going to solve misogyny or whatever, but normalizing it could lower teen pregnancy, discourage the anti-aging bullshit, and encourage young female independence. Also I don't think I have even seen an instance when a guy is supposedly "groomed" by an older woman that leads to him becoming a danger to himself or others, if anything it calms down his worse instincts not unlike being raised in a female household. Genuinely has any harm come from a relationship like this?

Anonymous 303298

Well none of those high school boys seem traumatized

Anonymous 303305

Yeah it harms the birthrate lol

Anonymous 303314

Who cares about this shit?

Anonymous 303315

Sane people generally


India Anonymous 30650[Reply]

Any indian girls here? How do you guys live? I'm really curious
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Anonymous 303128

Anonymous 303129


Forgot to add this

Anonymous 303287


It’s getting more and more just like during Covid and after 9/11

Anonymous 303306

Wait so it's okay to rape your date

Anonymous 303307

It's racist and a remnant of colonialist thought to interfere with people's cultural romancing rituals


Approved kots Anonymous 303244[Reply]

Hello, i'm looking for cat pictures approved by this great place
I need them for /kot/ general elsewhere!! Thanks!!!!

Anonymous 303281

котив нимае дибил
це инцелка-форум

Anonymous 303283



what is the point of men except manual labor/the draft? Anonymous 303243[Reply]

the last 60 years have shown women are basically better version of men in every way except picking up heavy objects and running fast, and most of them are fat sedentary fucks.
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Anonymous 303260

Our world needs both men and women. I have never and will never subscribe to the radfem men are all horrible ideology. It's just a mirror version of incel ideology.

Anonymous 303264


Anonymous 303271

You’re one step away from saying the same thing but with race

Anonymous 303273


Anonymous 303277

I think that's one reason I'm against it. Being black I'm used to seeing the rhetoric that we're inferior beings.


Why do radlibs simp for "sex workers" so hard? Anonymous 303234[Reply]

sex workers are not producing members of society, meaning producing something that sustains society. Pronography is a redundant luxury.

Anonymous 303235


Anonymous 303236

Retarded horny losers hoping if they say all the right things, they’ll get a freebie

Anonymous 303262

Most of the workforce in bullshit office jobs don't really produce anything. I mean I don't like sex work either, but that's not one of the reasons.

Anonymous 303275

Commodification of sex work is the commodification of sex workers, which "liberals" love because to them engagement in the economy is freedom. It's shilled and peddled because the industry generates an astounding amount of money, but only pays out in a meaningful way to a tiny minority of its workers. The rest of the dregs sell themselves all the same for a pathetically small slice of the pie, and support the industry in hopes one day they'll "make it" and leave those other broke bitches behind. This leaves a lot of very rich men making incredible profits from a business with practically no overhead or risk, and they're all their own little kingmakers, or queenmakers, who can elevate the good little whores, through algorithms, who toe the line and incentivise the perpetuation of the business. All other services who incentivise people to sell their lives and intimacy (Twitch, Twitter, Insta) are complicit because they're cohabitating parasites that all get nice and fat off the same blood supply.


Anonymous 303240[Reply]

What's the best way to make sure I get into the ruling class?

Anonymous 303242

Being born into the ruling class

Anonymous 303267

Accumulate enough money to be useful to them.

Anonymous 303274

It depends on what country you're in. Of course, being a billionaire CEO of a mutinational corporation will get you a seat at any table. In my country, all you need to join the ruling class is a law degree, public speaking lessons and some wealthy donors who'll bankroll your election campaign in exchange for favourable grants and voting positions. Then you just need to be a soulless, empty suit and serve the interests of millionaire donors until you can do enough insider trading to fund your own multi-million dollar business and perpetuate the cycle.


Anonymous 303247[Reply]

What do you like about Japan and Japanese culture?
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Anonymous 303250


Is Japan really that safe?

Anonymous 303252


Anonymous 303255

It happens in Australia. Maybe there's just something about the Pacific.

Anonymous 303261


Thanks to their collectivist culture it's a very pleasant country to visit.

Thanks to their miserable work culture they produce some of the best escapist media in the world. I mean seriously it's not even close.

Anonymous 303272


First of all, the cuisine. If I had the opportunity to travel to Japan, my priority would be to visit the restaurants. I would try the most exclusive ones, as well as those that cater to the local population. The architecture and natural beauty are also very attractive. I hope I have enough money to pay for a good guide to take me to some intriguing places.
I may be a bit of a weeaboo, but I am not fooled by Japan. I think it is a beautiful and admirable nation, but I know that it is a sexist country with a complicated history.

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