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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Mealspos Anonymous 21370[Reply]

Add yours too.
I wish I was 6ft so that I could eat things like this in one sittig.
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Anonymous 21377

I like the combo its like egg so salty then salad to clean the tounge then something sweet yummy

Anonymous 21378


Might try tomorrow, those are my two fav breakfast foods. Yet I never tried them together. I always thought they added it just for the aesthetic.

Anonymous 21379

Hope its yummy ^^!

Anonymous 21456


Anonymous 21458

Somedays when I'm feeling risky I will have pizza and garlic knots and then eat fruit.


Anonymous 21457[Reply]

Now that the weather is finally gettig hotter I will be showering twice. I used to be worried that doing this would dry my skin out and the damage would add up but then I realised I was just thinking too much. I have finally nailed my routine and I follow it daily. It is very minimal but it is consistency that matters.
After seeing everything that the market has to offer I find holistic beauty the best. That overpriced lip oil is definitely not worth it no matter what the influencer tells you some shea butter will just do the job and do it better. Also seal your eye cream ( so basically a moisturizer ) with vaseline or aquaphor for it to properly work.
I continue to struggle with my hair. It is in a better shape than 2022 but I want more volume more shine and more life. I still have to try the fino and the tsubaki and &honey. So many things to choose from!
Summer will be all about mint and fruit and cold air and burning wood. No candy please.


Veganism Thread Anonymous 21300[Reply]

Have you tried going vegan? What are your thoughts on it?
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Anonymous 21338

Same. The Zizians troon cult has also made me go anti vegan aka eat all them nutrient rich meats from factory farms. Don’t forget to eat your omega 3 eggs too :)

Anonymous 21339

Will just stop oil make you become an oil baron? Will peta make you purchase two unspayed/neutered cats to create a kitten mill? Get a grip. It's pathetic to abandon your principles for such a ridiculous reason.

Anonymous 21340

I just like meat. Simple as.

Anonymous 21351

That's really petty and sad, ngl.

Anonymous 21455

I went vegan in January. It's a little tough hitting my protein goals without cottage cheese and similar things, but it's worth it.


Ear Piercers Anonymous 21386[Reply]

Has anyone here used one of these before? I'm thinking about buying one.

Anonymous 21392

went to a cheap mall shop and had my ears pierced with this kind of thing when i was younger.

it got hella infected and my skin grew over the actual jewelry. had to go to the doctor for them to literally cut it out of my ear and it's left a scar lol.

now i have 14 piercings just in my ear, all done professionally with the proper needles, and haven't had any issues with infections.

i don't really think it's worth it to mess with those.

Anonymous 21419

Please don't do these, they're not sharp enough at the end so what they'll do is create tears in the skin and invite in infection.

What you want is a hollow needle / gauge needle (of adequate size) and something to clean your desired earrings with, like an alcohol solution.

If you can go to a piercer. But if you want to do it yourself, please use the needle and make sure to angle it well while piercing. Keep it in there for a little and hold it perpendicular to your lobe.

I did my lobes and one of them puts up a fight when inserting earrings because I didn't hold the needle perpendicular.

Anonymous 21453

i had my ears pierced with these at the mall when i was a kid and had no issue personally. i just remember it feeling like a pinch and then sore for a few days.

if you do use them just be sure to keep it clean after as that is what causes them to get infected. i cleaned mine a few times a day and they were healed after 6 weeks.

also make sure to check what metal the earrings are made out of incase you are allergic to them.

Anonymous 21454

When I was 10 my mom let me use these to pierce my own ears. But as an adult, with adult knowledge and adult money I would never. You can buy actual piercing supplies online for the same price.


Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 21447

Noting tastes as good as being thin feels.

Anonymous 21448

there is low calorie food like green salad. just don't fuck it up with salad dressing

Anonymous 21449

Watch Liv Schmidt skinny lifestyle advice. Just remember: don’t pay yourself to get fat, just pay to taste. Aka don’t finish that entire plate of cake which will give you diabetes and heart disease, have a bite or two and move on.

Anonymous 21450

You need to build sane rules for yourself. For me I set it so I can eat junk on special occasions, if somebody offers me some, or if I'm going out. Probably wouldn't work for someone who goes out a lot or lives with someone who buys a lot of junk, but it works for me.

After you work out your own set of rules the most important part is to NEVER bargain with yourself. You'll always lose. Catch yourself in the early stages of "but it's not so bad if…" and say fuck off brain we're not doing this. Do not dare continue that train of thought.

Anonymous 21452

Use a calorie calculator and do cico (calories in, calories out) to start with. You'll learn what foods are satiating to you.


Oral Hygiene Anonymous 21426[Reply]

What is your oral hygiene routine like? I like to brush my teeth ×2 a day sm it keeps me sane and makes me get the feeling of progress. I wish I could floss thrice a day but my gums hurt. I like to oil pull in the morning and use mouthwash at night. By the way I hate water floss and I will hate it till the day I die. Also going to the dentist is not scary get that filling today!
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Anonymous 21439

At minimum you should be doing it twice, once in morning and once before you go to bed.
I got the tism and don’t like feeling gunk in my mouth so I brush after every meal. If you don’t care about breath quality and think brushing is too much, make sure u eat cheese at the end of lunch coz apparently that helps the good bacteria in your mouth combat bad bacteria.

Anonymous 21440

I have heard the same thing about xylitol tablets …I dont remember if it was about cavity or bad breath

Anonymous 21443

Those are to help prevent cavities because it helps you generate more saliva to flush out your mouth.

Anonymous 21444

Just say no? I've refused a deep cleaning before.

Anonymous 21445

I did vehemently say no and she refused to clean my entire mouth when I requested one cleaning


Anonymous 20943[Reply]

35 dpo.
i am 42 years old and slowly going crazy and feel completely desperate. Am I pregnant or not? Or are these just evaporation lines?

please need some emotional support
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Anonymous 20970

We don't need more people but we still need some amount of babies dummy

Anonymous 21022

How about you don't go into a thread about pregnancy to post your doomer made up propaganda next time?

Anonymous 21382

Also keep in mind those tests have a certain time while they're good for reading.
Mine always said the reading is not valid after it sits for a while.

Anonymous 21393

nona if you're still here, i recommend looking into dr. ray peat's principles. progesterone is really important for implantation and natal health, if you're low progesterone you should start supplementing baby aspirin or just plain progesterone drops. avoid estrogenic things like seed oils. eat lots of fruits, honey, fruit juices, eggs, dairy, and protein. don't stress out, that's the most important thing. good luck

Anonymous 21442

idk my parents had me in their late thirties and I did not turn out well


Breakfast ideas Anonymous 21387[Reply]

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Anonymous 21411

Duck eggs >>>

Anonymous 21417

Sorry, I misremembered. It's mediterranean sea salt. I love it!

Anonymous 21418

That sounds …salty …kekeke

Anonymous 21424

Anonymous 21425

I need him…

matcha and coffee.…

Morning wake up drinks Anonymous 21403[Reply]

Water is absoultely needed. Apart from that coffee, tea, matcha or energy drinks is what I have heard people drink. Personally I find drinking an energy drink in the morning insane but you do you. I like the bitternes of coffee but it makes me very anxious so I stick to matcha. Tea is good too but only in milk.
I don't like the ones overloaded with sugar no matter what it is but I do like how they are presented.
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Anonymous 21407


Anonymous 21408

How come when I made a ray peat thread no one knew who he was, but lately is name is all over cc?

Anonymous 21409

He's right now trendy on right wing health twt, health twt, holistic health twt etc etc …I don't completely agree with the coco cola thing but I like his views on fruits and honey

Anonymous 21421

Makes sense as I originally heard about him on /fit/. I guess it takes a while for trends to leak into more mainstream platforms.

Anonymous 21423

Ohhh …yeah agreed


Anonymous 20851[Reply]

How do I get stronk?
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Anonymous 21231


If you cant afford a gym pass or dont prefer it you can start with calisthenics aka bodyweight exercises cause they need no equipment and can be done anywhere. I would just pick a premade program/routine and try it, focusing on upper body, lower body, core, and cardio on different days so each area has time to rest. But my reasoning for just picking something and doing as most as you can is because its better to be consistent and thus able to improve than it is to waste time/paralyze yourself trying to find the perfect way to start. Just when doing a routine dont think you need to do all of what it says you should do. Do all you can leaving yourself energy to do something the next day. Giving yourself easy workout days inbetween harder days helped me keep up with working out by making it a habit quicker (ex: upper body and light core exercises one day, cardio the next where I just jog/walk a mile or two. Then the third day focus on core and light legs, etc. Be creative. Give yourself rest days if you really have to but be careful to not let yourself slip up and quit working out always saying it should be done tomorrow)

Anonymous 21255

i am quite strong in my upper arms.

I spend a lot of time doing push ups or hand stands.
of course this will change the physique of your body but its a bad thing.

being strong is such a cool party trick as well as being useful for self defence

Anonymous 21256

wish I could find the will to get started. i always thought I could be a runner, but I just sit here and rot

Anonymous 21416


Anonymous 21422


Start with the seven minute workout.

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