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Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 21244

it's fast for losing weight healthily. if you eat less than 1000-1500 kcal a day, you burn more muscle than fat. unless fasting, not eating enough is quite detrimental to sleep metabolism problem solving etc. when actually fasting (or keto) you burn Only fat. it's safe & healthy enough to fast for months on end if you have enough fat to burn

Anonymous 21246

I try but I've been fasting for 2 weeks now and I'm consistantly thinking about it and craving it. I try to tell myself after the diet is done and I lost the weight that I can have onr burger but it doesn't help.

Anonymous 21249

Start by finding one non-goyslop thing you like. Replace the goyslop with that as much as possible from there. Your palette and gut biome will slowly change from there

Anonymous 21250

Also if you have access to a kitchen make your own burger. The first one will probably suck but you'll improve quickly.

Anonymous 21268

Stress ate chocolate after lunch. I'm only going to lose half a kg this montg because I went on a bender last week.


Anonymous 21264[Reply]

last week my bf slept over last night and after cuddling/ heavy petting a bit my alarm went off and i got up to get ready for work. i got naked in front of my dresser to put on work clothes and he actively sighed with desire. ikikikik what youre thinking what tf does this have to do with media?/ EVERYTHING just listen to me tell me story goddamnit. anyways i'm flattered now but at the time i was really embnarrsed/ shocked. i spent like all of my adolesnce thinking i was grossily overweight and super fat. in reality i was like a little overweight then defieniely overweight but now i'm like the healthiest i've ever been BUT i've been wanting to maybe lose a bit more weight, maybe put on some muscle now but i am just so worried about falling down the hole of body checking/ comparsion that is RAMPANT on the internet. i feel like i have no where to go. esp with all this ozempic and ariana grande shit going around . i just wish i could accept my body and want to be better without LOSING MY FUCKING MIND. even my mom, my friends everyone is always shitting on their bodies its so hard to not fall back into it.i just wish the fucking "body positivity" movement had actually done something in media rather than just creating shame for wanting to be thinner


© 2018, Kirsten Rothbart)

Anonymous 21267

Why do you care when moids are usually ugly as all hell? I do not understand your logic. Moids usually look like ballsacks. I would rather be kind of overweight and keep my pride than do anything for their gaze, since they don't return the effort. Maybe like 2% are attractive, but I'm tired of people trying to suppress the fact and becoming hostile to it. No amount of money will make me attracted to someone who looks like a toads ass either. This is not shallow though, this is setting yourself up for a reciprocal relationship. Stop lying to yourself/ putting in extra work they don't actually deserve. That's really all you have to do. Is your bf as attractive as you? This is all that matters, a reciprocal attraction. Otherwise they are just manipulating you and low key bullying you into accepting scraps, while they get to walk away with all the pride and confidence etc. (You know they will trash women who don't look how they want, while they look nasty)

The result is how you're living now. How you're living in your head now is a form of male oppression. You're entire mind is becoming a trash heap on the floor. You lose so much when you're mind is reverted to a garbage heap. You have to acknoweledge what you actually want, and ask yourself do you want to be that way? Is that how you want to live? as a mentally diminished shell of yourself? For their benefit? Its shameful imo.


Disability general Anonymous 11446[Reply]

I don't think there has been a thread for those who might have some form of disability here. This thread is for discussing any problem related to a disability, it can be a mental or physical problem as long as this thread can help you feel less alone in this struggle it is all that matters. I personally have issues related to my hearing, I am curious to see if other anons do too here.
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Anonymous 20256


Rant incoming I don’t think there’s any advice that could ever help me out. I’ve been struggling with vision problems for the past 7 years of my life due to some rare disease I don’t want to name so I can’t be identified. My left eye is the one that is being affected by it and I’ve had DOZENS of procedures varying from eye injections, eye surgeries, even implants put into my eye. Doctors don’t know what caused it. I’m just sick of this shit I haven’t seen a specialist in a year now even though my vision is worsening. I don’t know why but I can’t bring myself to go into the doctors anymore. I now have a big blind spot in my left eyes central vision. That amongst the many surgeries and needles they put into my eye are causing my eye to become lazy/droopy. I’m very self conscious of this, not even that long ago some normie asked me what was wrong with my eye and why does one look tired and one looks awake. I also live in fear that this disease will also somehow start effecting my other eye as well. I can’t enjoy anything outdoors anymore because I have major light sensitivity and I have a bunch of floaters in my vision. I can barely even read on a screen because I just start seeing double once my left eye gets tired. I’m ready to just rip my eye out and wear an eyepatch for the rest of my life.

Anonymous 21061

I'm going to rehabilitation for a stroke I had a long time ago. My memory is absolute crap, and I can move my weak side well enough to function normally but it's pretty obvious there's something wrong with me. I'm doing physical therapy and speech/mental therapy.

I also have a weird wrinkle on one side of my moth because of muscle imbalance due to the stroke. No one's ever mentioned it to me but I hate it. It's not like a natural laugh line, just a random little creass.

Anonymous 21062

This post just reminded me I might get officially recognized as disabled depending on how the rehab goes ahahaha

Anonymous 21166

I'm going multiple times a week for two months. I'd imagine speech therapy is really important. I must have done it in inpatient rehab but I don't remember. I don't know what to expect because my pronunciation is fine. But I have problems recalling words and remembering spelling.

Anonymous 21263

I finished my assessment and I'm going to apply to be recognized as disabled, the woman helping me said I'll definitely get the recognition. She's going to introduce me to a group that will help me and my family in day-to-day life, too. I'm so happy to get some help.


Anonymous 20973[Reply]

Anyone else feel like they can't compete with these young, filtered, IG models? It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
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Anonymous 20998

Same but in my case I got locked out of my account because Instagram won’t send me a code to reset my password. It’s forever in purgatory until someone hacks it

Feels good not looking at other people yelling at the top of their lungs for attention and bragging about how good they got it (beautiful, free money, free samples, free items, free vacations for dumb reviews and advertising etc)

The gravy train will eventually stop for them when they age out or if they are too slow to hop on the latest trends. I remember I followed this cottage core account and now that covid is over and cottagecore is no longer appealing, that girl lost so many followers and constantly complained about how the Instagram algo was evil for not showcasing her stuff to audiences anymore.

If you are jealous of Instagram “models” just think about all that effort to look shiny and presentable 24/7 even when doing a get ready for bed with me video, and how much you got to be fake and superficial for free items. And constantly having to live your life online 24/7 and fake filming locations to look cinematic when in reality you’re posing in front of a brick wall outside of an alleyway for a presentable background, annoying real people going about their daily lives while you stand there and pose like a monkey for 1-2 h for a photo shoot in freezing weather kek. God forbid the tiktok dancing, don’t forget that too!

Keep in mind Instagram girls spend a shit ton of money to buy the latest trendy outfits and are usually in a money deficient unless they are the top 1% of content creators. You gotta be in debt for a long while before and IF you become big. It’s more of a gamble and pyramid scheme than anything, really, and ocne that gravy train stops you spiral down the OF route for your creepy moid fan base to pay the bills

Anonymous 21005

Compete for what?

Also they dont look like that irl

Anonymous 21027

Anonymous 21028

>It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
The opposite for me. I used to have cripplingly low self-esteem until I entered a phase of following IG models and listening to kpop. Seeing how hard they all tried to be beautiful made me start pitying them instead of envying them or wanting them. Now I feel superior to them simply because I don't participate in or care about their sick game. You can free yourself too, anon.

Anonymous 21262

Why do you need to compete?
I stopped using Instagram/almost all social media (LinkedIn for work is the exception) years ago, and I've never been happier. I get all my fashion inspiration from older Japamese mooks, and it's refreshing to see less heavily-edited women enjoying fun clothes.
Why would you even want to attention of someone that finds AI-tier instagram models attractive?


Artificial Wombs Anonymous 21078[Reply]

The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.
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Anonymous 21173

This is honestly terrifying and unlike the other optimistic nonas, I believe this will make the value of being a woman drop immensely.

Anonymous 21185

You’re correct. The nonas that think this will make things better for women are delusional. There’s a lot of men out there that hate women and think we’re only good for making babies. Femicide is already a huge problem without this. Countries like China and India will straight up exterminate their girls on mass if this technology takes off.

Anonymous 21254


the idea of a baby never knowing its mothers womb is the most supreme evil that i can imagine

Anonymous 21257

It’s like the baby will be born without a soul. The loving breath and voice of its mother is outside… with artificial wombs you get an artificial limbless torso who doesn’t talk to you or stroke her stomach when you kick. It’s so sad. Those artificial womb babies are going to be fucked up and less intelligent than natural womb babies.
Unless of course they genetically engineered them to be super soldiers. But then again they’d prob be psychopaths

Anonymous 21258

That's the sort of thing that's easy to catastrophize. We are as a society investing billions of dollars into finding ways to create un-souled human intelligences. And that intentional un-souling is to the greatest possible extent non-metaphorical. We slowed down on using fetal stem cells instead of adult-harvested chemically adjusted skin cells recast as neurons, and it's not because the fetal cells were less neurologically effective or adaptable than alchemist skin. The social barriers against using adaptable fetal tissue are the real issue, but an alchemist transmuting skin into a brain to create a homunculus is socially and ethically palatable. These slave circuits are already sentient (in the scientific sense of having and responding to senses and sensory organs, most organoids independently develop photosensitive "eyes") and conscious (in the scientific sense, demonstrating all brainwave forms and developing cyclical brainwave patterns equivalent to human newborns) but because of the manner of their creation there is no real objection to their lifelong use as slave-circuits. So the important thing about forming a new class of human organism for the purpose of unpaid labor, including the unpaid intellectual labor we hope to profit from with organoid computer banks, is to make sure that they are created in a way that is different from the normal mode of pregnancy and fetal growth. Artificial wombs may give us that difference, especially if we could show that the class of being that emerges from them is emotionally and/or intellectually deficient and therefore unworthy of love or respect or medical care; everyone resents the amount of love or respect or voting rights or medical care that are currently given to people with standardized IQ test scores 4 points below their own. That way, we may not even need immigrants to solve the economic problem of physical labor, even while organoids promise to alleviate the economic problem of intellectual labor. Then we will see that the line will go up and the chart will be green and the gdp will be big.

So I can see the horrible dystopia concept, a society in which women's rights to abortion are made contingent on the sleeve-birthing of troglodyte monsters intellectually and morally unfit for any role in society except as unskilled labor for the benefit of very nearly no-one.

I take some comfort inPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 20851[Reply]

How do I get stronk?
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Anonymous 20994

Lbp isn't natty

Anonymous 21220

i've gotten significantly fitter in the last several months, and its weird to have my body now bump into itself in new ways, especially around my arms.

Anonymous 21231


If you cant afford a gym pass or dont prefer it you can start with calisthenics aka bodyweight exercises cause they need no equipment and can be done anywhere. I would just pick a premade program/routine and try it, focusing on upper body, lower body, core, and cardio on different days so each area has time to rest. But my reasoning for just picking something and doing as most as you can is because its better to be consistent and thus able to improve than it is to waste time/paralyze yourself trying to find the perfect way to start. Just when doing a routine dont think you need to do all of what it says you should do. Do all you can leaving yourself energy to do something the next day. Giving yourself easy workout days inbetween harder days helped me keep up with working out by making it a habit quicker (ex: upper body and light core exercises one day, cardio the next where I just jog/walk a mile or two. Then the third day focus on core and light legs, etc. Be creative. Give yourself rest days if you really have to but be careful to not let yourself slip up and quit working out always saying it should be done tomorrow)

Anonymous 21255

i am quite strong in my upper arms.

I spend a lot of time doing push ups or hand stands.
of course this will change the physique of your body but its a bad thing.

being strong is such a cool party trick as well as being useful for self defence

Anonymous 21256

wish I could find the will to get started. i always thought I could be a runner, but I just sit here and rot


Anonymous 21174[Reply]

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?
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Anonymous 21183

ive been on spiro for 6 months now and my boobs have stayed the same and I still get the occasional pimple…. Why is life so unfair

Anonymous 21184

I love being flat chested,no tits,nipples only

Anonymous 21236

heck you nona, i am so jello

Anonymous 21239

Good Mornings and Reverse Hyperextensions will annihilate your back pain

Anonymous 21253

Yeah, and fucking moids just stare at you, and put their phone in front of you just to take a picture of your breasts


How to feel beautiful when you are a 5’11 GIANT. Anonymous 21188[Reply]

Or how do I reconcile with this fact because I’m in my 20s and shouldn’t feel like I’m still perusing the hallways of high school.

I always feel so damn goofy around other women (and sometimes men but my insecurities are usually when I’m with or surrounded by other women).

I have a weird relationship with my self esteem where I can believe that I’m attractive— decent, at worse. Then it’s immediately swallowed the next time I walk by any woman who is shorter than me— which is all of them.

I get so self-conscious and hate being in groups that are heavily female because I feel as if I scare them, somehow. My self-esteem and insecurities worsen around them , too.

And it’s not in a jealous way, I don’t think. They can’t help that they are the way they are. I don’t hate them for it. But I really don’t want them to think less of me—especially since I think my insecurities inadvertently show itself more and I don’t want them to pity me, either.

I don’t know 💔💔💔

Anonymous 21216

Make sure you’re dressing for your height and body type. Well-dressed, really tall women are striking. Have you looked into tall women models/actresses and their fashion? Gwendoline Christie comes to mind, she’s 6’3”.

It’s normal to feel insecure when you get a lot of attention for something you can’t control, but don’t try and hunch your shoulders or hide yourself. Good posture and confidence on a really tall woman is so important.

Anonymous 21218


Thank you so much for your comment!!

I have recently started to practice maintaining good posture. Normally, I do stand and walk as straight as I can but I think that sometimes I do subconsciously sink into myself in certain situations. Or maybe it’s in my head.

And it is really good advice to start looking and even taking inspiration from models and actresses! Now that you’ve mentioned it, I had thoughts about observing what Megan Thee Stallion does (forgive me, not a fan of her music but she is around my height and I’m also half-black so…). It would also be nice to include Taylor Swift, too. She always had this ethereal style that I wondered if I can ever pull it off.

Anonymous 21234

Not much help but I would love to be 5''11 as a 5''6 so I can feel as intimidating as possible, and not a target from other people (Trauma lolz). But also I would love to be that height and maintain my beauty to be perceived as one of those cocaine chic girls ;p

Anonymous 21251

here's a secret nona
nobody really cares about your height

it's just like short guys complaining about being 5'8. nobody really cares. accept it and own it, it's who you are

also, if people ever make fun of your height, remember it's not actually about the height, they are just trying to hurt you

Anonymous 21252

Maybe you can tell your husband to wear stilts?


Weight, Hair, and PCOS Anonymous 21259[Reply]

need advice from other nonas on how to control effects from PCOS better. I am medicated but it hasn't seemed to do anything except regulate my menstrual cycle.
pubic and leg hair reappears hours after shaving and whiskers grow on my face. I have to tweezer my chin every damn morning. its frustrating.
also its causing me to gain weight. im t1d as well and have had to eat healthy my entire life because of it, i try to exercise everyday but i still am on chubbier side (5,4 140, on the brink of being overweight)
any advice and help appreciated. img unrelated

Anonymous 21260


Anonymous 21261

I don't think I have pcos but i'm brown so I get an annoying amount of upper lip hair. trying learning how to thread or getting small facial razors that won't irritate your skin to use daily.

also i'm about the same weight as you and I think you just need to lose like 10 pounds or even now, you're fine. I hope the best for you. I wonder why >>21260 called you that

hq720 (1).jpg

Anonymous 21228[Reply]

Why are women expected to wear makeup, fake eyelashes, fake lip fillers, fake nails, nail polish, uncomfortably awful high heels while men can just wear casual and nobody cares?

Anonymous 21229

It's the ugly moid psyop combined with consumerism

Anonymous 21230

The ugly moid psyop is insidious. They even keep pushing dudes like Leo Dicaprio on us like his fat ass and pudgy face didn’t hit the wall decades ago

Anonymous 21245

The first mistake is believing that nobody else cares or judges the men while you do perform said judgment.

The second is accepting the idea that the man in your image is wearing casual, has no makeup or lotion on his face hair and lips, and is showing his natural stubble. Even though his neck is entirely smooth, and his stubble is entirely dark without any stray grays despite being in his late 30s. Beards show gray hairs before anywhere else on anyone else. That is a made-up, coiffed, and artificially colored male body dressed in personally tailored and therefore extremely expensive clothing, in a look that is engineered to present itself as approachable, everyday, and attainable. Mark Zuckerberg's fitted gray t-shirts cost thousands of dollars apiece.

The question should instead be "WHY is the intent of all of the effort of exorbitantly expensive male fashion so heavily engineered to produce a 'he looks like a guy my dad would have a beer with at a barbecue' result with ZERO VARIATION, where is the Professor with Tweed Jacket And Pipe look, where is the Distinguished Veteran Who Owns A Perfectly Maintained Gold Pocketwatch look, where is the coalminer who puts a flower in his pocket to keep his sense of life alive when he's out of the dark look," why can't these middle aged men accept social segmentation and stop trying to look like Ordinary Guys(tm).

Ugliness is irrelevant to the question.

Anonymous 21247

Just stop doing it. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Anonymous 21248


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