>>11039Your reading: Futility, Love, The High Priestess, Knight of Wands, Wealth, Ruin.
Futility is pretty self explanatory. The card depicts a large sword identified with the sun, beset by three swords on both sides. The swords are identified with the planets, and both sets of three are equal to the center is every measure. You need a miracle to overcome the odds. Love is love in its simplest and purest form. Not just love between two people, but the divine masculine and feminine in perfect harmony. The High Priestess is a guardian of sorts, or a keeper on knowledge. She is one of the most feminine cards of the majors, and this leads to her naturally intuitive nature. You could say she represents nuit, or an intuitive experiential knowledge that is the object of all occult practice. She sits on the threshold of the abyss. The Knight of Wands is the fiery aspect of fire. He IS action. Both the impulse and the process, very masculine as well. Wealth is the most auspicious card, and considered the last card of the tarot. It represents an abundant wealth of something. It could either represent the full completion of the work (whatever it may be you have working towards) and all that results from it, or it could just be a wealth of something in general. Such wealth is great, and must be spent wisely or else it will cease to be. Ruin is not as bad as it seems. It represents pure reason with no emotions. Eventually, the mind unchained will consume itself, but in this not all is lost. The body remains, and the two can still be reconnected.
So I didn't even read 'with' when I read and asked you questions but thankfully the cards got it for me. So TL;DR, the pairing of futility and love are obvious, I won't spell it out for you. The next three cards are not so simple. I drew a clarifier for the High Priestess, and I'm afraid there is going to have to be another sexual analogy. So basically, the Knight of Wands is impregnating the High Priestess and the result is Wealth. The clarifier is virtue, which is the Three of Wands. The number three is the number of understanding. So I would say act on your intuitions, but be careful not to act too rashly. One of the pitfalls of the Knight is that he is incapable of deviating from his path, and it may lead him to ruin. The Knight of Wands could also be representative of a person, and since the Knight is surrounded by oppos
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