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Anonymous 10979[Reply]

I'm new to tarot and I don't have anyone irl to practice with. Ask me a question and I'll give you an answer! Make sure to include the number 1 or 2 with your question, I'm using two decks.
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Anonymous 11020

Your Reading: The Tower, Ace of Swords, Power, Worry, Corruption, Peace, The Emperor, Defeat.

This is another less than ideal reading. Sorry in advance! So, The Tower is a card about sudden change. Good or bad, for me it's always unexpected, even if I'm anticipating something happening. This is followed by the Ace of Swords. Now the aces stand for pure potential, and in this case (since it's a sword) it is an intellectual potential. Though it lacks direction by itself (if you're anything like me, you know that your thoughts can be very disorganized), when focused by something, it can be a very potent creative force. Since the power card follows this one, I would say that the impulse of the Ace is directed towards maintaining stability. Worry is self explanatory. My Thoth deck is in Spanish (I don't know why, I don't even speak the language), and the title of this card is "Preocupación" or "Preoccupation". I find this to be a much better descriptor than worry, as when I worry about things I tend to get consumed by them. Maybe this is the same for you? Corruption is the next card. This card is a corruption of the 6 of Cups, titled "Pleasure". This card is a sickly green, and represents the corruption of something emotional. In this case I believe it is a relationship. The next card, Peace, is just that. The two swords are crossed behind a white rose, which dulls the usually sharp blades of the ego. This card is uncharacteristically docile and pleasant, and it's meaning is uncharacteristically clear. The Emperor is the masculine counterpart to the Empress, that is to say he represents a strong stable command over the self and the material. I would say in this reading he is the power depicted in the Four of Discs in its major form. Defeat, is defeat. The fives all represent an overthrow of the stability of four (four is the most stable number). The Book of Thoth mentions an inability to "maintain the armed peace of four (truce)" but in this case I think it represents an inability to maintain the peace of the two. Notably, The Book of Thoth uses the words "insufficient power" to describe this particular failing.

TL;DR, It seems to me like there has been a certain falling out between you two as signified by the tower. "S" seems to think of you as trying your hardest to keep the peace and maintain order. She sees you worrying about the corruption of a oncPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 11021



Your Reading: Knight of Wands, The Hanged Man, The Lovers, Science, Corruption, Death, Interference, The Universe, Fortune.

The court cards are always tricky. They can either represent an energy, a person, or an aspect of yourself. Usually I read them as an energy, so in this case the Knight of Wands would be the fiery part of fire- he is all action, all the time. How does this relate to you? Thankfully The Book of Thoth has a pretty clear answer that I'm going to steal. The Knight of Wands can get things done, but only in one way. If anything falls out of place, then he will have great difficulty. So keep on with your idea, but be confident but careful. The Hanged Man depicts a man hanging (bet you never would have guessed that) upside-down from an Ankh. This major is attributed to water namely the "waters of initiation" by Crowley. I think also you could connect it to the waters of the womb (occultists love using sex as an analogy for creation) in that a new "life" (in this case perspective) will be born from sacrifice. It could also be read to mean an arrest of any directed action, as the man depicted is nailed to the place he is hanging. The Lovers represents a unity of opposites. Opposing forces, energies, what have you. This marriage often results in a greater understanding. Science is this understanding. It is one of the rare pleasant cards of the suit of swords, and represents the successful use of intellect to achieve a goal. I pulled corruption in my last reading, and it represents the corruption of something emotional, as suggested by the suit. Death is a card of new beginnings. The death of the old to make way for the new. Similar to The Tower, but much less sudden and violent. Interference is a fun card. This card represents a will constantly being messed with by bad luck in the form of small incidents. The Universe represents the end of a cycle, in this case I would say the end of a cycle of life and death. The Wheel of Fortune in the Waite-Smith deck and the Thoth deck differ in interpretation. This simply represents a turn of Fortune, often times good (hence the name).

TL;DR, I'm thinking you should go ahead with your idea. It will cause some drama, but the high number of majors in this pull tells me this decision has some cosmic significance (as all names do, but I digress). It will cause some drama, but you'll be better for iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 11022



Your Reading: Seven of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Knight of Cups (reversed), The Emperor, Ten of Cups (reversed), Queen of Wands (reversed), Four of Wands, The Empress.

And a glance, I'll say yes. The Seven of Pentacles is a card about waiting for the seeds you've sewn to bear fruit, it implies a certain restlessness as you reflect and wait to see if what you've done will turn out the way you want it. The Eight of Swords is usually a card of confusion. The woman depicted is bound and blindfolded, surrounded by swords. Reversed, you can imagine that the blindfold has slipped off, and your restraints have been loosed. The Knight of Cups is someone who brings his emotions readily along as he pursues his passions. Reversed, I would say that this energy is just the opposite. Perhaps you have left your cup behind in your journey? The Emperor is a card of discipline and control. Cold in his disposition, he rules without concern for the more feminine aspects of life. The Ten of Cups is a card that depicts a happy family under a rainbow. Reversed, I read it as things you think you want but upon receiving them, you find it wasn't what you wanted at all. It could also just be a reverse of what's depicted in the card. The Queen of Wands is the watery part of fire. She has control over both of the original creative forces (that being fire and water) and she knows how to use them. As the theme of this spread seems to be a lack of emotion, I would say that the reversal of this card indicates a blocked or lessened expression of the watery side of this queen. The Four of Wands is a card that depicts two women celebrating outside of a castle. The four wands in the foreground frame the women, and hung upon them is a lush vine of grapes. This card is very auspicious, the grapes symbolizing a fruitful abundance of the energies of the card. I'm sure I don't have to spell this one out to you. The next card is The Empress, which is the feminine counterpart to The Emperor. This card represents abundance and fertility. I would say the appearance of The Empress next to the Four of Wands serves to enhance the good energies of it.

TL;DR, You are a presently pensive, pondering your position in other people's perspective, the people in question being your friend. In severance, you have been freed from the trappings of being in the relationship and can now analyze it from aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 11023



Anonymous 11026

Woah nona thanks so much and that’s so freaky I think you’re psychic or something but I literally just had a bath and came back to read this reading. Thanks so much! Yeah I knew my answer already idgaf and will name my kid whatever the hell I want, to hell with exterior appearances, it’s what i feel in my heart matters most


Female Creep Thread Anonymous 2475[Reply]

Has anyone else here just done unabashedly creepy things in their life?
Recently, I saw a really cute guy in one of my Zoom classes, and I feel guilty, but I took a bunch of screenshots of him. Every moment felt like something that needed to be captured and collected. Him holding a cup, standing up, turning to the side, closing his eyes. He looked like a painting or something. The more I think about it, the more I realise that wasn’t a socially acceptable thing to do.
I feel like I should delete them all out of common decency, but then they’re gone forever, and it’s not like I intend to doxx him or anything. Plus, the Zoom itself was recorded, so he might be shown there, anyway. I still feel wrong for doing it at all, though. I know I wouldn’t want to be recorded or screenshotted. Am I the only one like this?
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Anonymous 10974

when men are interested in women's trauma it's usually because they get off on it. how are you this oblivious nona??

Anonymous 11013

i feel guilty because my creep behaviour is towards a girl and not a moid. i get obsessive with pretty girls a lot in general

Anonymous 11016

The creepiest thing I do is a cyber stalk an ex-friend. She doesn’t post much but sometimes she does overshare, so I get juicy insights into her life. I don’t interact with her at all, I am just very petty and like to watch her fuck up her own life. I spent years trying to help her, trying to compromise with her and set boundaries, only for her to start to lash out at me. She would suicide-bait me when I wouldn’t do exactly what she wanted and she backstabbed me to her friends when I started to distance myself. I was expected to message her immediately after she messaged me, otherwise she would freak out. I began to have panic attacks If I forgot to message her for a few minutes. I was friends with her for over a decade and it was almost like being in an abusive relationship, I hate myself for thinking I could change her.

So now I watch her repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Getting into petty internet drama, turning her own friends against her, making bad financial choices and blaming everyone around her. It is the ultimate schadenfreude. It also helps me keep track of where she is because I never, ever, want to meet her ever again.

Anonymous 11017

currently stalking lanky boy from school because he was sweet. he used to give out the exercise books and throw other peoples or slap people with their exercise books but he always used to put mine down softly, he used to let me do practicals with him and he used to speak to me and stuff outside of class even though he was semi popular.

he 100% didnt want to date me because he would always say he likes tall skinny girls and im short and chubby sadly. but i still follow all his socials and i can find out alot about him because my sisters best friend is dating his younger brother, so i know basically everything that happens in his life.

hes so adorable and sweer and i havent even seen his face in 2 years but i think about him multiple times a day

Anonymous 11025

im really curious about how this has evolved now that people getting romantically involved with ai characters is becoming mainstream. did she feed their conversations to a training model?


What's the worst thing you have ever done? Anonymous 4763[Reply]

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Anonymous 10852

you first

Anonymous 10853

This sounds fun

Anonymous 10923

I used to larp as a moid online and eventually stopped when I turned 18 and got a brain.I used pics of my brother and had to cut off this one guy because he was misogynistic and know he probably would not like it if I told him the truth. We had good times together but he contacted me lately and said he was worried. I blocked him again and he asked if i was alive and was really worried about me. I might just unblock him and quickly say I got grounded.

Anonymous 10990

A close friend of mine had a huge breakup that ended with a sex video of her being released in college. I supported her through it but secretly I kept the video for months to masturbate to. I finally erased it all in a moment of clarity but I regret doing that so much

Anonymous 11024

I used to swear a lot when I was young


What are the darkest thoughts you have? Anonymous 5684[Reply]

Tell CC what you can't tell anybody else.
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Anonymous 10973

When unsecured webcams were more available, I’d just look at them. I know scrotes used them to perv, but I just like watching people sometimes. There’s livestreams of train stations and I’m sure the autists like them for the trains, but I like being able to watch the people going about their day.

Anonymous 10978

I think you should look for another job

Anonymous 10984

What's my job?

Anonymous 10988

I don't know, but it's clearly not good for your wellbeing to be working there.

Anonymous 11015

I agree


Female killers general Anonymous 429[Reply]

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Anonymous 9661

Has anyone watched Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel? I haven't yet but I've been told that it gives an explanation on how Elisa Lam opened the water tank and her case is presented as a suicide, very sus.

Anonymous 9664


Thoughts on Angela Simpson?

Anonymous 11004

Anonymous 11007

> The 15-year-old Wisconsin school shooter who killed two people and wounded six had attended the Christian academy for less than four months before unleashing an attack that lasted just eight minutes, according to school officials.
Why the hell don't I ever read even a single story about female school shooters who had legitimate grievances against their schools? God knows there's NO shortage of women who are directly wronged, harmed, or sexually terrorized by faculty or male students in America.

Anonymous 11009

>victim: female(s)
Boring. Post more killers of males


how do you think souls/spirits look like? Anonymous 8977[Reply]

Ever since I got rid of my ex's mementos and memories, my vision of him has slowly deteriorated until the only thing I could remember was a body of water. Similar to Chaos or that guy from Terminator. All that remained is a human being made of water. He hugs me and cuddles me, but I don't see hair, nor skin, nor a face in it.
And I wonder, my mother used to say she was very spiritual and that she could see spirits because she went to many spiritual locations, and she did say that these spirits would be like a body of water. I went to search on the internet but there seems to be no real consensus on how these spirits/souls look like.
Anyhow, how do you think spirits/souls look like?
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Anonymous 10057


Haro evurinyan, hou aru you?
Fai, sankyu!

Ai wish ai waa a bardo.

Anonymous 10403


If you can see a spirit, it's someone who hasn't fully moved on from their worldly attachments!
If you fully move on and rejoin the All, you lose your individuality for a bit .. to be one with Everything.
A spirit with a full body is held back by something.

Anonymous 10417

>lose your individuality
on my way

Anonymous 10528

Spirits are formless. They don't "look" like anything because they are beyond the field of vision. If you are to imagine a spirit, imagine a thin layer of silk spread evenly over the entirety of space time. Spirits exist everywhere at all times. They're neither here nor there. Spirits are immaterial; they aren't tied to the physical realm. Your mother was right in that spirits appear like bodies of water; meaning, like liquids, they take the shape of the containers that hold them. When there is no containers, they overflow across the material realm. Spirits can appropriate the forms that they have seen in life, but those are like crass impersonations and don't hold weight. In your mind, imagine a great big ocean, but the ocean has no borders nor landmasses, it's just endless water. Now imagine all that has existed and all that will exist is held within the confines of that ocean. That is what the spirit is.

Anonymous 11006


I always imagined them as just light orbs that can take on any shape or form they desire. Unless there is some kind of metaphysical gender for them but I doubt it

Karlyn Borysenko in picrel vibes, new age/new thought is so weird. And kinda nihilistic when you really get into it.

Mormons and new agers/thoughters believe you do because pre-birth/post-death you’re infinitely smarter and do it for a higher spiritual purpose. It walks a line between “ok that kinda makes sense” and spiritual bypassing, idk if I believe it cuz there’s so many NDEs that say its true and technically any finite suffering doesn’t mean anything for an eternal existence, I hope it’s not true though, it’s so nihilistic.

You can just say you think they’re omnipresent, sounds a lot like Nirvana is what you’re describing imo


Aliens Anonymous 10888[Reply]

Anonymous 10890

Yes, but not the gray/green human-like or very intelligent aliens, I believe in another living creatures (like unicellular organisms, or bacteria or ant-like creature) in space or out of the milky way even.

Anonymous 10895


Anonymous 10910

Yes. what do you nonas think about the "underwater aliens" thing?

Anonymous 11005

I think aliens are probably real somewhere out there, whether or not they’ve been to Earth is a completely different story. There may be aliens in the water but I saw the Blaire White video about aliens where it was mentioned it could just be that humans aren’t the only evolved species on Earth and I think there’s a good chance of that being the truth. I think NHI/Non Human Intelligence is a better term than aliens


Anonymous 5958[Reply]

What do you think happens after we die?
Have you ever had a near death experience?
Discuss death and the afterlife
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Anonymous 10845

I hope it's lights out and that's it. I do not want a afterlife, I do not believe in heaven or in hell. That's all just weird psyops created to control the masses.
I used to want to be isekai so badly when I was younger. I tried reality shifting before that had a name and a trend on tiktok, but it never worked and I always woke up.
I'd always hoped to wake up in a better life were I would be loved and cherished.
Now I am glad there is nothing because living once is painful enough.

Anonymous 10867


Anonymous 10869

I think I’m biased towards cynicism but I think it’s all over

Anonymous 10878


I'm not sure how nonas find peace in eternal nothingness. I think only having a very shor amount of time to have a chance to experience love, pain, etc any emotion is in itself cruel and unfair. The fact that each person is unique and beautiful (except for 90% of moids) but will inevitably fade away never to be seen again and b e forgotten some day is terrible.

But at the same time i find it hard to believe we just become "nothing". We still don't fully know how sentience works and for all we know this life we have right now is not our sentience's first. Maybe we die and as universe re-births itself so does our sentience. We have a different physical body but the sentience remains. or maybe this is all incorrect…

That's why it's so terrifying, the fact that we don't know. We don't know why the unvierse exists, why the space works like it does. We don't know what it all came from, the planets, the galaxies, and where it will disappear and if it might remake itself. We are just that insignificant

Anonymous 11001


Long reply but I have many thoughts. I see both sides because every option scares me. Endless reincarnation fucks me up cuz just imagine all that could/would happen (being born in 3rd world countries in the middle of war, tortured with alien technology on a distant planet, maybe even eventually living the same life again, 1914729938029272 bad lifetimes in a row) or just generally having to live through everything ever imagined. Hell scares me cuz endless torture. Heaven scares me cuz you could be there for an astronomical amount of time and it won’t be any closer to ending and could become psychological torture (look up SCP-7179 if you wanna see more about that). You’re right that never existing again is horrifying as well and I don’t know if I believe something like enlightenment exists like in Eastern religion. I just feel constantly pessimistic, cynical, and nihilistic so maybe that’s why I’m not able to stick to any belief. If our existence is finite then nothing we do matters and will be forgotten if it’s infinite then it doesn’t matter if you were Hitler, an average person, or Junko Furuta because all your actions are finite and don’t even remotely mean anything to an existence that goes on forever though I guess that depends on if you believe in a dualistic or non dualistic religion. I agree it’s all very disorienting and religion doesn’t exactly give the deepest answer for why it is this way. I mean hey if reincarnation is real what will this lifetime matter after the universe dies and rebirths itself trillions of times over? I really don’t know how to get out of this mindset beyond just hoping more people understand it and trying to push it to the back of my head, existential dread is not fun


Anonymous 10880[Reply]

What's the worst nightmare you ever had?
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Anonymous 10909

nightmares about being sold into sex slavery, being naked in public, people mocking my body and calling me a whore. Never experienced this kinda trauma but ever so often I have sexually traumatic dreams. Also had a few nightmares about my mom dying.

Anonymous 10912


I feel you, sis. Me too

Anonymous 10917

I’ve had a few bad dreams. I used to have a lot of dreams about school shootings when I was in school, they started maybe when I was 13 or so. As I got older I’d usually just die in them, or respawn like it was some video game. I had a bad dream about waiting in line for food at a restaurant once, and a strange man was in front of me. I said something to him and he became angry, and he turned around and lifted me up by the throat and started to choke me out. I saw his face morph from a stranger to my dad’s face and I woke up soon after that. I’ve also had a dream or two about my dad assaulting me which also made me feel disgusting as soon as I woke up. My dad would never do that to me, those dreams were happening when he was being emotionally and verbally abusive, I was very angry at him and bottled it up so that’s where those dreams came from.

I’m going to just spoiler the rest since it has to do with trauma.
By far the worst dreams I’ve ever had are about CSA. My little sister suffered abuse from family members but I didn’t find out until about two or three years ago and it fucked me up. A little before that I found out my dad also suffered from CSA when he was a child. With my sister it was COCSA from cousins. They were about 4 years old at the time but they still did things to her. When one of them was maybe 9 or 10 years old he tried to touch me too. I was a couple of years older than him (I was probably around 12) but he was on top of me. We haven’t seen them in years and frankly I don’t know what I’d do to them if I ever saw them again. Finding out about that really fucked with me. I still feel kind of guilty even though it wasn’t anyone’s fault. I didn’t know it was happening. I was a child too.

I think that’s when those dreams started. I really don’t want to go into detail but one of them was so bad that I think I became lucid in it. When they happen it’s like the dream is being projected in my brain and I’m forced to watch. I vividly remember begging it to stop, begging myself to wake up and to make the dream stop because I didn’t want to watch. I knew it was a dream, but my brain was forcing me to watch. I ended up waking up, feeling absolutely disgusting. I briefly thought about killing myself. I felt absolutely disgusting. It was incredibly disturbing, and it felt more disturbing since my mind had just made it up. I remember that it was an infPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10918

Most of them end up being so horrible that I have to consciously force myself to forget about them and as a result, a lot of the details have been lost but some off the top of my head:
>Raped by family member
>Random dog mauled and dismembered violently in front of me
>Younger sister about to get kidnapped by 2 creepy guys
I can't remember the last time I had a pleasant dream and I hate it

Anonymous 11000

I’ve dreamed about slow and painful ways to die so much. Wonder if it’s past lives or something (tho I don’t rlly know how much I believe in stuff like that)? I also dream about discovering people in my family are incestuous, people/children or animals being sexually abused and that’s gross but they usually leave my head pretty quick but it disturbs me knowing shit like that it actually real and happening out there plus some are so vivid I still remember them


crystal dream diary. Anonymous 3081[Reply]

whenever you remember a dream, log it here.

picture used is tako otoko from yume 2kki.
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Anonymous 10437

2024-05-05 15_35_2…

I had a really long dream about some actor/director/manager guy in this comfy worn-down city between some mountains, the sunlight was always nice. He was a funny guy, a scumbag, a jerk, an asshole, probably a rapist and murderer, etc. He spent the whole dream walking around town, meeting friends, having meetings, arranging gigs, going to parties, etc. He went up in the air in a blimp made by a genius kid who was doing props for a set. He offered to make the kid rich, he was rly generous with people. Then I think he was going to go to a sex party or something.

At the end of the dream, before the party, NOT at the party, I was showed up. We talked. He made it clear that this dream was a view of his life, his real life somewhere else, and was not about me, there was nothing here about me. I appreciated that clarification, so as dream-controller, right before I phased out, I "snapped my fingers" and made sure he had a really great sex party and got a couple hot twink boyfriends and made some extra good business deals or whatever.

I feel like someone drew a sigil and it happened to connect to me, like I was a demon in some other reality for five minutes once. I've been watching too many silly spiritual videos on yt.

The city was really nice though, very real feel. It had that nostalgic feeling, like it was worse than before, but still somehow as good as when you were a kid. Always sunset, sunrise, the roads and buildings were old, but plants always grew in the cracks. Th mountains really hugged the town. Idk. Strangely pleasant dream for how evil some of it was.

Anonymous 10438

2023-06-03 05_58_0…

> I was showed up.
Godddddd I hate how I jump around when I type anything long.

Anonymous 10863

I heard a voice saying "Hey, health obsessed girl." I paused and then replied "Who, me?" The voice responded "No, you're white trash girl." Then I woke up.

Anonymous 10866

Super weird one from a few nights ago actually, this one had me wake up in a cold sweat

>Sitting in livingroom of my apartment, talking on my phone to I believe my sister

>"Can a loved one fall for a skinwalker's voice?" I ask her, to which she responds with, "They are almost exactly like you from far away but the closer you get to them, the more you can see that something is just not right."
>a few moments later
>I hear my own voice coming from my son's room
>It is me cooing or baby-talking my 4 year old son, the door is open but I cannot bring myself to look in,
>I can tell that something is not right
>I peek in, the skinwalker or mimic or whatever doesn't see or hear me.
>my son is asleep but it looks exactly like my mom except bald
>it is still talking to him like he is awake and playing it's very bizarre, he is just lying there.
for context, I could tell the thing in my dream was not a future me or my mom it was just some sort of malevolent entity that was horribly imitating me and looked like my mom
In real life my mother is a drug addict who horribly abused me, I thought maybe this dream was my fears of becoming like her manifested in a weird nightmare.

Anonymous 10989


had a dream where me and a friend were gonna go to an event in our local big city where they were having an Ensemble Stars event at a local café. I thought it was cool… but when we stepped into the café, we didn't see a single character from enstars at the event. Instead, it was ran by a lot of realistic furries that kinda looked like picrel. I was thinking in my head "maybe they're enstars furries!" in the dream, while my friend was so disappointed at what we ended up finding. Idk shit about shit about enstars, that's more of my friend's thing, but I just thought it was really funny.

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