>>11010Your Reading: Knight of Wands, The Hanged Man, The Lovers, Science, Corruption, Death, Interference, The Universe, Fortune.
The court cards are always tricky. They can either represent an energy, a person, or an aspect of yourself. Usually I read them as an energy, so in this case the Knight of Wands would be the fiery part of fire- he is all action, all the time. How does this relate to you? Thankfully The Book of Thoth has a pretty clear answer that I'm going to steal. The Knight of Wands can get things done, but only in one way. If anything falls out of place, then he will have great difficulty. So keep on with your idea, but be confident but careful. The Hanged Man depicts a man hanging (bet you never would have guessed that) upside-down from an Ankh. This major is attributed to water namely the "waters of initiation" by Crowley. I think also you could connect it to the waters of the womb (occultists love using sex as an analogy for creation) in that a new "life" (in this case perspective) will be born from sacrifice. It could also be read to mean an arrest of any directed action, as the man depicted is nailed to the place he is hanging. The Lovers represents a unity of opposites. Opposing forces, energies, what have you. This marriage often results in a greater understanding. Science is this understanding. It is one of the rare pleasant cards of the suit of swords, and represents the successful use of intellect to achieve a goal. I pulled corruption in my last reading, and it represents the corruption of something emotional, as suggested by the suit. Death is a card of new beginnings. The death of the old to make way for the new. Similar to The Tower, but much less sudden and violent. Interference is a fun card. This card represents a will constantly being messed with by bad luck in the form of small incidents. The Universe represents the end of a cycle, in this case I would say the end of a cycle of life and death. The Wheel of Fortune in the Waite-Smith deck and the Thoth deck differ in interpretation. This simply represents a turn of Fortune, often times good (hence the name).
TL;DR, I'm thinking you should go ahead with your idea. It will cause some drama, but the high number of majors in this pull tells me this decision has some cosmic significance (as all names do, but I digress). It will cause some drama, but you'll be better for i
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