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philosophy Anonymous 19553

thread for philosophy books/podcasts/videos and such

Anonymous 21455

my dislike for jordan peterson has kind of led me down some rabbit holes. what do you all think about postmodernism? is it really promoting a nihilistic worldview? if its actually not, i dont think i fully understand it yet, cause i dont see how. can someone explain lol?

Anonymous 21463

>what do you all think about postmodernism? is it really promoting a nihilistic worldview?
All of it does. This is not up for debate, not even the existentialist rebuttal works because all of Post-Modernism would argue that you have no ability to create meaning on your own, it's all built via language. In such a case, there's no meaning anywhere, and you can't create it anywhere. Whether you think this true/false, or good/bad is up to you.
>my dislike for jordan peterson has kind of led me down some rabbit holes.
Do you hate him for his books targeted at an average person or for his only real philosophy book, Maps of Meaning?

Anonymous 21474

peterson vs zizek …

When it comes to philosophy, Jordan Peterson has no idea what he's talking about. Just look at his debate he had with Zizek.
Aside from that, he only offers self-help advice that you can find anywhere else, though based on idiotic "biological" arguments that have been debunked.

Also I'm not sure this thread is a duplicate or not.

Anonymous 21482

>When it comes to philosophy, Jordan Peterson has no idea what he's talking about. Just look at his debate he had with Zizek.
The one where he made out with Zizek for an hour? Neither "won" whatever that was.

Anonymous 21527

I hate him for his books and lectures targeted at the average person yes, although i havent read his books - only watched reviews and all that. Ive heard maps of meaning is decent and i believe that. He really seems so passionate about his work but is stuck with a preconditioned world view which he obscures any new information to fit into. I can SO very much tell hes a psychologist, since he is merely fixated in the generalisations of people the field of psychology produces. Im not saying the area of study is narrow-minded at all, but a person with knowledge only in it can very much stay that way. History is in the end a way better representation of how humans operate than "inherent" biological traits which cant even be proved to be inherent due to enviromental factors in everything. Humans are not that predictable.

Anonymous 21529

>I hate him for his books and lectures targeted at the average person yes, although i havent read his books - only watched reviews and all that.
I'm not really certain how to take this. I personally also watch reviews, but I've never considered myself as having an informed opinion about the subject matter just because I listened to someone else talk about it. Not saying that's wrong, it just didn't occur to me that people do this.
>Humans are not that predictable.
Really depends on what you're testing. For example, any human, anywhere, will react the exact same to a snake making a striking motion, even if there's a plane of glass separating the person from the snake. It's not a conscious response, there is no "There is a snake, the snake is striking, I will back away from the snake." It is physically impossible for a human to prevent themselves from going back because the circuits that activate that reflex occur before the conscious mind has even registered a snake is moving.

As far as mass behavior, maybe you have a point about history, but Jordan Peterson from various comments also believes that history is a very potent source of information for behavior and how people operate, I don't know where you got the idea that he completely dismisses it.

Anonymous 21531

Thinking about not only does he actually agree with the importance of studying history, it's already integrated into his worldview, politics and his main line of theory in Maps of Meaning. So not only does Jordan Peterson agree with you it's already integrated into his main theory.

Anonymous 21535

you are retarded

Anonymous 21554

>History is in the end a way better representation of how humans operate than "inherent" biological traits which cant even be proved to be inherent due to enviromental factors in everything
I also wonder how he can say all that stuff about history being super important, but then have completely retarded takes on politics.

Postmodernism is shit.

Anonymous 22041

I think modern philosophy is too obsesed with politics and materialism. Nihilists reject dualism almost by default despite neither science nor modern philosophy ever being able to even advance our understanding of the mind in hundreds of years.

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