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Music with vampire energy Anonymous 19949

I'm mostly just bored and hoping people have some goth/darkwave music recommendations for me. Hopefully anyone with similar taste in music can find something they like from my recommendations too

Anonymous 19950

Anonymous 19951

Anonymous 19952

Anonymous 19953

Anonymous 19954

Anonymous 19955

Anonymous 19956

Anonymous 19958

Anonymous 19971

Anonymous 19972

Anonymous 19973

Anonymous 19974

This entire album has vampire energy. Highly recommend

Anonymous 19975

Anonymous 19979

I enjoy modern vampires too

Anonymous 19980

Anonymous 20017

Anonymous 20018

obligatory bauhaus

Anonymous 20019

not goth, but this song always gave me vampire energy

Anonymous 20020

Anonymous 20021

Anonymous 20022

Anonymous 20024

a lot of cave's music and rowland s. howard's music would just fit in general

Anonymous 20031

every song by this band

Anonymous 20034

This is literally perfect. Exactly what I had in mind when I made the thread

Anonymous 21005

I'll post a couple.

Anonymous 21006

Anonymous 21007

Anonymous 21008

Anonymous 21009

Anonymous 21010

Anonymous 21011

Anonymous 21012

Anonymous 21013

I have a lot more, but I'll quit dumping for now.

Anonymous 21025

Anonymous 21036

Anonymous 21038

Anonymous 32280

Anonymous 32596

I really like this.

Anonymous 33409

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