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essential_works (3…

/bleep/ - Electronic music general Anonymous 20265

Any anons into electronic music of any kind? Posting current obsession and infographics

Very old EDM thread >>>>>/media/220

Anonymous 20266


Anonymous 20267


Anonymous 20268

Anonymous 20269

Anonymous 20290

Currently really into this song, cant seem to find anything similar. Im too picky…

Anonymous 20488


You may like some tracks from this playlist of music, its the soundtrack from a French movie about House music, Eden. The movie itself is alright is you can bear 2hr plus+ arthouse slowness:


Anonymous 20548

Anonymous 20552

Anonymous 20553

hmmm so i can post noise here.. veri cool

Anonymous 20554

Anonymous 20567


Anonymous 20683

what genre is this considered? I like it
How did you get into this sort of stuff, anon? What do you do while you listen to this? Or is this the sort of soundtrack that commands all your attention

either way here's some techno from my basic ass

Anonymous 20684

Anonymous 20691

>How did you get into this sort of stuff, anon?
by rummaging through Industrial/Post-Industrial music subgenres. after i left aside the most of them i got a huge liking for power electronics (became obsessed with it). i suppose a weird combination of external factors could also play a huge part but it became obvious that the only way forward is noise, i liked that.

>What do you do while you listen to this?

depends on the genre
if it's harsh noise/power electronics/death industrial,
>take a walk somewhere non-crowded
>listening and daydreaming (more applies to death industrial though)
>rarely browsing the web, but i find it too dynamic to not be distracting

if it's harsh noise wall,
>listen and stare at a fucking wall
>take a walk somewhere really crowded
>do repetitive things in a game, such as terraforming, gathering resources and building in minecraft
>drown out weird stuff in my head if it appears (bitches cant get me im walled in)

Anonymous 20708

Anonymous 20712

thanks for this description, I found your distinction between taking walks in crowded vs. non-crowded spaces particularly interesting

contributing basic bitch house

Anonymous 20714

and idk if this stretches the thread genre too bad

Anonymous 20752

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Anonymous 20754

you're welcome, btw the crowded/uncrowded distinction largely comes from my 'tism since there's 2 different outcomes if i'm provoked while listening to stuff:

>power electronics/harsh noise in the headphones

>stranger asks for direction
>me literally jumping and screeching at them

>HNW in the headphones

>stranger asks for direction
>be a little startled, but manage it since you weren't feeling the aggression and dynamics present in PE/HN
>reply politely and continue walling, mildly annoyed but still calm in general since W A L L

although to be honest, i don't even find myself listening to PE anymore and i feel a bit guilty about devoting all my time and being invested, basically breathing in power electronics all for just moving on to a fucking wall


based hyperpop enjoyer, do you have any suggestions on how to get into hyperpop if you're a noise person?

Anonymous 20755

just listen to it and enjoy the noises.

Anonymous 20766


girls today in my dreams aliens told me that as much people as possible must listen to harsh noise wall or all cats will be abducted and experimented on, please help spread the word https://harshnoisewall.bandcamp.com/album/a-natural-fear

Anonymous 20770


Anonymous 20775


me x whoever is still reading this thread i killed

Anonymous 20776

>my 'tism
oh neat anon, you diagnosed?

Anonymous 20777

Anonymous 20778

Anonymous 20782

yea, got an ASD diagnosis recently, my therapist also highly suspected schizotypal (PD) but due to moving i have to find a new therapist now.

Anonymous 20783

Anonymous 20794

Anonymous 20833

>What's your favorite track?
>Untitled, maybe also Untitled and Part I. Oh, and maybe also III

Anonymous 20834

>I do not want to shit up the thread too much
you're new here aren't you. keeping threads alive is more of an issue here than dilution, phallusfag
this is IDM too, right?

Anonymous 20835


Anonymous 20884


Anonymous 20890


Anonymous 20909

fucking love that track

Anonymous 20910

me too anon, me too

Anonymous 20922


Anonymous 20926


Anonymous 20928

Anonymous 20929

Anonymous 20943


Anonymous 20963

Anonymous 21004

I want to post my project when I start getting my EP actually together, but idk if that's allowed here. I don't want to post it on the cesspool that is /mu/. My inspirations are Ruth White, Einstürzende Neubauten, and Tangerine Dream with obscure 80s instruments and homemade ones.

Anyway, have some harsh noise.
Excellent. Thank you, s.

Anonymous 21026

Anonymous 21027

Anonymous 21028

Anonymous 21031

Tangerine Dream are fantastic.

Anonymous 21332

This thread needs more jungle

Anonymous 21333

happy rave.jpg

where in da hekk are my rav3rs @?

Anonymous 21348

right h3kking h3r3 B)

Anonymous 21803


Anonymous 21842

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