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/rgg/ - Yakuza & Judgment General Anonymous 21249

All things related to SEGA's Yakuza series and its spin-off Judgment because why not
>story and character discussion
>gameplay tips
>favorite substories?
>favorite minigames?
>favorite location?
>favorite songs?
>best boy?

Anonymous 21250

>Yakuza series and its spin-off
Do you know where I can find some sailors?

Anonymous 21251

??? That's a Shenmue quote. It has nothing to do with Yakuza.

Anonymous 21257

>>best boy?
Do you really have to ask this question? Everyone knows who it is…

Anonymous 21261



Anonymous 21266

It's not as much SEGA's fault as it is Takuya Kimura's management's. They're the ones who are vehemently against a PC release because they want to have as much control over Kimura's image as possible, and PC as a platform allows too much liberty for users to do what they want with their games (modding, piracy). The Stadia release was more like SEGA trying to find a loophole to this since the old men at Johnny's don't really understand what that is.

Anonymous 21376

Who's ready for lost judgement next week?

>favourite minigames?

Koi-koi and mahjong.

Anonymous 21390

me except I don't have a playstation anymore

Anonymous 21825

yes i know it came out yesterday, but has anyone here tried Lost Judgment?

Anonymous 21838

currently playing. Love the new soundtrack. Have you tried it?

Anonymous 21850


Anonymous 21867



Anonymous 22480


Anonymous 22508


Anonymous 24587

Anonymous 25097


If you see this you have to wish him a happy 54th birthday! It's so weird when fictional characters age in real time ngl

Anonymous 25117

>favorite minigames?
UFO catcher, can collecting and Club Sunshine. I like to call it Whorehouse.

Have they ever had Sonic plushies in the UFO catcher machines? It feels like a wasted opportunity if not, especially for SEGA of all companies.

>favorite songs?

Friday Night is such an ear worm. I also love Saeko’s song from Like a Dragon.

Majima is my favorite character by far. His complete story arc in Yakuza Zero is genuinely sad while still balancing the tonal whiplash of how goofy he can be.

Anonymous 25132

Happy Birthday, Kiryu!

Anonymous 25677

yakuza 8 maybe.jpg


Anonymous 25808



Anonymous 26514


>Judgment and Lost Judgment on Steam
>Ishin remake
>Like a Dragon 8
>Kiryu-centric 6-7 interquel
why is this thread dead!!!

Anonymous 26515


new hair, yay or nay? really didn't like it at the very first glance but i personally think it's growing on me.

Anonymous 26516

wtf is this real??

nta but he's hot, he just doesn't look like kiryu

Anonymous 26517


It's his new hair so get used to it. Unless 8 will have customizable haircuts I guess.

Anonymous 26518

I love finding mods for yakuza models by fellow yumejos, god bless their souls.
Have anyone felt burnt out during Yakuza Kiwami because of it's gameplay? I can't seem to enjoy it at all.

Anonymous 26519

>mods for yakuza models by fellow yumejos
you mean sexy or even nude mods for the male characters? care to share?

Anonymous 26522

I am not at home right now, but I could later! Though even without that, I am sure there is a way to search by keywords on google. For example, I love the black turtleneck mod for Majima, the same wonderful creator also HD'd his texture and gave him even more attractive lips!
There is also the good ol' bunnysuit for Kiryu too.

Anonymous 26529

I remember seeing a bunnysuit mod for the entire 7 party but the guys were disappointingly lacking in crotch bulges.

Anonymous 26530

My god I hate these faces so fucking much.

Anonymous 26532


disregard this yeyeyeyeye

Anonymous 26533

eh, they'll probably look better in the final released game, i still think they're handsome though

Anonymous 26544

Why is this the post that makes me finally curious what this game is? What have you done? Kek

Anonymous 26546

the power of Masaharu Kaito, too bad he's only playable in the Kaito Files DLC for Lost Judgment (now also available on Steam!)

Anonymous 26547

but even if not playable he's still the second most important character in the Judgment games after player character Takayuki Yagami himself

Anonymous 26548

mr new booty.jpeg

Kaito also gets a booty upgrade from Judgment to Lost Judgment. bless his soul

Anonymous 26555

one of my favourite credits scenes of anything ever, it's so adorable and I want to hug them all (has no spoilers, don't worry, you can still watch it even if you have yet to play Lost Judgment)

Anonymous 26598

no Shenmue -> no Yakuza. Ryo Hazuki walked so Kazuma Kiryu can run. funny how they were actually both born in 1968. Kiryu is Ryo for ojisan appreciators and Ryo is proto-Kiryu but barely legal.

Anonymous 27087



Anonymous 27203

I hope there will be customizable haircuts. Seeing Kiryu with a bishounen type haircut looks silly to me

Anonymous 27213


Anonymous 27217

Seriously fuck Peter griffin

Anonymous 27218

Fucking moid degenerates

Anonymous 27219

since we're at it, fuck brian too

Anonymous 27346

it's also quite the ojisan haircut, which Kiryu is

Anonymous 27347

Why are these posts so weird

Anonymous 27348

Right, they sound so unhinged

Anonymous 27371

Akiyama jacket on …

Why does he never take off his shirt

Anonymous 28949


HAPPY BIRTHDAY you sexy old bastard

Anonymous 29407

Be brutally honest, who put on the best show?

Anonymous 29408

What about this one?

Anonymous 29432


Fun fact: the nipples protrude and are actually part of the meshes in most of the Dragon Engine shirtless models.

Anonymous 29433


Not only that, but there is not one nipple shape, Ryuji's look fatter. Watase and Tendo also use this fat nipple shape, while most of the others have Kiryu-like nipples.

Anonymous 29434


And then there's Majima and Shimano the nipplelets.

Anonymous 29541

fashion icon even …

Left - Ryū ga Gotoku 2 (SEGA, 2006)
Right - Chanel Fall 2010 Ready-to-Wear
often imitated, never duplicated. a true icon

Anonymous 29610


I swear I've seen this post before. Thanks for sharing again ,I love it

Anonymous 29626

The Paris group sounds much more believable. I highly doubt that many women like these games.

Anonymous 29774

Anyone tried the new Ishin yet? From what I have heard so far it's a not so good port of a great game, not even a proper remake. Also cringe DLC shit

Anonymous 30752

59 as of yesterday!

Anonymous 30789

That really sucks because I always wanted to play Ishin for the combat gameplay and minigames (and the music I've heard from it is fucking out of this world)

Anonymous 30793

Still would recommend it but do get it on sale.

Anonymous 30794


I want to visit a bar like this one.

Anonymous 30795


Anonymous 30796


Anonymous 30797


Anonymous 30798


Anonymous 30853

Yagami's fighting styles are Tiger and Crane… the fuck did Saejima and Katsuya do on the Kamurocho Hills roof in 2012?

Anonymous 31105

poor joryu-chan is getting hella milked, his nipples must be sore

Anonymous 31120

Another game announcement, are they giving up on numbered titles for good or is it yet another new game?
love the way Naoki Katsuya walked in front of an open curtain window in 5 so Ichiban Kasuga could run on a crowded beach in 8. as overmilked as this series is getting at this point I do appreciate the male fanservice, hope both Gaiden and Infinite Wealth (is that meant to be a double entendre?) ramp it up to 11

Anonymous 31134

hits blunt.png

what the shit is he even talking about

Anonymous 31349

>GOG.com editions of 0-6 erased a lot of people from the credits, including Toshihiro Nagoshi, Daisuke Sato and the teams involved in the PC ports
what did SEGA mean by this

Anonymous 31606

7 too as of recently. What does this mean? What even prompted the decision to bring the series to GOG.com considering that not many other SEGA games are on there?

Anonymous 31791

Joryu fuckin cries oh noooooo!!!!! you can also dress him up btw. also the hostesses being live action is cringe and stinks of 90s FMV "games"

Anonymous 32124

jesus fuck…

Anonymous 33040

only 5 chapters but still an absolute roller-coaster. thinking about it still makes me cry

Anonymous 33043

Oh look, KSon at 5:33!

Anonymous 33092

I had a sex dream about Morinaga the night right before I finished Gaiden and saw THAT twist should I be worried or excited

Anonymous 33239

infinite wealth looking good in the cute boy department

cowboy joon-gi & his first kareoke song… big day for fans of han

Anonymous 33420

It would be funny if Seonhee is the one who makes him do it. I love Yūichi Nakamura's voice and I was so disappointed that Han did not sing in 7. Eric Tomizawa likely won't have a karaoke song though and it sucks because we already got robbed enough with the lack of Yagami karaoke in Judgment (though I do get it, it must be super expensive to get Kimura to record even one song)

Anonymous 33659

After playing quite enough of 8 I'm absolutely sure the story of Gaiden was written and probably even originally intended to be played after 8, it really shows.

Anonymous 33693

Damn we got robbed again

Anonymous 33705


>Daigo February
>Mine March
>Watase April
I love being right. I know why they did that but I wanted Ryuji August as well because I love Ryuji and I love being right

Anonymous 33972

8/Gaiden spoilers ahead

Really don't like at all how Hanawa's character was handled. You can so obviously tell Gaiden was written after 8 and it makes his writing egregiously sloppy. Since I played Gaiden first and saw the identity hinting at the end I thought not having Hanawa exposed as formerly Morinaga in front of Kiryu & co. was an absolute wasted potential. For fuck's sake, after the events of Gaiden you'd think Kiryu would cry over his death like he did over Rikiya or Shinji. In fact his character in 8 is pretty much as useless as Morinaga was in 5, but it feels even more disappointing after really liking him in Gaiden. I hope Yokoyama and Furuta regret doing it like this and bring him back in a future game. If anyone has to be gratuitously revived it's him.
And where the fuck was Watase in 8? Why is he not with Daigo, Majima and Saejima? No explanation. Hell, where the fuck is Katsuya? Gaiden was so focused on the Watase-gumi and Katsuya was close to Watase and also pretty much the third person in the Omi Alliance after Kurosawa and Watase in 5, you'd think someone would at least mention his name. Neither Gaiden nor 8 even explain who the Eighth Omi Chairman even is. All we know is that it's not Watase, again no explanation provided why considering the events of 5, and that he's so terminally ill and incapacitated Watase is practically the Acting Chairman instead but still not the actual Chairman.
Again another symptom of Gaiden being written after 8 but what happened to Tsuruno, Shishido and Nishitani 3? Did Tsuruno join Daigo and Watase's security company or did he try to do his own thing as a civilian as of the dissolution? How are Shishido and Nishitani 3 dealing with being forced Daidoji agents and having to work with Kiryu and Hanawa etc.? Personally I'm rooting for Shishido redemption (including killing Nishitani 3) and reunion with Tsuruno. I want redemption and happy endings for all the characters I like, sue me RGG. I also hope Kiryu gets to manage his cancer and just live and have fun unbothered with his family and friends.
I find Ebina really interesting and I was honestly hoping we would get such a character in a game at some point and yes, I do hope for healing and redemption for him as well. RGG characters going to therapy arc when. Though I wish he was Ichiban's final boss rather than Kiryu's, this boss battle does make the game feel like another Kiryu-centric game despite RGG promising it would not be. Quite the crackship but can anyone else see some toxic enemies-to-lovers yaoi appeal in Shishido/Ebina or is it just me

Anonymous 35161

60 years old wtf

Anonymous 35637

Majima what are you doing!

Anonymous 35638

Even by Like a Dragon standards this seems random as hell, but I can't wait to play it. Looks like the combat will be similar to Ishin maybe?

Anonymous 36057

…and EVEN MOAR! Is that Kazuki Kitamura?

Anonymous 36123

i love you.jpg

Yakuza 5 and 8 gave me the autism and schizophrenia. RIP Morinaga, you deserved better.

Anonymous 36239

It is not Kazuki Kitamura.

Anonymous 36486


Who else is excited for tomorrow!

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