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Sister of Silence.…

Warhammer 40k Anonymous 23691

Anyone else into 40k?
If so:
>What's your favorite faction?
>What's your favorite character?
>What's your favorite edition?
>Do you own models?
>How often do you play?
>What's your favorite book from the series?
>What's your favorite model?

Anonymous 23709

>What's your favorite faction?
>What's your favorite character?
Captain Titus
>What's your favorite edition?
idk I don't play the tabletop
>Do you own models?
No but I want to
>How often do you play?
I like to play the games, not just 40K but Warhammer Classic as well
>What's your favorite book from the series?
idk I've never read the books lol
>What's your favorite model?
I like how the Necron models look a lot even though I like Chaos more

Anonymous 23762


I don't actually play but my bf plays Orks and I like painting the models with him. He used to play Tyranids before Orks and I painted a lot of those too. Some Age of Sigmar models are prettier (I've been eyeing Eidolon of Mathlann for a long time), I wish he played that instead so I could paint some magical creatures and not just apocalyptic sentient fungus. Not that I can't just buy the models and paint them anyway but it's nice for them to be utilized, esp for the price

What about you OP? What are your respones?

>What's your favorite faction?

Harlequins look kind of neat but I've never seen anyone play them so unsure if they're any good. I do like Orks since they're fun, I was painting Orks for a while before my bf was playing them

>What's your favorite book from the series?

Are any books actually worth reading? I feel like a lot of books around franchises like this are kind of cheesy, but I'd love to try it out

>What's your favorite model?

In terms of ones I've worked on, I painted a Weirdboy that came out really nice. For just looks I love the Triumph of Saint Katherine though, it's just such a wild model

Anonymous 23777


Well my responses are
>What's your favorite faction?
My favorite faction are the Orks. Those boyz know how to make the setting so much fun
>What's your favorite character?
My favorite character is kaldor draigo due to all the absurd shit he does
>What's your favorite edition?
Don't really have one because I'm only familiar with using 8th and 9th edition
>Do you own models?
I have some unpainted and unassembled custodians
>How often do you play?
I use to play with some guys at a comic shop that hosted it on some weekends pre covid but I haven't palyed since
>What's your favorite book from the series?
I currently enjoy the infinite and the divine. Really nice story
>What's your favorite model?
Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought. It's just so cool looking

Anonymous 23795

How do I get into wargames like this without having to splurge on models?
Can I just like play it on Tabletop Simulator or something?
I mean this hobby sounds super cool and I already like strategy computer games but I've found it hard to get into tabletop gaming in general.

Anonymous 23802

Yeah you can use tabletop simulator to play
Or if you wanna save money in the future and wanna play casually, then get a 3d printer and print out models
But if you wanna buy official models, then look on secondary sites that sell them at lower prices
You can also play dawn of war games

Anonymous 23878

I'm not too familiar with WH40K but my school bestie loved it and loved to tell me random lore trivia. We also collected a lot of fanart. I like WH40K aesthetic, and a lot of fanart is very high quality.

I listened to some lore videos to know more about the world, but outside of that I'm not much interested. I can't play the tabletop, simply because I live in a 3rd world shithole and don't have
the money and people to play with. The books… Well, I'm not a fan. They are not high-quality. Although the worldbuilding is fantastic, I think that the writing itself is terrible. The vidya is also very hit or miss. Some games are fine, thought, like DoW and Mechanicus.

My favourite faction is Adeptus Mechanicus, because I love how they look and their lore.

Anonymous 26033

Kill Team and Combat Patrol are also good options, since they require very small armies (400 points max for Combat Patrol, Kill Team doesn't use points but you have a unit limit).

Anonymous 26459

>What's your favorite faction?
Death Guard.
>What's your favorite character?
>What's your favorite edition?
>Do you own models?
A few.
>How often do you play?
I have played 2 games of 1 page 40k. 1 win and 1 loss.
>What's your favorite book from the series?
Haven't read any 40k books, I have read Gotrek and Felix though
>What's your favorite model?
That I have? one of my deathguards. Overall though I love Mortarions model, I would buy it but I have no money and I hate GW.

Anonymous 28743



Anonymous 28749

Why would anyone care

Anonymous 28768

Fuck this man is eye candy. I hate how I eye fuck him whenever I see his face posted

Anonymous 28771

I dislike him. He gives me bad vibes.

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