
Old RPG fans? Anonymous 25106
Anyone else on here a fan of older RPGs like Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, etc? (I guess Dragon Age Origins is allowed to count, Alistair is my favorite RPG romance)
I personally love modules made for a female audience like Demonheart and A Dance with Rogues for Neverwinter Nights. (Yes, they are antiquated and riddled with early 2000's nonconsensual erotic romance novel garbage but I love them)
What are your faves? And your favorite romances from these old games?
Valen Shadowbreath from NVN Hordes of the Underdark sold me on the game back when I was a kid. I couldn't believe there were games where you could play as a girl, go on adventures, and romance a character back then- it was magical to be able to step into that world.
I am forever irritated I can't play as a female character in Planescape Torment- it's totally stopped me from playing it.
Anonymous 25107
>>25106i played a lotta planescape back in the day
Anonymous 25113
Planescape is a different kind of RPG, it's not the self insert type it's the follow someone else's story type.
Anonymous 25115
>>25113I don't mind those types of games but I hate playing as a moid. :(
Anonymous 25697

>>25106Played several NWN modules and Hex Coda is one of my faves. It was really engaging and i liked the story and the characters. It's a shame series was abandoned.
Anonymous 25773
Fallouts fall.png

I like fallout. the first game is an absolute masterpiece in my eyes. the second game is still good but it just doesn't grip me as much as the first game did.
the rest of the series aren't classic RPGs so were not going to discuss them here.
Anonymous 25869

Daggerfall is fun as fuck and puts a lot more advanced games to shame in terms of immershun. Probably common knowledge at this point but reminder that its free now, you should try it out ghoulies
pic unrelated just a monkey cat
Anonymous 25873
>>25869Is there any worthwhile mods or no?
I don't think I could handle the 100s of miles in the game and all the infinite liminal spaces without them.
Anonymous 25875
Dragon Quest and the old ff7
Anonymous 25877
Welp I guess I'm installing Arcanum again.
Anonymous 25885
What's a good game to introduce me to these? I've played a couple and wasn't able to get into them. I tried Planescape Torment, Eye of the Beholder and Temple of Elemental Evil, and also tried Might & Magic because I like Heroes of Might & Magic
Anonymous 25888
I am new to gaming, does FF7 count as an old RPG?
I just finished it. Loved it.
Please reccomend me games like it that have similar graphics and a nice story too.
I really like it's graphics I don't know why.
Anonymous 25890
>>25873There is a smaller dungeons mod for the unity version that a lot of people seem to like. Besides that idk sorry. And when i played i thought the same as you at first but if you use primarily fast travel (not really fast, it passes a realistic amount of time compared to other games where its basically teleportation) that helps a lot. I can only assume this is intended because even short distances on foot is insane
Anonymous 25891
>>25890samefag but i just noticed the manual says its preferable lmao
Anonymous 25916
>>25869ok final samefag I swear but I also wanted to include this lazy attempt at morrowind-like controls if you try it out and dislike the original layout, place in the arena2 folder of the main directory. you also have to enable the "look to move" option
https://mega.nz/file/HHARxIwA#p4B_b0vEraLu-OdDrfnxRBHfUm5LGNgSG8_5h-_1bNE Anonymous 25939
Has anybody tried those classic Fallout mods like 1.5 and Nevada? How are they?
Anonymous 26171
I play Morrowind nonstop I know that
Anonymous 26253
>>25944It's not that old, it was released in 2004 which was just.. uh, 18 years ago.
Anonymous 26254

I started playing this recently on a rom. I love it so damn much.
Anonymous 26255
>>25773Yes, Fallout is brilliant, the soundtrack is one of my favorites.
>>25869I just snatched Daggerfall on Steam for free and I really want to try it out sometime, but I want to finish Oblivion and Morrowind first, working my way backwards