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Anonymous 26272

How many of you read either of these book series when you were in middle school or high school?

Anonymous 26273

I read both sagas when I was in high school, and I gained a taste for reading thanks to these books. Before them, I thought that reading was very boring, I couldn't pay attention, but after them I managed to keep the habit, my attention threshold improved a lot. I still have my copies, and I reread it a little while ago; The Hunger Games is really great and twilight is silly but I don't understand the hatred towards Bella, she was just a shy and insecure child

Anonymous 26274

Both are cringe when you're an adult but Katniss is cooler.

Anonymous 26275

Only the Hunger Games, almost all girls in my class had this phase of obsession with the books around 2012. We wrote fanfictions, made fanart and even roleplayed our own "Hunger Games" in the schoolyard during breaks.
In retrospect the Hunger Games books are not the best of course, but as far as YA dystopia goes they were decent. The Hunger Games pretty much started that trend, most of the copycats were trash.

Anonymous 26276

I never read either. tbh I probably would've liked twilight because I'm into ust and vampires. When I was in high school opinions on twilight were polarizing but I just never cared.

Anonymous 26277

I only read the Hunger Games. A librarian in middle school recommended me Twilight, but I didn't like it. I read the Hunger Games shortly after and I loved it a lot. I can see why a lot of teenage girls loved Twilight though, it got a lot of friends and family into reading who didn't like to. HG is YA fiction, but for what it is, I think it's pretty alright. I was never a big fan of the love triangle because I didn't care for either male lead, but Katniss was pretty cool.

Anonymous 26278

I read them both in elementary school, I found Twilight hilarious and almost like a comedy book and I found Hunger Games' first book to be interesting but the later two were so boring and I secretly didn't even finish the third book

Anonymous 26281

I read both but I wasn't a diehard fan of either. The Hunger Games is better by miles.

Anonymous 26299

I didn't read. I watched almost all the adaptation movies of Twilight and maybe one part of HG. I'm not sure I liked Twilight at the time though I somewhat interested in the concept of HG

Anonymous 26306

I read both including the retelling of the first Twilight book from Edward's pov.
The Hunger Games definitely holds up until now imo at least as a story. Twilight on the other hand is pure wish fulfilment which isn't a bad thing. I remember feeling really accomplished when I read twilight because the books are thick. I only ever picked it up because I wanted to read books that included vampires while I read The Hunger Games because I liked the first movie. wrote some very obviously self-inserting fanfic for twilight because I was copying the format that many Twilight fangirls used and the hunger games inspired me to take up archery for a bit.

Anonymous 26362

i was genuinely obsessed with twilight when i was in middle school. i had all the books and even went to a midnight release party for breaking dawn (which was super cringe).

i don’t feel that the books or movies hold up very well but they’re a guilty pleasure.

Anonymous 26363

I think I was one of the first people to read Twilight. I'm a huge vampire fan and I saw the description said vampires so I bought it on like October 10th or something. I love it still though I've really outgrown the characters. I loved it because every other YA book that contained romance seemed obsessed with sex and I liked that they didn't have sex. New Moon and Eclipse sucked clit and I pretend that Breaking Dawn doesn't exist. Midnight Sun was really good, shame that she'll never write from his point of view again because she got scared that everyone read it before she edited it. I never read the sex swapped version because that's just stupid.
Also, I swear to god that if she writes another book and it's about Jacob and Rutabaga instead of the actual interesting characters, I'll be so pissed.
Hunger Games was really good. I remember hating the sequels though. And her having children? What a lazy fucking perfect ending cop out. Ruined her character in order to make her into a cut out doll.
I have never seen any of the movies because I am not a fan of movies.

Anonymous 26364


It's after my time. I was a Christopher Pike kid.

Anonymous 26801

What are these about?

Anonymous 26837

Omg same, I collect these now as adult along with Fear Street books.

They're old YA horror books from the 90s, some of them are cheesy but a lot were pretty good

Anonymous 26840

Too scawy for me

Anonymous 26842

Both of these passed me by. Twilight was coming out when I was in middle school, and the Hunger Games movies came out when I was at uni. During middle school we would open the Twilight books to random pages and read passages aloud and giggle. (Years later I would do this page-flipping with adult friends and a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey… Twilight (and its fandom) was truly the gift that kept giving.) By the time I was in high school the Twilight books were a joke. As for the Hunger Games, I never felt its cultural impact. Like, someone would say "the new Hunger Games movie is in theaters" and we all knew what that meant but nobody I knew was into the franchise.

As for why I never read them: I had a big aversion to romance, and this thread is making me realize that back then and to this day I mostly read one-offs and short story collections. If a book is billed as the first of a series or part of the [blahblahblah] series I tune out.

Anonymous 28811

I read both, I remember being so proud of myself for being able to read twilight because the books were thick. If it weren’t for the online fandom of twilight it probably wouldn’t have meant as much for me.
The hunger games is much better imo and the way the media and Rich People City is portrayed in it is good, the movies kind of defanged the message of the books.


I liked the Hunger Games trilogy when I was around 12. Twilight I didn't care about, I was on some heavy dosis of internalized misogyny and hated it because all the girls liked it.

Anonymous 28821

Despite being a HUGE Twilight fan during its peak, I only read my first Twilight book in 2020 (Midnight Sun). I really wish I actually read the books back then. Idk why I didn't because I read more back then than I do now

Anonymous 28939

I didn't read Hunger Games but I read all the Twilight books. I was like..12 probably when I read the first one. I read Midnight Sun and whatever the name of the other new one is last year. These books still stand the test of time on the basis that they're camp

Anonymous 28950

I've noticed that Hunger Games is having a resurgence in interest right now. Mainly for the movies with people analyzing the story. They also said the books were decent for YA. I was in middle school when the books came out and didn't read them but I might now.

Anonymous 28953


I read both when they came out and I enjoyed both. I think The Hunger Games is better overall but Twilight holds a special place in my heart. Romance novels are a huge guilty pleasure of mine. Plus I love the atmosphere of Twilight.

Anonymous 28964

It isn't internalized misogyny to hate Twilight kek. That's such a consoomer mindset

Anonymous 28973

Obviously not, but the reason she hated it was that other girls liked it.
I hated Twilight because I was a snobby little elitist and hated all YA fiction. My hating of Twilight wasn't misogynistic, hers was.

Anonymous 28975

Tbh nonnette I wouldn't bother with reading the Hunger Games books. They're pretty boring with predictable plots and cringe romance side stories. I was forced to read the first one for school and even as 14 yr olds the general consensus in the class was that it was lame. Twilight books are fun if you don't take them seriously though, if you go into them with a good sense of humour it's a much more worthwhile reading material than Hunger Games

Anonymous 28978

i read both of these books when i was a teenager but i really cannot remember that much of either other than…

i enjoyed the first twilight book, but lost interest in the rest once the plot started getting a bit ridiculous. it stills read like campy fan fiction, and i think the response to it in literary circles of the time was more entertaining to me all these years later than the book itself, eg stephen king critiquing meyer, or the numerous other blogs of the time where writers and critics were losing their shit other these books and how popular they were.

hunger games, i feel like the books were incredibly forgettable with dull writing. the movies were a lot more interesting and i, surprisingly, liked watching them (other than the last one). that series had the opposite issue than twilight; people were so up their own ass about the books and really reading more into it than i think was necessary, making political memes online and whole ass think pieces because supposedly the united states was turning into a literal hunger games! ugh i also hated hearing "girl on fire" everywhere, and wine ladies acting like katniss was the pinnacle of female strength in literature. also peeta was fucking annoying and i really did not understand why katniss would put up with such a whiny piece of shit.

Anonymous 28984


On HG I agree with >>28978 about the writing feeling dull. I thought also that parts of the second and third book really dragged, could've been two books if some boring ass stuff were cut, it really felt like some stuff was there just to inflate word count. Katniss had some good moments but around the third book her navel gazing was getting old, I get what the writer was trying to do, Katniss is traumatized because of the war and all that stuff, but how much did we really needed repeated on and on? Felt like I just got out of some 'oh the war is so bad, so many people dead, I don't wanna live' and Katniss just drags us back to that shit again as soon as you turn the page, like, alright? I know war is bad and everything sucks, how can I even forget when you keep fucking repeating that everytime you're not glaring at someone! I just wish it was better written and shown how bad it is for her through her actions. To me felt like she stayed the same girl she was in the beginning, didn't change at all.
As for the romance, I really didn't care about Peeta and Katniss as a couple, I guess the movie made them better, I liked Josh Hutcherson's Peeta alright, while in the books he was nothing special, a bit annoying, better than Gale at least, now that's a character I really dislike both in the books and the movies. The actor has such punchable face and it doesn't help his character is very annoying.
The only pairing I care is Haymitch/Effie and they have practically nothing in the books kek, this is another thing I liked about the movies, Banks and Harrelson were really good. Some parts of the books I wish were in the movies but overall the movies were better.

Now I've never read twilight, I wonder if the books are as goofy as the movies.

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