
The Elder Scrolls Anonymous 26366
lets have an elder scrolls thread
Anonymous 26367

>>26366Why couldnt you pick a better OP image though
Anonymous 26368

What is the best Elder Scrolls game and why is it Oblivion?
Anonymous 26391

Tfw you arent living in a mabrigash camp in the grazelands
Anonymous 26397
Thalmor did nothing wrong.
Anonymous 26405
>>26397Can't say I don't somewhat agree
Anonymous 26407
>>26368disagree but HoK is probably my favorite protagonist
Anonymous 26417
>>26410I like that his story relevance does not make him super important or special compared to the other heroes but as a result he has probably the most claim to being proud of his achievements since he has the highest achievement to guidance ratio, no divine guidance, and the prophecy he is in is kinda lame to begin with. Referring to the main questline here. He (inb4 someone gets mad at me for saying he, I always think of him as the default Imperial male preset lol) feels the most just like a character in a story rather than the big hero the world revolves around, even the ending of the game is really martin's show.
Don't get me wrong though, I still like Morrowind's story leagues better. I just think it's an interesting concept for a main character.
Anonymous 26418

>>26417And why can't the Hero of Kvatch be an argonian female? Also yeah I agree, I like the humble main questline. I don't like Skyrim's, they make the concept of a Dragonborn really uninteresting.
Anonymous 26421
>>26405I mean it’s because Talos is a pedo god.
He groomed 11yo Barenziah spesifically because she was too young to get preggers, and when she did, he forced her to have a magical abortion in her sleep.
Talos is a piece of shit, and deserves to burn in the deepest depths of Oblivion.
And even if he wasn’t an irredeemable diddler, majority of his current worshippers are cringey macho nord scrotes who are all about beer, sex, and fighting.
Hope the knife-ears kill them all.
Anonymous 26426
>>26421Poor Barenziah :(
FUCK TALOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 26442
>>26421Ok but counterpoint: Elves are subhuman vermin and don't they deserve to exist.
Also the Thalmor are an existential threat to reality itself if I recall.
Anonymous 26445
>>26442The underswin3, are the real threat to reality itself. They practically invented fucking up and burning everything up in their path, like insatiable backwards children
Anonymous 26457
god DAMN being a werewolf in morrowind sucks ass, didnt spoil myself since i never did it before but i should have
Anonymous 26462
Player->SetSpeed 150
Yep, it is Morrowind time.
On a serious note, after playing other video games, I have find TES gameplay so dull. I hope they rework it in TES6. Specially magic and armour, I want to wear clothes over or under my armour.
Anonymous 26464
>>26462Honestly I want Arkane Studios to make an Elder Scrolls game. Especially because the stealth archer build is going to be the meta anyway, so why not have better stealth mechanics?
Anonymous 26473
>>26462All progression in these games is just wear the harder material, just wield the harder material sword and swing. And sometimes the higher level armor looks lame.
Anonymous 26475
>>26462It is pretty dull and repetitive. And yes I hope TES6 brings back normal clothes over armor and personality/charisma stats that affect how you're treated. I don't remember that really, in Skyrim. Skyrim has persuade/intimidate/bribe but it's so easy to pass the skill test even as a khajiit. I also wish races would affect things. How was I able to enter any cities as a khajiit when my brethren were always stuck outside the city walls?
Anonymous 26502
I just wish for a better combat system. The one in Skyrim is absolutely retarded. You can just swing a sword or swing a sword harder to deal more damage. Mods actually fix it and I even managed to make a mod list with somewhat engaging combat, but still you can go so far when you work on such shit system as Skyrim's. I don't even want Souls-like system ffs. Motherfucking Mount&Blade was made some time before Skyrim by some broke ass turks and even it had great combat.
Can we at least have localized damage and critical attacks? Even FO3, a game by Bethesda that came before Skyrim, had this shit.
Anonymous 26551
>because she was too young to get preggersBecause it's very hard for Dunmer to become pregnant
>in her sleepNo, just sedated
Read the fucking books!!!
>>26418Imagine the houses of Morrowind going apeshit over the Nerevarine being an argonian female
Anonymous 26554

There is nothing comfier for me than firing up Skyrim, lighting a woodsy scented candle, turning all the lights off and just running around aimlessly for hours doing dumb little quests.
Anonymous 26577

>>26554Same. Also very good choice of picture, spriggans are so cute i love them. Why do they attack me on sight… i wish i could talk to them. It would be cool if at least being a Bosmer would make them friendly with the player.
I also wish i could talk with giants, they are cute too, just chilling with their mammoths like a big family. I love Skyrim so much.
Here is a screenshot of the very beginning of my latest playthrough, i've decided to roleplay a very conservative nordic, this bitch wants Skyrim to belong to the nords therefore she will be a fervent stormcloack in the civil war. She chose the warrior stone like a true nord, and will join the companions.
Anonymous 26584
>>26551nta but you didn't just call being knocked out as she tried to run away "just sedated" fucking talos sympathizers i s2g
Anonymous 26590
>>26577boring concept everyone has already done. should have been an altmer thalmor truther.
Anonymous 26597

>>26577Yes, I'm always so sad to have to kill the Spriggans! How cool would it be to have one as a follower. Aw, I like your Nord. Right now I'm just a fairly chaotic Bosmer who is working up the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood and the Theives Guild. I have a badass lady orc follower. It's fun.
Anonymous 26602
>>26551Im playing as female argonian Nerevarine and Cassuis Curio was… let's say very enthusiastic
Anonymous 26612
>>26442>Elves are subhuman vermin>subhumanimagine even comparing the glorious mer to something as vile and lowly as men and their barbarous genocidal heros. could not be me !
Anonymous 26621
>>26590It's so boring i never played it before, that's why i'm starting now because i've roleplayed everything else in the book. I never even finished the main quest
never went as far as killing Alduin, so i want to see the end of that quest for once>>26597Bosmer are my favorite race, and i love playing them extremely chaotic, all over the place, doing a bit of every quest, not just "evil" (my evil playthroughs were always for Altmer or to a lesser extent Dunmer).
Anonymous 26623

>>26577Bloodmoon made me really hate the Spriggans, in it they're screaming wooden cockroaches that you have to kill thrice to get rid of. You can actually get spriggans to be your friends with the silver tongue mod, although it doesn't let you speak to them
Anonymous 26636

If Todd Howard publically announced that the next ES game is finished and ready but he won't release it until YOU specifically marry him for a month, would you take one for the team?
I think I could handle it if it was exactly one month because I think I could get him to trust me enough to gather details on future releases
Anonymous 26637
>>26621Skyrim's main questline sucks
>>26636No the game probably sucks anyway
Anonymous 26639
>>26637Ayrt it might suck but I'd love to see if he has classic Bethesda glitches but irl. Like he tries to drive his car but his character model glitches out and he just stands on top of it instead
Anonymous 26641

I've made a collage of the mods list from lolcow… just in case…
Anonymous 26643
>>26639I want to say yes but also I don't think it'd be worth it even if he did stand on his car and run into wall corners
Anonymous 26644
>>26636I'd do it in a heartbeat, the video game industry is so boring at the moment i'm craving for a big studio to come out with something, and i've been waiting for TES6 for years. I don't care if it turns out to be shit, just get it over with, let's get married Todd. I don't expect a TES game to be anything but a janky shallow mess anyway
Anonymous 26645
>>26637Most questlines in Skyrim suck, everything is shallow, nothing matters, the roleplay is minimal. So i don't get your point at all.
Anonymous 26646
>>26643Can you measure up the pros and cons? Like are the cons legitimately not worth ES6?
Anonymous 26647
>>26645just saying the main questline sucks. the other questlines suck too, still enjoyed the game though
Anonymous 26653
>>26641oh intredasting thank you nona
We should share mods too this is one I use for my minimal MW install and don't usually see mentioned with the other "don't change too much" list like graphic herbalism animated containers, etc
https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49278>>26623This design was cuter don't @ me
Anonymous 26892

>>26368>hero becomes a scrote after the events of the gameHow anyone could pick any game without this woman is beyond me
Anonymous 26897

I just had a thought and I'm not sure how to grapple with this. What if the new Elder Scrolls game is shit? I played Skyrim when I was 11 and now I'm 22. What if I've literally spent half my life praying for a new game and then it's bad?
Anonymous 26899
>>26897It's going to bad and you're going to enjoy it anyway.
Anonymous 26900
>>26899Dids you start with Morrowind or Oblivion?
Anonymous 26924
>>26897You have to expect most high-budget games are likely to be shit in one way or another. If a AAA game ends up being good, I take it as a pleasant surprise. No disappointment to be had. I expect VI to be released half-finished, tons of bugs, loaded up with tons of DLC within the first two years that should have been released with the game in the first place, and NFT integration. I'd like if they returned more to Morrowind style, where players are encouraged to explore and actually take note of details in the world vs hand-holding, but I highly doubt that will happen. New gen of gamers gets especially frustrated when you expect them to read and digest information that doesn't explicitly tell you what to do or where to go.
Don't tell me you pre-ordered it…only retards pre-order.
Anonymous 26926
>>26900I started with Oblivion but comment was more about the state of Bethesda in general. ES6 is going to be bad because Bethesda is not interested in making narrative driven rpgs anymore, they're more like giant immersive sims that are a mile wide and an inch deep. So I think it's a given that the next ome is gonna suck but that probably will not (and should not) influence how much people enjoy them.
Anonymous 26927
>>26926Oh yeah I totally asked the question to convey the point you brought up, I lore studied Morrowind more than played it. Also started with Oblivion but would rather play the mods for that than skyrim at the point due to the different focus in design. I miss my otherworldly rpgs instead of this same dreary euro nonsense or bubblegum pop jrpgs.
All my hobbies are dying in front of my eyes, truly I underestimated the horror of growing old.
Anonymous 26931
>>26927Well duh things stagnate and become generic, tasteless.
Anonymous 26941
>>26892>hero becomes a scrote after the events of the gameNot really since daedric princes aren't male or female, it would be more like one having the pfp of a guy, female sheo mods are just as lore friendly imo
sure other princes might stick to their appearances more faithfully but its fucking sheogorath nigga turns into birds and flowers anyway
Anonymous 27017
Is Elder Scrolls online good/worth getting? Is the lore consistent to the other games? Is the gameplay good? Don't you have to buy expansions, though? Does it feel authentically Elder Scrolls? Or is it just a shallow mmorpg themed around the Elder Scrolls universe?
Anonymous 27162
ScreenShot 241.jpg

my necromancer character making oddfrid white-lip and the skull from Addamasartus hang out together
Anonymous 27176
>>27017Nah, online is legit a waste of time. It is kinda consistent but its not great and the game is slow as hell dont even bother the best online game is probably Final Fantasy 14 or MapleStory because Maple has always been good.
Anonymous 30857

I finally got into TES this year. Played TES3&4 several times.
Morrowind's story was so much more engaging than I ever could have expected. I never play games for the story but I laid awake thinking about Morrowind and launched the game the first thing in the morning because I had to know what happens next.
Oblivion wasn't brilliant in that regard but it was more fun overall. The NPCs are endearing and the physics, animations and scripts are advanced enough to feel smooth, while still being buggy and dated enough to be hilarious. I loved it and had to force myself to stop so I wouldn't burn out.
I have mixed feelings about Skyrim, which I started a couple of days ago. The follower system is impressive but I haven't seen much else to write home about. Wishing it's just a slow start - Faendal is carrying the whole game on his back for now.
Anonymous 30858
>>30857Just wait until you get into modding kek.
Anonymous 30859
>>30858I thought Skyrim (well the Anniversary Edition) would be playable in 2023 but I had to get several mods just to get it running at a normal framerate and make the UI tolerable. Got a character creator overhaul and something to diversify race body types while I was at it.
But yeah, I definitely don't owe Skyrim a vanilla playthrough after that so I might as well start looking into the wilder stuff right away. Some of >>26641's sound nice.
Anonymous 30863
>>30857Skyrim had a lot of potential, but it failed to deliver on most of it. The fact that you can become the leader of every sidequest faction in the game, but still have to pick one of the main factions to do intern work for in order to fulfill the lame main story kind of says it all.
Anonymous 30866
The last time I played Skyrim, I was a lesbian vampire.
Anonymous 30867

Played Skyrim at my friends house. For some reason everything has tits for no biological reason.
Why does the fire summon have tits?
Why do the tree spirits have tits?
Why does the wisp have tits?
Why do the lizard people have tits?
Anonymous 30868
>>30867I guess it's part of the genre, cuz in Daggerfall and I'm assuming Arena there are way more tits, uncensored nipples included. I don't remember flame atronachs having breasts in other games. I don't remember the wisp having boobies at all!
Anonymous 30869
>>30867Argonians are especially funny. Imagine a snake with tits, holy shit.
Anonymous 31071

>>30857 update: it's only been 14 days but looks like I'm 107 hours into Skyrim now. It held my attention after all. And holy shit I need to get a job.
I loved Solstheim and Dawnguard. The Dark Brotherhood was pretty funny. Haven't touched the civil war since I can't decide which side I hate more.
Also, lmao at the College of Winterhold, I gave it a proper chance because I wanted to bone Ancano and the whole questline ended anticlimactically right when I thought it was finally about to start. It was all so brief, bad and strange that I can't even be mad. I barely got to know anyone. That Psijic and the Synod walked me through little tasks like I was a kindergartener and then that nice grandpa declared me Arch-Mage as an afterthought in a casual conversation. What??
>>30863Infiltrating that Thalmor party was fun but I don't remember where the main quest went after that, it just dropped off my radar and my heart
Anonymous 31728

I literally just finished doing all the skyrim achievements. It was a little grindy but I had a lot of fun! I want to go back and play the others now but I think maybe I’ll wait until starfield comes out and then try that. Is morrowind hard to play? I’ve heard it’s hard to go back to now
Anonymous 31729
>>31728Just play the game. What's the worst that can happend? You uninstall it and then what
Anonymous 31734
>>31071>I wanted to bone AncanoThat reminds me of a (gay) fanfic about Ancano and that nord wizard student boning. You are not alone.
>>31728Morrowind is fun. It's only hard to go back to if you can't understand and accept that the combat is high speed dice rolls. If that's a hurdle (no shame), you could try waiting for Skywind (lol).
Anonymous 33419

Post TESbandos
Discuss TESbandos
Anonymous 33442

I just wanted a mod where serana has more dialogue, I hate moids. They rub their nasty little scrote hands on my favorite characters and turn them into unrecognizable creatures.
Anonymous 33536
>>33442To be fair most vanilla skyrim humans look pretty gross imo. I wish there were nearly that many mods overhauling the male characters. The few that exist seem primarily targeted at gay moids.
Anonymous 33566

>>33536Maybe I’m just nostalgic, but I had the biggest crush on vanilla Lydia as a tween when Skyrim first came out. Maybe she’s just attractive for a Skyrim character, since she has good proportions, high cheekbones and fuller lips. A lot of Skyrim girls look really weird but Lydia is not one of them to me, and she gets very pornified in mods
Anonymous 33567

>>31728Play Morrowind… NOW
>>33442I remember when I played years ago this was one of the mods that first came to mind, but then I had to scroll through picrel instead and find nothing. I wanted Serana date quests so badly, too.
>>33566Had a friend obsessed with Lydia, but my Lydia would always die in every dungeon and I got tired of going back to previous saves. I'd give her great enchanted gear, too. Plus all she does is sit in
my bedroom and eat bread, anyway.
Anonymous 33997
>>33566honestly lydia is so endearing, i like to pretend that her and my player character actually have a good relationship and she's just sassy
whenever she's like 'i am sworn to carry your burdens' i'm just like 'i am sorry bestie'
Anonymous 34009
>>33567thanks for posting that gif now my body feels weird
Anonymous 36318
I got tired of waiting for TESVI and installed ESO. I've been so dumb to avoid it for years for "muh lore" and combat reasons, it really isn't that bad. The tourism experience is great — I've seen Elsweyr and Artaeum and Necrom and the Clockwork City like I always wanted to.
Anonymous 36320
>>33566Illia the ice mage is my girl. Mages > warriors