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Destiny The Game Anonymous 29713

I noticed there are many Destiny and Destiny 2 fans on here and lcf.
What are your hopes for lightfall? Are you even excited for it? How do you feel about the story so far?

Anonymous 29714

I’ve been told that d2 has a significant female base but I have never run into another woman in the lfg server, I had to seek out a women’s only clan and now it’s not very women’s only anyway.

Anonymous 29722

I just want cutcenes where I can see my Warlocks face.
I'm not spoiling myself on the story though, so It'll be a fun surprise.
The new area is probably going to be really pretty and I'm curious about the music.
Now I've got 2 weeks to grind out stuff that I left to the last minute.

Anonymous 29727

And what was the point of giving him new characterization just to kill him at the end… I really hate when it's 'supposed' to be sad, but all I can do is be annoyed at the writers. Also what was the point at characters constantly trying to sway Eramis when she stayed evil till the end, I was so sure the twist would be that she had a different target.

Anonymous 29729


The new city too much? Im not sure but i’m not really liking it based on the trailers, but you’re right in saying that it will probably be really pretty. Destiny really excels in the art department.
If you’re talking about rasputin it wasn’t really new characterisation for him, it’s the same theme repeated whenever he’s relevant to the lore/story. I’m disappointed to see him go.

Anonymous 29818

Destiny 2_20230228…

whew got my face and voice~ but I still should hurry up and finish the story so I don't get spoiled.

Anonymous 29819


I didn’t buy lightfast but looking at the reception on Reddit it seems like it fucking sucked
I was lowkey rooting for it to be bad because of Nimbus

Anonymous 29830

Why should I care what some idiot on Reddit tagged 'Eramis Simp' thinks. The 'paywall' is how all the expansions have worked so far.
Play it and think for yourself.

Anonymous 29841


C'mon training montage and canonic smile, this is the best expansion since year one!

Anonymous 29847

Does Destiny 2 have any incentives for me as a mainly RPG player? I am intrigued by how many people seem to love it, but I honestly have no idea if it has a good story, NPCs?

Anonymous 29848

There's plenty of story and lore, not really RPG style talk to NPC's and lots of cutscenes though, it's mostly voice over during missions and little books you unlock from completing objectives. But what they've done with sunsetting the old storylines means that as a total newbie you'd have no idea what's going on so I don't recommend it. It's finally getting into endgame though so there's probably still another expansion or two left before this Witness thing is over.

Anonymous 30046

The classes aren’t as strict as your typical RPG. All things considered it’s a very chaotic game.
Honestly give it a shot there are a few free activities but a lot of the story is absent from the game due to the 100000 IQ decision making from bungie

Anonymous 30095

Wonder what they're going to do with Zavala now… RIP Lance

Anonymous 32489

Years ago maybe 1/60 players I met were female whereas nowadays it seems more like 1/20.
That said, I really really really would NOT recommend this game to any other woman at all. Constant harassment, huge toxicity, everyone "egoing" everything, looking up your stats mid-raid to ridicule you, and the mods/admins/etc. of the big LFG server do not give one shit no matter how egregious it gets. Harassment for hours? Ignored. Telling people to kill themselves? Ignored. Kicking someone at random? Ignored. Virulent racism including spamming the N word in gamechat (which you'd really expect to get them banned easily by reporting them ingame) ignored.
I know this place has a more 4chan-y vibe so not everyone will care that you can spam the n word or call it "based" or whatever but LITERALLY every time I log onto this game I have random freaking bozos DMing me to tell me how shit I am because I used a piece of gear they didn't like. Believe it or not I'm not even a noob and actually have a pretty impressive set of accomplishments but I just got booted from a clan a few weeks ago for standing up for myself against a bully who was constantly attacking my self esteem and I'm just so done with this game. My last clan was exactly like this too, the admin treated his gal friday the exact same way. It's literally full of loser men with literally nothing going for them in their life who have to put themselves in virtual positions of power so they can abuse people to feel big.
Ofc the rest of the game sucks, FOMO, microtransactions, etc. but raiding was the last thing I enjoyed but I just can't enjoy it anymore, everyone's a harassing dick in voice or they're so incompetent it takes hours to do a simple task or you do a no-voice-chat run and people just start kicking people (or you) at random because they don't know who to blame.

Anonymous 32499

And I play on PS4 and nobody uses chat.
But I'm not in a clan and don't do raids and stuff cause using the mic gives me anxiety.
The actual game/story is still fun.

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