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Anonymous 29922

Do you find these words incredible?

What do you think about works of women who are poets? What do you think about contemporary poetry overall?

If you are keen on it, what words do you find powerful, or mind-opening, or relatable? And why?

Do you think we can treat song lyrics as serious poetry and criticise it as such?

Anonymous 29923

Personally, I am pretty cold to poetry as a medium and often struggle to find kin feelings or substance in 20th+ century poetry
I am curious to find an understanding of what makes a poem good or bad. I can feel for myself, but that’s very subjective and while I understand that art is subjective by the very concept of it, though it is also undoubted that there is art that people who knowledgable about it claiming to be “good” or “weak”
So what are the criteria: objective or subjective both

Anonymous 29924

I don't read poetry unless it was written before XV century AD, and even then translation declaws it and I can't be bothered to learn Ancient Greek.

Anonymous 29925

We need to bully actual poetry back into the creative crowd or we're gonna keep getting shit like your picrel.

Anonymous 29926

>Do you find these words incredible?
no, i find them retarded.

Anonymous 29927

Maybe I am too uneducated, but poetry is mostly boring for me. If presented in a song it has way more emotion for me and I can't really read poems in a good "flow" for myself. Someone has to sing it for me. Also, the picture reads like it was AI generated

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