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/media/ - Media

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do any of you want to be famous? Anonymous 29929

>do you want to be famous?
>what do you want to be known for?
>locally, nationally or world domination?

Anonymous 29930

>do you want to be famous?
>what do you want to be known for?
famous singer and off-duty model
>locally, nationally or world domination?
absolute world domination

Anonymous 29932

>terrified of being famous
>wants to be a director

Anonymous 29933

I'm terrified of being famous or even well-known in IRL circles because my online footprint is easy to find and…not brilliant.
Even so, I'd like to be somewhat notable in some niche community related to my interests under a pseudonym. That will never happen because I'm boring and lazy though.

Anonymous 29934

>do you want to be famous?
>what do you want to be known for?
I don't want to be known.
>locally, nationally or world domination?
Worldwide domination. And the general public has no idea.

Anonymous 29935

gangstalker hands typed this post

Anonymous 29946

I used to want to be famous when I was a kid but I forgot about that as I grew up kek.

Anonymous 29947

How is this media but yeah
For something creative like visual art, literature
World domination of course
But it’s too much work and requires uh, a desire of communication and high activity and stuff

Anonymous 29948

Yes for world domination and scrote/GOP bloodsport

Anonymous 29949


>do you want to be famous?
-Yeah why not. But i don't want to be super famous like Kardashians. I want to be famous in medical field.
>what do you want to be known for?
- For being good doctor and inventing cure for diseases
>locally, nationally or world domination?
- World domination ofc

Anonymous 29956

I would like to leave behind some kind of lasting impression on the world because I don't want to be forgotten when I die. I used to want to be famous for artistic accomplishments but it turns out I'm not a creative genius I'm just bipolar.

Anonymous 29966


lol absolutely not.

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