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Fighting Games Discussion Thread Anonymous 30930

Which fighting games are your favorites? Which are your least favorites? Why? Please discuss!

Anonymous 30937


Them's Fightin Herds

Anonymous 30942


Anonymous 36192


Anonymous 36201


The Samurai Shodown games (specifically the old ones) are one of my favorites. I love the art in them, and they're pretty simple to pick up to play (at least for me)

Anonymous 36243

Screenshot 2025-01…

under night in birth makes me wish i had a boyfriend

Anonymous 36319

I like Tekken a lot.

Anonymous 36354

Bloody Roar, Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur!!!!!!!!

Anonymous 36452


Tekken Tag Tournament was so good.

Anonymous 36680


I'm kind of a girlgooner for this but I love dead or alive 5 I still play it online on my ps3

Anonymous 36684

You ever play the older ones? They're so fun.

Anonymous 36687

I used to play DoA 4 years ago. I love the amount of thought put into the stages. I even got Venus Vacation on Steam; the volleyball gameplay was made worse sadly.

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