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Survival Horror Thread Anonymous 30958

All things survival horror!

Anonymous 30959

Alan Wake had a great suspense story but the same five enemies for the entire game. Also the story's ending was locked behind a DLC paywall. The sequel spinoff American Nightmare should've been a full game. Instead it was four hours of replaying the same three levels in a loop. The franchise had decent potential but lackluster games.

Anonymous 30960

Resident Evil Revelations 2 is honestly the best in the franchise. Too bad the episodic chapters and monthly release schedule made so many avoid the game entirely. It's honestly an underrated gem and all the chapters are compiled into one full game. Bought it for ten dollars on switch and really liked it.

Anonymous 30961

code veronica.jpg

Code Veronica my beloved

Anonymous 31088


I bought Spirit Camera for the 3DS because I wanted more Fatal Frame to get released in NA.

It was horrible. You can't believe how bad it was.

Anonymous 31316

The new dead space is pretty good! Nice upgrade apparently from the origin but I never played it. Quite a lot of freaky monsters but they are sorta just the same four or five so far

Anonymous 31319

Day of the Triffids is worth a read. It's the book 30 Days Later was based on but they took the plants out.

Anonymous 31339

Wait what. Twin Peaks is survival horror?

Anonymous 31342


Anonymous 31365

It inspired the genre.

Anonymous 34540

Twin Peaks was adapted from Deadly Premonition.

Anonymous 34567

maybe you wrote that wrong but twin peaks influenced deadly premoniton

Anonymous 34708


CV is kino

In Code Veronica you're exploring this mysterious island, you find footage of these two kids feeding a centipede to ants, you meet this crazy guy called Alfred and learn he has a sister, Alfred is accusing you of attacking the island. See that? Mystery, intrigue, who is attacking the island? You eventually find out Wesker is the one attacking the island and he now has superpowers. Then you find out Alexia isn't even alive and Alfred has been going Norman Bates. Then you end up in the Antarctic and kill Alfred, but not before learning Alexia has been alive the whole time

>Best and coolest Claire has ever looked (opening cutscene)

>arguably the best or second best villain after Wesker
>Chris' story is about personal obsession and desire to go it alone endangering those who care about him
>Claire is trapped in the heart of a recreation of Arklay
>Wesker taunts him over his failure to protect his sister and avenge his comrades
>Steve is another failure for him, his death literally benefitting Wesker
>Alexia and Alfred represent a twisted dynamic for Chris and Claire, where Alfred will do anything to reunite with his sister, only to die just before it happens
>the literal reason for Claire getting wrapped in two outbreaks is because of her search for Chris, but the one on Rockfort specifically was caused by Wesker
>when Claire meets Wesker, he describes himself as a "Ghost" coming back to haunt Chris
>Wesker acts a literal representation of why Chris is fighting against Umbrella- to avenge his fallen comrades, so when Chris meets Wesker in the Rockfort Base, Wesker beats him down because Chris has gotten sidetracked from his original goal thanks to his desire to protect his family (this also ties into the parallels between Chris/Claire, Alexia/Alfred and Steve)
>CVX's final Wesker scene is a literal depiction of what Chris has been doing to the people around him thanks to his mission- his desires for revenge (represented in Wesker) have put Claire in immediate danger, and the battle between Chris and Wesker ends with Wesker damaged, but laughing, promising to come back. This shows that while Chris can temporarily take his mind off his mission for this, the desire for revenge will always be there
>at the end of the game, Chris finally lets Claire in the know instead of keeping her in the dark, aligning her with his mission to protect her, instead of being like Alexia, who only aligned her family with her goals but never treated them as equal (Queen Ant v Soldier Ant)

Anonymous 36210

it's bad, yeah. at least they didn't ruin Miku's character.
oh… wait…

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