Anonymous 31012
Why did they cast every ugly man in Hollywood as Ken?
Anonymous 31020
>>31012not a huge fan of gosling but the asian guy is nice
Anonymous 31026

>>31020Simu Liu looks like a foot plus he’s old. There are so many cute Asian guys and they insist on casting the ugliest ones.
Anonymous 31027

The actors in eastern dramas are way cuter. It’s not fair.
Anonymous 31037
>>31012I find RyanGosling to be good looking, but these clothes and styling do him no favor
Anonymous 31041
Refuse to watch this movie because:
1.The men are a complete miscast, very ugly and old
2. The women are too old to play barbie
3. There's a tranny
Anonymous 31045
i know right they are so ffing ugly, ken should have had not so short hair, and maybe not BLEACH blonde hair
Anonymous 31049
im in my 20s and i find only people my age attractive, not gonna simp for some wrinkly 30 and 40 year olds just because they're famous actors.
Anonymous 31052
You’ll never convince me to like ugly old moids.
Anonymous 31054
Gosling eyes are too close together.
Anonymous 31055

>>31054He's OK looking, but like I wouldn't hit on him if I saw him in a bar. Just not my type. I like more masculine looking men personally. I find him to be quite feminine looking.
Anonymous 31058
>>31055It's the opposite for me. I find him too masculine.
Anonymous 31059
Ryan Gosling has never been attractive, he was just hyped up as a dream moid by women solely for not being outwardly misogynistic. Simu Liu is average looking and never should've been cast anywhere. His constant butthurt about people in Asia finding him hideous is hilarious. Americans have no idea what is handsome for an Asian male so he got his break. Otherwise he should've just remained a disappointment to his parents.
Also, if Ken is an accessory to Barbie, him being some ugly post-wall moid doesn't make sense. He should look like a boy toy.
Anonymous 31060
I liked Ryan in La La Land. I'd of liked to have seen him cast when he was younger in a more desperate Moonstruck-style romance.
Anonymous 31063
it's too bad this would maybe be a good movie if they had attractive men playing ken and if they didn't cast a male troon as a barbie.
Anonymous 31067

Ryan Gosling as Lars look so adorable and husband material.
I want to hug Lars so bad.
Anonymous 31070
>>31028>>31027Words can't explain what I would do to him
Anonymous 31073
all of the asian moids in this thread are easily more attractive than 90% of hollywood actors.
its so sad that they dont get roles in the west
Anonymous 31076

>>31074NTA but while the music is trash korean boys can be so beautiful it's actually insane
I do agree, the dissonance between western and east-asians male performers is ridiculous, Hollywood gotta step up
Anonymous 31099
>>31068I need someone like that. Do moid like that even exist
Anonymous 31102
I thought it was supposed to be a joke… Why's everyone complaining about the jokes in a Barbie movie that isn't supposed to be serious?
Anonymous 31234
All the girls at work saying they wont watch it because it looks too goofy. I am going to love it. Barbie is my guilty pleasure, I watch all the animated movies.
Anonymous 31309
>>31012ryan doesn't look fully human to me here and i think that's very fitting to the movie
Anonymous 31313
>>31099yes but only in small parts of rural america, and chances are they're well into their 40s by now
Anonymous 31317
think they prioritised acting over looks. ryan is not bad looking but he is too old for the role. however he's good at acting goofy in a big way and isn't afraid to do such a girly film, especially considering he did drive and blade runner that were more masculine. he can sing too
Anonymous 31626
the men look like toys and the women look like women.
Anonymous 31667
ryan seems sweeter than most “attractive” guys in hollywood. imagine if some misogynist like henry cavil was cast
Anonymous 31689
>>31317I wouldn't be surprised if he took the role because it was a surefire way to get attention on Dead Man's Bones. I had no idea he could sing or was in a band until I heard him sing I'm Just Ken.
Anonymous 34555
>>31026>>31027>>31028We had cuties like Sessue Hayakawa in old Hollywood, then WW2 happened and we're stuck with Mr Yunioshi, what a fucking tragedy
Anonymous 34680

>>31020>>31026>>31059>>34555Simu is okay…he's an attractive normie. He'd be attractive if he was just a regular guy we met on a dating app or in real life. He's just not heartbreakingly Hollywood-tier attractive. My personal fave is the Asian guy from Dance Academy.
Anonymous 35003
>>31667Nah, disagree they're both shit we needed a young blonde twink for Ken not some used up shithead like Gosling.