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Pet Sematary Anonymous 31208

Finished this yesterday and watched the old movie. Spoilers.

I'd seen people describe it as both terrifying and one of the best portrayals of grief but it ended up being…boring? Not much happens for 3/4 of the book. Even the grave robbing scene is boring because it goes to plan.

King's overall writing is style not great and even though I listened to the audio book it felt clunky with grammar errors. The only compelling aspect was the potential plot but that flopped.

I had the basic premise spoiled years ago but I'm not sure if the child coming back was spoiled or if the book was just really predictable. The ancient Indian burial ground is such a tired trope, though maybe not when he wrote it.

Some of the plot points weren't really explained properly like Pascow (guy that dies at college) knowing about pet sematary or not showing baby Gage's death even though it's supposed to a horror story or why Gage take's the wife's dead sister's form.

I hated how they treated the cat, not that bothered that it would likely get killed on the road, reluctant to neuter, and then hating it just for smelling bad and killing animals (which is natural for cats).

At the end when he injects morphine into his son I thought the real horror was going to be him accepting that he has to kill his son himself, letting go of what he worked so hard to bring back. I thought that we were going to get some deep wisdom about accepting death as part of life but these were only briefly touched on.

The epilogue of him carrying his wife's body to bury ruined the whole book as it felt like he had learned nothing. I guess it's supposed to be scary that he's gone insane but it felt like a cheap cliffhanger.

Anonymous 31209

>I hated how they treated the cat, not that bothered that it would likely get killed on the road, reluctant to neuter, and then hating it just for smelling bad and killing animals (which is natural for cats).

basically ur average outdoor cat person

also read dreamcatcher - it's not really scary (no Stephen King book is imo) but it's melancholic and cool and has a really good implicit yaoi ship in it. much less boring than pet sematary

the green mile is also really good. it's weird thinking stephen king is just an out of touch boomer who's addicted to liberalposting on twitter now

Anonymous 31270

It's better than the new movie by quite a stretch. That's not saying much but still.

The book was OK for maybe the first half or so. Then it started to crap out. The end portion just felt kind of … cheap? Like he could have gone for something deep but went cheap instead. So disappointing.
My older sister was obsessed with him so I've read most of his stuff. His novels are so bloated. I refuse to believe he actually has an editor or any kind of oversight.

His short stories, though. They're usually anywhere between good and just fucking great. The beer-slime really stuck with me too, for some reason.

Anonymous 31291

I really like Salem's Lot. It's well put together, good atmosphere, doesn't overstay its welcome. I agree
>>31268 he's better at short stories. I recently read his book Four Past Midnight, it has four short novels in it which are pretty good. The Langoliers is crazy and The Library Policeman is probably the scariest thing I've read by him. I recommend it.

Anonymous 31292

>start really good, then turn tepid midway through and finish on a flat note
This has been long regarded as King's hallmark. Lately I've been reading a lot of older sci-fi and it can also be described as such, right down to preferring the short stories.

Anonymous 31318

OP here. I read all his short stories I could find when I was younger and loved them (not sure if I would appreciate the writing stye the same now but the ideas definitely hold up).

I remember being bored out my brains reading Needful Things though. I don't know if because it was an older book but it felt so tired and obvious. Very repetitive too. Misery was better but the bee stuff was weird. Can't remember if I read any others novels by him apart from the Bachman books which are shorter. Even those dragged a bit

It's beyond boring that all his stories are set in the same place with sameish characters. He churns out the books without deep computational and it shows.

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