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Gundam Anonymous 31210

Any nonas on here into gundam?

I just finished Mobile Suit Gundam Witch of Mercury and then Mobile Suit Gundam Origin, and I've nearly finished the final movie of the trilogy of Mobile Suit Gundam UC0079.

I love the women in this genre and how they represent strong women despite having to point it out constantly.

I recently also built bob's Dilanza (ourple) from witch of mercury.

Anyway, have you watched gundam nona? I feel like the fandom is mostly a sausage fest incl troons in the west

Anonymous 31212


if i was a tranny I would have hung myself, anyway watch gundam

Anonymous 31216


After 0079, it's a good idea to move onto soyboy or maybe some of the OVAs like War in the Pocket or 08th MS Team.

Anonymous 31217


* Z Gundam, fucking filters

Anonymous 31223


Has anyone seen the new Gundam? Is it worth watching?
I think the girls are cute.

Anonymous 31226


it is worth it, you should watch it. although it isnt as story rich as the previous gundam anime

Anonymous 31227


yeah I just started soyboy now, but goddamn I wish they had a movie summary for this and I didnt have to watch 40 eps

Anonymous 31228


*Z Gundam, trash filters istg

Anonymous 31231

There are movies, but they change the stories quite a lot, and for the worse. Watching TV Z is worth the time IMO.

Anonymous 31253

The compilation trilogy was called Mobile Suit soyboy Gundam: A New Translation. If you do cut the corners (which I say again you shouldn't) I recommend at least watching the last episode of TV Z Gundam, as that is where the most important difference is. It's also really damn good.

Anonymous 31257

I had a Zaku figure that came in a box and was all pink/orange/salmon. I think it required more work to it that I never completed on it. I also had another one of like a more traditional looking red, yellow, blue, and white one. That's pretty much all I know of Gundam!

Anonymous 31902


It's one of the worst Gundam shows (if not the worst). At least something like SEED Destiny still had ambitions and concepts that felt original at the time before it derailed and went full Kira-wank|slash|every-other-episode-is-a-recap-episode. G-Reco (the TV show) was too overwhelming and obtuse, so many people dropped it, but the creator had a vision which you might appreciate or not. IBO is often cited as a hated show because of the ending (which I actually liked), but it definitely felt refreshing when it was airing. There is not a single element in The Witch that stands out beyond mediocrity. Everything has been done elsewhere and better, the show doesn't try to be original in any element - it's even self-aware in how much of a copy it is (aping specific Utena and the first MSG shots). It's a mecha show aimed specifically at moe otaku and yurishippers, who don't care for the story, robots, sci-fi concepts or war drama and are content with walking and talking tropes for characters. It's such a lazy show and it gets away with it because of the target audience.

Anonymous 31904


Anyway, 00 is still my favourite.

Anonymous 31910


Turn A Gundam is so good despite the stupid title. I love the female characters so much.

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