Anonymous 31391
Can we talk about the feeling of loss you can get after finishing a book/show/movie series? Especially if you consumed it all in a short period and latched onto a character. It's like losing an intimate friend.
Picrel is my latest one. Now I want a bad boy goth boyfriend to save the world with.
Anonymous 31392
The good news is you can always rewatch and maybe rope friends into watching it for the first time with you. In the case of popular stuff like Buffy, there's always a handful of really solid fanfics waiting for you to find them. For me the edge of the loss is usually blunted by chilling in the fandom (and it sucks when sometimes there isn't one).
You could also take a peek at the post-TV series comics just to marvel at how bad they are.
Anonymous 31410

i know how you feel, i love Laura Palmer and i cannot even explain how much i still feel bad for her death and how i was just hoping that she would appear alive.
god, i love twin peaks.
Anonymous 31457

It's called Spike Depression, I get it too after watching Buffy. For your specific case, I recommend reading the Buffy comics. And read Spike's comics specifically, Into the Light is written by James Marsters himself. Spike is very integral to the comics.
Also, they just released a new Buffy comic focused on Spike with Boom comics, can't remember the name atm. DON'T read the Boom reboot, it sucks and they character assassinate Spike.
Oh, and a novel from the perspective of Spike called Bloody Fool For Love just came out, I have a copy but haven't read it yet.
And check out Elysian Fields, it is a website that is dedicated to Spuffy fanfictions and is quite active.
Sorry, I get Spike Depression myself bc I love the character, and I'm insane about him, nona, so I hope this helps.
In general I read high rated, >100k fanfics to get over the media depression for anything.