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Anonymous 32186

>Directed by a female
>No discussion

Anonymous 32187


Theres a thread for this movie though in the catalog. Not even that far down, though OP doesn't list title so can't blame you.

I'm just hoping it nails the atmosphere of the games which I think is the highest point. I'm not invested in the lore beyond 4 so I'm easy to please in that regard.

Anonymous 32188

>I'm not invested in the lore beyond 4
Even though 6 is kino?

Anonymous 32190


I played them as they were released and really liked the first 2. Especially the second one which is my favorite from a gameplay perspective. I was one of the people perfectly content with the ending 3 had and I still prefer the series as a neat little trilogy narrative-wise since the stuff added in 4 doesn't interest me in the slightest, and 5 was the first one I didn't play on release due to the sci-fi vibe.

It's more accurate to say I have little knowledge or interest in obtaining knowledge beyond 4. I prefer the purple guy to be a nameless killer and don't think learning about Afton or the history of the company will increase my enjoyment. To each their own though, Scott seems like a chill guy so I'm glad he's gotten the chance to profit off a passion-driven work and I'm glad the community is still going strong since there are a lot of great fan games and community works. Here's hoping this movie keeps the train going!

Anonymous 32192

It's like how everyone forgets that American Psycho was directed by a woman.
And that is the quintessential lonely white boy movie

Anonymous 32194


And really funny too, it's got a Fight Club fanbase that doesn't understand the satire of the source but I don't think that detracts from it even if the memes are insufferable. One of my favorites.

Shame I can't recall many others. Slumber Party Massacre is the only other good one I can think of by a woman, Amy Holden Jones and haven't actually seen anything else by her. If you were trying to throw shade at the idea of a movie being made by a woman not being automatically good you should have brought up Kathryn Bigelow not Mary Harron, every single one of Bigelow's films I've seen have been a long slog with a slightly nationalistic bent.

Anonymous 32630


Finally watched it, thought it was 6/10 ok.

Wish the main 4 were portrayed as more disgusting and vicious. The pizzeria was dilapidated but they came off as more child-friendly even in their characterization. Just an odd choice.
I felt they were trying to speed run games 1-4 and the plot was too scattered because of that. I watched the movie with a friend who has never played them before and he was utterly lost by the third act villain. I probably would have done something based on a single game. Maybe the plot of the first or third since those a pretty accessible.
Loved all the Easter eggs and mini references, I had a strong vibe that the people working on it were actually fans of the property.
Acting was pretty bad. Kid playing Golden Freddy kid the best job. When your best actor is a child actor something has gone terribly wrong.

Overall I can see why critics are hating it, there is no attempt to appeal to non-fans. That being said it's also just meh. I liked it and would watch a sequel, but I don't think I'd rewatch this.

Anonymous 32632

I went expecting it to be absolute garbage and it suprisingly wasnt terrible. I never played FNAF games though.
It wouldn't be my first choice, but it was good. I liked that in the end the children weren't evil.

Anonymous 32707

Was it REALLY so hard to make Mike and Vanessa kiss? They obviously like each other but don't do anything.

Anonymous 32713


I got big scrapped love interest vibes from her too. Maybe the kids they test screened it for weren't a fan?
I appreciate that they focus on a romantic subplot, but without the ending of the film she seemed kind of awkward. Like they added her to tie to the newest game but didn't have a clear vision for the character if that makes sense.

Anonymous 33445

my little pet theory is that because they changed the Afton family backstory to Vanessa, some retarded fans might get confused and think it was incestuous

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