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Binding of Isaac Thread Anonymous 32227

What's your favorite item and character to play as?

Anonymous 32228


D6 Isaac easily. Before I had that unlocked it was Judas. Judas's damage is great and of course D6 Isaac allows you to basically customize the run.

Only ever played Rebirth one of these days I'll get Afterbirth+ since it's on Switch

Anonymous 32234

Judas. I like to take on risk if it means I can deal more damage right away. I used to play Azazel a lot too but I missed the tears and tear effects, so now it's just Judas. Favorite item probably holy mantle because of rooms where taking damage upon entering is practically impossible

Anonymous 32235

I feel the same way about Azazel, he's incredibly OP early on and I like that he starts with flight but the lack of tears makes his runs same-y.

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