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Male Yandere Thread Anonymous 32256

Post media of yandere guys you're into or find entertaining.

Anonymous 32257

Weird addition i know but for some reason you never see fat yandere men… i'd be into that so if nonitas know any pls share

Anonymous 32258

There is no media of yandere men so this thread is pointless.

Anonymous 32260

I Reincarnated as …

Titles and first couple of chapters will probably drive people away but recent series with yandere guys I've found.
>My Girlfriend gives me Goosebumps
(Though it starts with a female yandere, it shifts)
(It quite long, though there are "yandere bad endings")
>I Reincarnated as the Little Sister of a Death Game Manga's Murder Mastermind and Failed
(Not blood related)
>Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai
(this one is smut)
>Hananoi-Kun To Koi No Yamai
(Shoujo, very light yandere)
>Colour Recipe
(Gay smut)

Anonymous 32272


baek siyun from dreaming freedom

Anonymous 32275

Google returns 27.000.000 results what are you talking about

Anonymous 32278

Any recs for good, male yandere rp vtubers / ASMR channels?
Voice is one of the better selling points for that role. But it seems like every male vtuber who gets big doing bfe gets boosted by ESL audiences who just want to do their english reps, and enunciation is consistently prioritized over emotional intensity, so trying to discover by popularity isn't really working out.

Anonymous 32285

Google also returns 1,730,000,000 results of "Ghosts" and they don't exist, so your point is?

Anonymous 32286

They exist in media just like male yandere characters do. Are you a moid?

Anonymous 32292

That episode of Powerpuff Girls where Professor fell in love with a gay car.

Anonymous 32502


Killing Stalking a manhwa yaoi, sangwoo is quite yandere.

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