Thank you nonas. I ended up buying one. I already have a Switch, so I would have just played Switch ports of them, but there are several games I wanted to play that are 3DS only and that I doubt will ever be ported. Also I don't like using emulators. At least not PC ones. If they are homebrew emulators that I can play on hardware as close as to the original as possible, then that's better.
>>32462Wow, $15. That's a steal. I would be worried it's junk though. I hope it was well taken care of, at least.
>>32464I bought a N3DS, that doesn't seem like it will support that unfortunately. But I don't know much about Amiibos and never been interested anyway, so it won't be a loss imo.
>>32467So it really supports GBA games on native resolution? I was looking at people doing GBA VC injections and that looks really cool. I don't like playing with black bars or too stretched screens either, so if it can avoid that, that'd be awesome too.