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Buying 3DS in 2023 Anonymous 32446

I've really missed playing on a 3DS.

Is buying one still worth it in 2023? I had mine stolen back in high school and still haven't been able to live it down. I hope the bastard who stole it gets a kidney stone every day.

Anonymous 32447

You were able to bring a 3ds in public in hs… i wish that were me. Also this picture is so noce

Anonymous 32448

I had my r4 asc whatever flashcarts stolen as a kid

Anonymous 32449

Omg I used to have the same paths on my town as your picrel.
Anyways, it's 100% worth it, specially since they're cheap now. Hack it and you can play every single DS. DSi Ware and 3DS game thanks to hShop, on top of having custom themes and stickers.
I bought a 3DS XL + a 64gb SD card for $80 total last year and I have been enjoying it lots.

Anonymous 32450

Forgot to mention, you can play GB and GBA games nativelly as well. The 3DS is a beast for retro portable gaming honestly.

Anonymous 32453


Haha, yeah I'm sure technically we weren't supposed to but me and my friend managed to sneak in our consoles anyway. We would get so bored at school, we played on them to kill time. I played the 3DS even in class. Problem was that I had a teacher who would make us leave our backpacks in front of the class and I left it there one day, with the LED light on the 3DS very visible inside. The class was a bunch of ghetto druggies and… Yeah… Most likely someone pawned the fucking thing.


Dang, I love legacy consoles so that sounds great. All the US ones I see selling on Ebay seem pretty expensive now though. Maybe a Japanese one will be cheaper, but would I still be able to play US games on it after homebrewing?

Anonymous 32456

Yes, 3DS of any country can be hacked, which removes region block. I don't know if you will be able to change the system's language though.
Maybe you can try to look EU consoles (where I bought mine) and on smaller online marketplaces, ebay rises the price quite bit, plus on sites where you have to directly talk to the seller you can negotiate the price.
I think there is a small price rise for the 3DS family now though thanks to the closing of eshop & cease of production, people are running to them because they think it's their last chance.

Anonymous 32460

>EU consoles

As in European consoles? I've only ever seen them be more expensive, though.

>smaller online marketplaces

Are there any ones in particular you could recommend? I tried places like Facebook Marketplace and OfferUp but they also all seem to have only people selling them for $200+. I'm interested in the new 3DS now but wonder if it's impossible to find it for for $100-$150 now.

Anonymous 32462

Yes, EU consoles, sometimes you can find cheap ones if you keep your eyes out, I once bought a new pink DS lite from some british middle aged mom for $15 on ebay kek.
Oh and yeah it will be very hard to find a new 3ds/2ds under that price, the "old" 3ds are the ones with better price range. I'm not from US so I can't help you unafortunely, the sites I use are from my country.

Anonymous 32464

yeahhh babbeyyyyyy…

make sure you get the one with the NFC reader so you can use stolen amiibo cards and shit

Anonymous 32467

cdromance has a great collection of gb and gba games too. i got tactics ogre and miles edgeworth investigations

Anonymous 32488


Thank you nonas. I ended up buying one. I already have a Switch, so I would have just played Switch ports of them, but there are several games I wanted to play that are 3DS only and that I doubt will ever be ported. Also I don't like using emulators. At least not PC ones. If they are homebrew emulators that I can play on hardware as close as to the original as possible, then that's better.


Wow, $15. That's a steal. I would be worried it's junk though. I hope it was well taken care of, at least.


I bought a N3DS, that doesn't seem like it will support that unfortunately. But I don't know much about Amiibos and never been interested anyway, so it won't be a loss imo.


So it really supports GBA games on native resolution? I was looking at people doing GBA VC injections and that looks really cool. I don't like playing with black bars or too stretched screens either, so if it can avoid that, that'd be awesome too.

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