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Anonymous 32474

Do you listen to political/military propaganda music? I've found out that the communists, islamists, pan-arabists and b*lkaners have pretty good propaganda themes. If you do post some of your favorites. Here are some of mine.

Anonymous 32475

Listening to war propaganda is kinda eerie. Knowing these songs fueled the deaths of countless people.

Anonymous 32476

>Knowing these songs fueled the deaths of countless people
Well that's part of the appeal, it's art born from absolute dedication to an ideology no matter what they need to do to achieve it. Resistance songs or songs from the defender's side are specially beautiful but sad.

Anonymous 32479

Anonymous 32486

The militant and religious fanaticism of this one is sometimes made obscure by the liberal secularwashing of the cause of abolition. Now that we're no longer Christians by and large we like to remember the role that Christianity played in spreading and legitimizing slavery but like to forget the role that fanatical religious reformism played in abolishing it. Britons seem to feel that it is their duty and obligation to play Dawkins to America's evangelicals so become offended at the suggestion that militant Anglican revival played the historical role that it did in inspiring the British Empire to take seriously the enforcement of slave trade embargoes on the seas. It is harder to ignore the religious fundamentalism that motivated Northern Abolitionists, since their propaganda pieces all revolved around it. The relatively higher religiosity of the South today is the strongest argument for secularwashing abolition. And the South did have plenty of religious themes, songs and propaganda at the time. But none of them, for my money, are as powerful, striking, or occasionally bone-chilling as the Battle Hymn. "Let us die to make men free." There's a shiver in those words, regardless of the virtue of the cause they were spent on.

Anonymous 32985

Give it up for Bella Ciao
>The relatively higher religiosity of the South today is the strongest argument for secularwashing abolition.
I disagree on this one. These people need to be confronted with the inherent contradictions of their ideas as much as possible.
It would be good to remind them constantly that abolitionists were not godless secular invaders like they think they were, but instead people who were more devout that they are now.

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