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Any Games Similar To Pokemon? Anonymous 32518

I like the turn based combat, team building and high repeatability. Any games that meet those criterias?

Anonymous 32519


Anonymous 32522


Underrated game. Good suggestion here, especially if you like quirky Earthbound inspired games.

I'll add SMT and Persona, they aren't super replayable but they have a ton of monsters and party combination like Pokemon. P4 is my personal favorite though Demikids is a clear Pokemon-clone so that might be worth checking out though I found it too simple compared to the main entries.
There is an Animorphs gbc game I loved as a kid that was a clear Pokemon clone but I'm sure it didn't age well

Anonymous 32524


OFF by Mortis Ghost. The vibe of this game is otherworldly.

Anonymous 32525

You're looking for Pokemon Clones.
There's a steam tag for it but doesn't have much games in it.

Anonymous 32532


Lisa The Painful RPG. You have over twenty five party members to choose from

Anonymous 32588


Fossil Fighters, Yokai Watch, Digimon, Spectrobes
Aside from Pokemon clones maybe you would like Fire Emblem

Anonymous 33695

buddy simulator 1984

Anonymous 33696

i think pokemon copy games are an entire genre on steam

Anonymous 34554

Monster Hunter Stories 1/2

Anonymous 34598


Based OFF enjoyer.

Anonymous 34602

I don't know if it's any good but Heartbeat is supposedly a cute Pokemon clone AND the developers might be cool. Check out that controversy.

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