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fashion dreamer.pn…

It's out Anonymous 32529

Anonymous 32530

The katakana at the bottom says "Fashion Dreamer"

Anonymous 32536

Is it good? I thought not having the boutique or managing money sounded less interesting.
I played all the 3DS ones, it was weird how all 3 we're the best at something compared to others. My least favorite thing of all was how brands got downsized between games. The 2nd may have been my favorite but the way you unlocked colors was just…bad. also didn't like the makeup counter with people endlessly asking to copy the same few pics or characters with un matching skin tones coming to buy sets I put together.

Anonymous 32566

Bought it because I heard the Style Savvy games were good.
I've only just unlocked the second area but it feels really aimless. There's no real story or goal besides just getting as many likes/followers as possible. It's a cute fashion simulator but I can't really recommend it at full price.

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