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Pokemon Peaked At Gen 6 Anonymous 32574

Anonymous 32580

Toil and Trouble.j…

I think you mean gen III, but I'm curious what you like about XY.

It has a lot of great Pokemon, Delphox is one of my favorite fire starters, and I love the character portraits before battle, but the game is very slow and I think most of the 3D is ugly and not well implemented. ORAS is also the worst remake due to being balanced poorly.

Anonymous 32581

For me, it is Sun and Moon. I've always reluctantly loved the series and S&M has caught me off guard completely with how warm and comfy it was. It's the only pokemon game with a real story and character development too.

Anonymous 32583

Best manga arc, cool Pokemon designs and even the best anime arc. XY also has the most replayability with the largest selection of early game Pokemon.

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