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What song do you keep listening to these days? Anonymous 32600

So, what is that song that has been stuck on "Repeat" for quite a while?
How long do you think it will stay on?

Anonymous 32601

I have songs that cycle through my head, usually listening to them on repeat for a month before I grow tired. They return in a year after I listen to whatever album they're on.

In a Radiohead mood right now and No Surprises is what fills my head at work.

Anonymous 32602

Oh that's a nice one, I hadn't listened to it in a long time.
Strangely, once I'm done over-listening, they don't come back (except for a few). I just find new songs that last me a month or two.

Anonymous 32603

I sometimes have to completely avoid listening to music for a few days to make sure it doesn't keep ringing in my ears all the time. Good music is so infectious.

Anonymous 32628

Anonymous 32633


i love gec2u and hand crushed by a mallet

Anonymous 32635

Anonymous 32636

This is very nice, thank you.

Anonymous 32638

I found this artist in a bunch of taiwanese cassettes in a podunk town thrift store. The couple other albums I got turned out to be good too. It's extremely 80's.

Anonymous 32696

I watched Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and it all came back.

Anonymous 33129

Goodbye, miserable 2023.

Anonymous 33130

Anonymous 33136

This is nice

Anonymous 33138

OP is the only one with taste in this thread

Anonymous 33144

Yet OP likes several songs posted in this thread. How is it possible?

Anonymous 33159

Anonymous 33221

Anonymous 33557

I can't stop it!

Anonymous 33564

Anonymous 34080

Anonymous 34094

I like to listen to this every once and a while, it speaks to me.
It'll stay with me for another week or so

Anonymous 34095

Anonymous 34096

Anonymous 34102

my suicidal ass loves this

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