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fall 2023.png

Anonymous 32801

Choose your personality.

Anonymous 32803

the only character here that i recognize is fionna, and my personality is nothing like hers

Anonymous 32854

I'm LITERALLY ramona flowers

Anonymous 32965

what is the one in the top middle?

Anonymous 33014

Not exactly my personality but every time I see Mizu, I turn into the loudest fangirl

Anonymous 33023

I’m Mizu.

Anonymous 33027

Shes from pantheon, watch it! Its pretty good

Anonymous 33030

They made an anime about the lo-fi hip hop girl.

Anonymous 34320

I wish I was like Mizu, sadly I'm more like Ramona Flowers.

Anonymous 34328

What show is bottom-right from?

Anonymous 34358

Levi from Scavenger’s Reign I believe.

Anonymous 34384

looked up the show and looks cool enough to watch. feels like maybe it'll be similar to love death and robots

Anonymous 34420


Anonymous 34482


april showers bring ramona flowers

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