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Last.fm weekly chart Anonymous 32855

Show me your week, musically, nonas.
The website to do this collage is tap music.

Anonymous 33644

top 2024-01-31.png

Anonymous 33656


hello fellow slowcore appreciator

Anonymous 33657


Anonymous 33714

i don't wanna do all that awful terrible work so >>33657 is close enough, just add Elliot Smith

Anonymous 33915


Anonymous 34044


The SpongeBob x Enema of the State cover is a meme song

I don't know why the Echo & The Bunnymen covers are black like that

Anonymous 34052


Anonymous 34099



kmfdm good taste + that basement album rules

wow that’s a lot of the smiths haha…. aha… hmm….

Anonymous 34101

thank you for not accusing me of being a columbiner nona kek

Anonymous 34104


kmfdm existed before those faggots appropriated it… i hate the association. let me enjoy being an edgelord in peace!
what’s your fav song from that album (xtort)? i honestly haven’t listened to ALL of their songs, i usually listen to the albums WWIII, UAIOE (if i can’t stand music anymore), and their newest album LET GO. I’m going through Xtort right now and apathy is my favorite so far!

Anonymous 34105

Say it louder. so true about wanting to be an edgelord in peace lmao. I think Apathy is my favorite from xtort. I also haven't listened to ALL of their songs. Do you like Let Go? I've heard a bit of it and I like what I heard so far. I saw someone on KF calling the new album gay or some shit lol. I also like the album they put out before Let Go, Hyëna.

Anonymous 34106


ok, it’s pretty gay. there’s a song (Totem E Eggs) about a dictator cat (lmao), but sound wise i enjoy it. it’s not as good as their previous albums (it feels a little flat, loses their weirdness), but i enjoy the title track, when the bell tolls, and totem e eggs.
i’ll have to listen to hyena next… any recs from the album?

Anonymous 34107

alright, I usually don't care much about the lyrics, as long as it sounds good lol. hmm, from hyena you can try: all 4 1, black hole, blind face (only because I like fast punk-ish song), and liquor fish & cigarettes

Anonymous 34108

KMFDM themselves too hate the association even

Anonymous 34345


Anonymous 34500


i don’t know what is happening here

Anonymous 34595

chart (2).png

kinda all over the place

Anonymous 34691


im the only metal girlie here

Anonymous 34693

Acid Bath rule

Anonymous 34696

I wish I could get into their new albums. Cant stand anything past 1999 that's not Hau Ruck. Nothing but bangers from 1990-1997 tho (Ive never listened to Adios)



if you havent heard heaven knows by pink patheress then go listen

Anonymous 34698

How can someone be so based yet so utterly trash at the same time. god only knows.


liiiiisten i only listen to a few songs off most of these albums so its not super duper accurate, im not a big lana fan but like a handful of her songs, i just listened to the new billie just to hear it and it has some good songs, i listen to like 2 amy winehouse songs, but yea idk bad but trash lowkey summarizes my existance outside of music lul

Anonymous 34749


saw cannibal corpse live recently, was tons of fun

Anonymous 34996

chart (3).png

zoomer zoom zoom zoom

Anonymous 34998


the spotify version for anons who don't use lastfm is https://www.chartmymusic.com/

Anonymous 35194



Anonymous 35195

based bladee listener

Anonymous 35196

I love bladde

Anonymous 35198

troon taste but I listen to the same stuff so lets hope youre just depressed

Anonymous 35231

Saw Sleigh Bells a few times over the years, their shows are always fun as hell.

Anonymous 35326

Hello canthinky

Anonymous 35348


you just gave me a flashback of trying to listen to that sorority noise (forgettable) album years ago and i hated it
+++low +xiu xiu
i like the album art in the top left
i saw ptv so many times in my emo days a decade ago
++bby goyard

Anonymous 35603


it's kinda all over the place

Anonymous 35604

The best Lana album.

Anonymous 35619

chart (4).png

ive been listening to draingang due to bf again

Anonymous 35621



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