I like the gunlance. I know it does lower damage than other weapons but it's methodical and fun to me. Plus it go boom.
I fucking hate Rajang. He's not fun to fight and they need to just stop putting him in everything.
Breaking parts got nerfed for no reason in Rise. Breaking Samurai Kitty's tail should stop him from using his tail beam.
>>32909What consoles do you have? Do you have anybody to teach you?
Honestly the answer will probably be to either play Rise or World. It's very difficult to play older MonHun games especially if nobody more experienced is helping you because it's super frustrating. I tried playing Generations Ultimate by myself and never quite understood how it worked until someone explained it to me. Like, skills didn't do anything until I had 10 points in them or that I should look online for weapon trees. Granted, there's in-depth tutorials, but it helps to get carried for a while.
Anyway, start with an easy weapon like longsword and use the training area to get combos down before trying your first big monster.